The pH Or Not To pH Grow Journal

Hey All, I keep seeing all these posts questioning whether or not to pH your nutrient solution prior to feeding. I'm a believer in pH-ing my nutes so I figured I may as well do a grow this way & see what happens. I started 2 Blueberry plants less then a week ago so I will use these as my test dummies so to speak. I'm growing in FFOF & using Mega Crop only. I'll try feeding both plants the same strength nutes but 1 plant pH will be 6.4 & the other unknown until I check it. See if there's any Toxicities or Deficiencies in either plant. If there's a reaction to one & not the other due to nutrient uptake I think pH may be why. I'm not looking for personal opinions on whether or not to pH nutes. I'm doing this as a comparison type grow so we can see what happens. Yeah, I'm bored & have 2 Fresh plants so why not ?
I'll get pics up in a few hours. Have to go to the shed & take some for this & label them pH & NO pH.
See ya later !
Hey friend when I feed mine do I mix the ph stuff with the food or do all that separately??
Sorry guys. I haven't done an update in a week. Been busy sending out my resume looking for a new job. My boss was suppose to call me back by the end of the month but with AZ. being a Covid Hot Spot things are still pretty slow around here. Problem is Unemployment goes down to $240 a week now & I'm pretty much toast if I don't find work or if they don't extend unemployment.

Anyway, to the plant progress.

I took some pics a few days ago but haven't had a chance to post them. Still feeding both plants at 2 grams of MC per gallon. 1 at 6.4 pH & the other has consistently had a pH between 6.8 - 7.0.
I've topped both plants once at the 4th node & they have grown out some since then. Both plants still seem to be doing fine up to this point. I'l be up-potting these girls again in a day or 2.
Here's some pics.
I'll post new ones after the up-pot as they are twice this size right now.
I wish you all the best of luck with job hunting. Question how do I check the ph level in my soil's?? I'm using Fox Farm ocean forest soil it says it's already ph balanced I'm not sure what to do
Hey friend when I feed mine do I mix the ph stuff with the food or do all that separately??
Depends on what nutrients you use. A 1 part, 2 part, additives, etc.
Some nutes have a Part A & Part B Base. You mix these 1st & read the bottle because you may have to add Part B before Part A. Once that's mixed you add any additives you want to use & mix that. Let it settle for about 10 minutes & then pH it.
From what I'm seeing so far I'd say you don't need to pH your nutes in soil. But I'm not done with the experiment yet to know for myself by trying it 1st hand. But it seems most people are saying that "Orange is the new Black" ..... "No need to pH nutes in soil like we use to do in the past".
The whole reason I'm doing this journal with weekly updates.
I wish you all the best of luck with job hunting. Question how do I check the ph level in my soil's?? I'm using Fox Farm ocean forest soil it says it's already ph balanced I'm not sure what to do
To check the pH of the soil you have to do a Slurry Test. I've never done one. But the way I understand it you take soil from a few inches down & add Distilled water. Get it mixed up & test the water from it. I don't see a hell of a lot of difference between that & testing run off water.
Someone here probably knows exactly how to do a Slurry Test.
Depends on what nutrients you use. A 1 part, 2 part, additives, etc.
Some nutes have a Part A & Part B Base. You mix these 1st & read the bottle because you may have to add Part B before Part A. Once that's mixed you add any additives you want to use & mix that. Let it settle for about 10 minutes & then pH it.
From what I'm seeing so far I'd say you don't need to pH your nutes in soil. But I'm not done with the experiment yet to know for myself by trying it 1st hand. But it seems most people are saying that "Orange is the new Black" ..... "No need to pH nutes in soil like we use to do in the past".
The whole reason I'm doing this journal with weekly updates.
I don't think you can make a blanket statement that you don't need to pH nutes in soil. While I don't think that vegan fertilizers need pH adjusting, if you try running Fox Farm 3 part nutes in Fox Farm soil without adjust pH... that grow will be a disaster in most cases, although like anything, there are exceptions. There is always going to be someone out there with water at the perfect pH so that they never have to adjust, but most of us are not that lucky.
I don't think you can make a blanket statement that you don't need to pH nutes in soil. While I don't think that vegan fertilizers need pH adjusting, if you try running Fox Farm 3 part nutes in Fox Farm soil without adjust pH... that grow will be a disaster in most cases, although like anything, there are exceptions. There is always going to be someone out there with water at the perfect pH so that they never have to adjust, but most of us are not that lucky.
Thanks Em.
¡Hola Buds! :high-five:

Too bad they aren’t clones, but I love an experiment anyway.

I’m in perlite hempy (hydro), so I have to adjust pH down below 6.

My tap water is usually above pH 8.5, but is very soft (low alkalinity). At 3g/gal of MC v1, the pH drops to 6.4, and at 6g/gal, it ends up close to 6.0 - but then I add ProteKt (for Si) and have to use pH down to get it back down from around 7.

Do you have a water report for your tap water? The alkalinity is going to be a big factor in your results.
¡Hola Buds! :high-five:

Too bad they aren’t clones, but I love an experiment anyway.

I’m in perlite hempy (hydro), so I have to adjust pH down below 6.

My tap water is usually above pH 8.5, but is very soft (low alkalinity). At 3g/gal of MC v1, the pH drops to 6.4, and at 6g/gal, it ends up close to 6.0 - but then I add ProteKt (for Si) and have to use pH down to get it back down from around 7.

Do you have a water report for your tap water? The alkalinity is going to be a big factor in your results.
No, I got the Test Kit from Home Depot but never took it in.
Clones would have been nice. But I had a couple of Auto seeds I wanted to use up so I used them.
I really can't believe how fast these Blueberries are growing. They doubled in size since up-potting from 1 to 2 gallon pots. That was less then a week ago. Roots were coming through the drain holes in the pot so I checked & they were swirling around the bottoms & sides so I up-potted to 5 gallon pots this morning. Each one got a full gallon @ 3 grams MC.
My water pH was 7.6 this a.m. & with 3 grams MC per gal. pH was 6.4 today. Not sure why that's changing. The other day water was 7.6 & 3 gr. took me to 6.0 ? Maybe they added something to the water that changed it. I don't think I left the water out 24 hours before mixing last time. Not sure if this could make a difference either.
Tonight I'll LST them & take some pics to share.
Til then ... "Party Like a Rock Star" !
Maybe they added something to the water that changed it.

I was going to ask if you were on municipal water..

You should be able to get an annual water quality report - if not online, then by calling them.

Water quality is very important!
Depends on what nutrients you use. A 1 part, 2 part, additives, etc.
Some nutes have a Part A & Part B Base. You mix these 1st & read the bottle because you may have to add Part B before Part A. Once that's mixed you add any additives you want to use & mix that. Let it settle for about 10 minutes & then pH it.
From what I'm seeing so far I'd say you don't need to pH your nutes in soil. But I'm not done with the experiment yet to know for myself by trying it 1st hand. But it seems most people are saying that "Orange is the new Black" ..... "No need to pH nutes in soil like we use to do in the past".
The whole reason I'm doing this journal with weekly updates.
I use bottled water lol. I'm noticing some yellow I'm not sure if I over watered lights to high or what. And do I absolutely need to feed them? Will they die if I dont just make sure when I water check ph??


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They look good maybe a little lite colored Soil looks dry no stretch so your good there. What kind of nutes do you have?
I have the flora series stuff the flora grow and all. And as far as the sool looking dry I had to add soil to the tops so they would not fall over from the fan I have in the tent. I watered them on the 28th with bottle water I been using on em, but I have my marshydro ts1000 set on 51 ya think it's to hot for em?? They are exactly 2 weeks old today from when I put them in the solo cups 75.2 degrees and humidity is 46 right now am I doing something wrong??
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