You gotta be sh1ttin' me!!! Now I'm p1ss3d!
I actually read most of this article (skipped over some of the tables, etc.), and it seems to me that they have found a correlation between SOME cannabinoids (THC was included in the mix!) that increases urinary activity in male and female rats.
There is no testing Sativa vs. Indica, various strains, method of ingestion, or even testing in humans.
Most interesting to me was their methodology...They basically put diapers on mice, stuck thermometers up their butts (the mice's!) to measure their temperatures, and weighted the diapers after a couple of hours to see how much the weight of the diaper increased.
First, how'd you like to spend all those years in schools for degrees to wind up in a lab weighing mouse diapers?
Next, they didn't say whether they stuck the thermometers up the butts of the mice that didn't get the cannabinoids, but I know I'd be peeing more with anything stuck up my butt!
In any event, here's the actual conclusion of the study: