The Peeece-ful Gardeners Laboratory

I'm voting for the stand alone. Also, it's closer to the house so less trenching and shorter lines, and it's more hidden from the back fence. That fake window will look pretty with some shutters and curtains painted on the backside ;).

I love the neighbors beyond the shed with that ugly big-ass wooden wall on their deck to keep you from seeing them!
LOL! I was wondering if anyone was going to say anything... They moved in 2 summers ago... had a small white yappie dog... My previous Sheppard would walk over to that fence with his squeak toys and lay there and squeak them at that yappie thing drove that dog nuts... They were pissed and would always say shoo to my dog trying to get him to come back away from the fence....... I enjoyed it and made sure they knew it... They put up that wall last summer, and now sit behind it and talk to my new dog trying to get him to bark and drive him crazy... A new fence and a new tree strategically placed and it'll all be good!

Yah, I figure if I am going to get my own little grow room... I can make it look pretty if that's what she wants...

If the lady of the house isn't happy then no one is happy... Isn't that what they say?

Checking in Peece. Just gonna grab this spot if you don't mind brother. :passitleft:

Welcome Mr. Stank! Always a pleasure to have you along! I see you know and associate with some of the riff-raff hanging out... might as well make yourself at home!

Room over here next to me Van. I got some poofs next to the recliner. Help yourself

Poofs beside the recliner... nice!

Grab the vape and let's get this going!
Exactly. Plus @KCCO77 is super closeby you. Im sure he could assist in your new rig. Hes built his as a 3 bucket flower system but is easily expandable in the future.
I'm excited for you brother, this room will kick serious ass!
I'd consider a 2x2 laid on it's side like mine for propagation......its working out INCREDIBLY! You've seen mine, the shadow it makes just becomes your veg area.
Also consider a drain.....something very important that I forgot but will be part of me installing my water lines. You'll NEED to be able to clandestinely expell all that water.

Totally agree with all of it...
I'm going to have to get an electrician in and give me the best way to do it... I'm actually thinking that a sub panel is the way to go... Did you say you had left over wire? What gauge did you run out to yours? 12? 8? I'm curious as what the voltage drop will be on a 60' run...?

I'm going to do all the grunt work as far as running the cable and water lines from the house to the location, but hooking it up to the house and hooking the house up to it...that's not for me.. water is another thing I don't like to do just because of the mess it has the potential to make if its not done perfect... I may not make the water line (other than it being installed) work over this coming winter and may need to haul water, as I am still trying to figure out how (other than a complete heat tracer wire) to keep it from freezing. I'd like to put in one of those 2'X2" wash tubs for a sink, just run the drain out and into a small buried basin...
The ground around here is pure sand so digging, and leveling should be fairly easy once I start... I'm going to run the trench next week after I have someone in to give me the goods on what I need to do.

I'm going to lay out patio stones and level them out for the foundation.. Build everything on top of that.
Pressure treated 2X8 joists/framing and plywood for the floor. I'm thinking of using Styro-faom insulation (as I have a pile of it) and cut it to fit between the floor joists... I don't think it can hurt to have it there...

The rest of the building will be 2x4's... was going to use 2X6...but the 2X4 will do it fine...besides the less I spend on lumber the more I get to spend on lights! :slide:

What do the voices of reason and greenery growers say?
I'll be a basic voice of reason and say my entire house is build from 2x4s. Can't see needing anything bigger for framing or roof joists.

Make sure you have a way of keeping the drain line to the sand pit clear. Maybe a perforated gravel filled container like a French drain.

That's what I was thinking... I could take a 5 gal pail and perforate it... like my air pots but with 1" holes and fill it. Its not like there is going to be anything going down that shouldn't go down or that I wouldn't throw out in the back yard anyway...

100% 2x4 walls and roof...
I'm stopping in at one of the local high schools tomorrow... Their woodworking class is building garden sheds and selling them to pay for upgrades in the shop classes... might be able to help a good cause and save some work!
That's what I was thinking... I could take a 5 gal pail and perforate it... like my air pots but with 1" holes and fill it. Its not like there is going to be anything going down that shouldn't go down or that I wouldn't throw out in the back yard anyway...
100% 2x4 walls and roof...
I'm stopping in at one of the local high schools tomorrow... Their woodworking class is building garden sheds and selling them to pay for upgrades in the shop classes... might be able to help a good cause and save some work!

I'd do a perforated bucket of gravel with window screening and bury that at the top of the ditch and let the water percolate down. Whatever grows nearby is gonna be lush! Like it's over a septic tank :).
If I can give my two cents worth .....

I agree with everything but the roof. You want to be able to pack enough insulation in there that the snow doesn't melt on it in the winter time. If there is constant snow melt on your roof in the snow belt, everybody will know what's going on in there. I would definitely think of upgrading my roof Rafters to 2 x 8 so that you can pack R 40 in there and prevent that from happening. Prying eyes lol......

My cable is 10/4 & yes I have another run of cable for you. If it's only 60', I may have enough to do 2 runs. It's stranded, rubber coated BX. My electrician said it would be more than enough to do what I wanted to do, even on one circuit.

I did exactly the same thing as you. I got my space in and operational and then I decided I was going to worry about my waterline the following year. This is my following year, so I will be running my water line into the space within the next few months. I already buried it last year. I don't think I'm going as high-tech as a buried heat cable with it..... Maybe in the future.
Yah I've been trying to figure out the roof and 2X8 seems about right. Would you say that 3/4" plywood on the ceiling would be the way to go? I'm thinking that plywood would allow me to attach things (lights, fans, bongs...u know whatever) and hang them without finding the joists?
I found some interesting material at Home Depot the other day... Its plastic and textured... looks like the stuff that they put on RV trailer walls... very bright white and sparkly... comes in 4X8 sheets... I'm going to put it on the walls for sure, but the ceiling (if I use Plywood) I will paint it white. I'm definitely using Linoleum on the floor to ease clean up and keep a good water barrier in the event that my old ass spills shit...
I was in at Home Depot and damn I'm getting geared up! I looked at the floor plans as I am going to have to start thinking about flower room lighting... No point in going through all this trouble just to skimp on the most important part...

Once I get the general lighting area for flower figured out I can go from there...

I am thinking that;
1) I probably want to have two for sure or maybe three separate lighting assemblies... so they can go up and down separately but on the same lighting schedule... Does that sound about right?
2) If you were going to have the optimum plant height what would that be? Say top of the pot...? I like the idea that Guy uses and thats one of those mechanic chairs I think he said...roll around on that!
3) Whats a good set of glasses (safety glasses) for high Wattage lights?? I think I should invest in a good pair... Anyone have a recommendation?

Here's a floor plan pic...very early... pocket door between the two grow rooms?

I'm gonna go hit some Cinderella99 and sharpen the pencil... Have a good night if I don't check back in!
Nice, pretty easy to get psyched up lol. I am for you. I'd definitely recommend ply on the ceiling. I used 5/8 & it's been incredible for versatility.

I have enough wire to do 2 complete circuits to your space. 128' of 10/4 stranded. I did the same and ran it into a pony with 3 - 15 A breakers. It's already come in handy. Linoleum the same.....easy cleanup is key. Even on my floors, if I spilled, few hours later, it's evaporated rather than soaked in.

Something else I put a lot of thought into was how far I wanted to stretch to water or defol etc. I bought used bakery racks that are chrome and 24"×48". I used heavy duty brackets to fasten to the walls just to get things up off the floor and for circulation. I made sure my rolling mechanic chair and my 5 galling feed pails also comfortably fit underneath. This also gave me heating/cooling options too without blowing directly on my girls. If I could do it again, I'd buy 30" wide shelving, just for ease of movement.

Have you thought about speaking to Rider about a custom light for flower.....or looked at Timber or Horticultural lighting group?
Nice, pretty easy to get psyched up lol. I am for you. I'd definitely recommend ply on the ceiling. I used 5/8 & it's been incredible for versatility.

I have enough wire to do 2 complete circuits to your space. 128' of 10/4 stranded. I did the same and ran it into a pony with 3 - 15 A breakers. It's already come in handy. Linoleum the same.....easy cleanup is key. Even on my floors, if I spilled, few hours later, it's evaporated rather than soaked in.

Something else I put a lot of thought into was how far I wanted to stretch to water or defol etc. I bought used bakery racks that are chrome and 24"×48". I used heavy duty brackets to fasten to the walls just to get things up off the floor and for circulation. I made sure my rolling mechanic chair and my 5 galling feed pails also comfortably fit underneath. This also gave me heating/cooling options too without blowing directly on my girls. If I could do it again, I'd buy 30" wide shelving, just for ease of movement.

Have you thought about speaking to Rider about a custom light for flower.....or looked at Timber or Horticultural lighting group?

Thats awesome if you have the cable! What size conduit or pipe do I need to run it in? I'm gonna start trenching this weekend!

The layout for the height is exactly something that I'm rolling around right now... I am thinking that maybe rather than 2 large 4X4 areas or the whole 4X8 I should have 3 2'X4 foot rows coming out of the wall I don't want to not be able to erach the girls in the back without having to stretch any further than I have to now to scratch my ass... know what I mean?! LOL! Course you do! The nice thing with two separate 4X4 or 4X3 areas (this one would have a 2 foot walk way between) them Then I could easily have two distinct flower stages and plants with varying height genetics...

Yah I msg'd @Rider509 and he led me down the Lighted path... Once I decide on the areas then thats probably the way I'm going to go... custom LED array built for this specific area... Boy did that ever put a big shit eating grin on my face... lol! :slide: I haven't heard of the other two you have mentioned but I will now...
morning mr.P, I don't know whose more excited........:thumb: You or the us who are watching while you get up to shenanigans under the ever watchful eyes of your neighborley peeping toms.....:rofl::popcorn:
Don't worry I'm gonna make it interesting... and keep you up to date!
I didnt put mine in conduit. Its armour coated BX, encased in rubber. Heavy duty shit. I buried it about 18" deep with a yellow caution tape 6" higher as I filled the soil back in.

Sounds like the thoughts that went through my head too re: flower. Love the planning process!
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