This is a mail I received from biobizz with a suggestion on how to feed my autos. I do not follow it but i got ideas from it.
Best substrate to use is Light-Mix (but follow the schedule for All-Mix), so you can control the amount of NPK's better, by using liquid products.
1: Germinate the seeds
2: Plant them in Light-Mix
3: For the first week, you can use some Root-Juice and/or Acti-Vera to help boost the growing process ( 1-2ml per liter), but it is not necessary.
4: After two weeks, start with 1ml of Bio-grow or Fish-Mix (1ml per liter maximum!) and continue with Root-juice and/or Acti-Vera ( 2-3ml per liter ). Make sure not to give too much Fish-mix when your auto's are not flowering yet! Too much Nitrogen and they will not flower!
5: From the moment your plants start to flower, continue with Bio-grow or Fish-mix (1 ml per liter ) and start adding Bio-Bloom, Top-max and if you please Bio-Heaven at 1ml per liter.
6: Every week you increase the dosages of Bio-Bloom, Top-Max and Bio-Heaven with 1ml per liter to a maximum of 4-5ml per liter. Take it easy, too much nutrients will kill your plants. It won´t die from too less nutrients.
7: Respect one week of flushing before harvesting. So one week before the plants are finished, stop using all-Biobizz-products and feed only with plenty of water
Kind regards,