The Mountain: Grow Support From The Over 50 Club

This sprout looks terminal so i have a question. I was going to run two photos but with this happening i think i will need to start another seed but i only have a few autos in hand. Can i finish an auto under 12/12 after flipping for the photo - only have one tent! Thanks
This sprout looks terminal so i have a question. I was going to run two photos but with this happening i think i will need to start another seed but i only have a few autos in hand. Can i finish an auto under 12/12 after flipping for the photo - only have one tent! Thanks
You can, but your yield will be lower than if you ran it straight through on 18/7 (or whatever schedule you're on).
thoughts on a dilemma appreciated. blue dream auto, ffof, rainwater at 6.3 ph, under a series3 far red 250 wt led, fabric 3g container *edit: 81° 51%humidity. noticed appearance of cal mag def, so I believe. )et the container dry out just incase i had over watered. watered with about one capful cal mag to 1.5 gallons ph under 6.5, watered in tray over 15 to 20 minutes. felt saturated def heavy. leaves lift up on top of each branch, lower leaves tend to not lift that much, noticeably downward facing. wait a week or so, not much change not worse not better. dried it out again, watered 2xs the amount, w same amount of cal mag six am today. all leaves start lifting immediately... check on my patient 3 hours later, upper leaves praying but lower leaves downward again. I figure 5 to 7 weeks of flower left, would like this back at optimal. plant photo just prior to water this morning. leaf photo from bottom of plant. thank you, cheers.
thoughts on a dilemma appreciated. blue dream auto, ffof, rainwater at 6.3 ph, under a series3 far red 250 wt led, fabric 3g container *edit: 81° 51%humidity. noticed appearance of cal mag def, so I believe. )et the container dry out just incase i had over watered. watered with about one capful cal mag to 1.5 gallons ph under 6.5, watered in tray over 15 to 20 minutes. felt saturated def heavy. leaves lift up on top of each branch, lower leaves tend to not lift that much, noticeably downward facing. wait a week or so, not much change not worse not better. dried it out again, watered 2xs the amount, w same amount of cal mag six am today. all leaves start lifting immediately... check on my patient 3 hours later, upper leaves praying but lower leaves downward again. I figure 5 to 7 weeks of flower left, would like this back at optimal. plant photo just prior to water this morning. leaf photo from bottom of plant. thank you, cheers.
thoughts on a dilemma appreciated. blue dream auto, ffof, rainwater at 6.3 ph, under a series3 far red 250 wt led, fabric 3g container *edit: 81° 51%humidity. noticed appearance of cal mag def, so I believe. )et the container dry out just incase i had over watered. watered with about one capful cal mag to 1.5 gallons ph under 6.5, watered in tray over 15 to 20 minutes. felt saturated def heavy. leaves lift up on top of each branch, lower leaves tend to not lift that much, noticeably downward facing. wait a week or so, not much change not worse not better. dried it out again, watered 2xs the amount, w same amount of cal mag six am today. all leaves start lifting immediately... check on my patient 3 hours later, upper leaves praying but lower leaves downward again. I figure 5 to 7 weeks of flower left, would like this back at optimal. plant photo just prior to water this morning. leaf photo from bottom of plant. thank you, cheers.
I am not a
I am not an auto guy , but I have two suggestions.
When leafs touch the dirt , cut them off.
Everytime you feed and or water , those leafs are getting burned.
Trim all lower growth.
Second , I see little dots on the leaf.
You may have a bug problem ?
@InTheShed might help ?
@Emilya for watering tutorial.
thoughts on a dilemma appreciated. blue dream auto, ffof, rainwater at 6.3 ph, under a series3 far red 250 wt led, fabric 3g container *edit: 81° 51%humidity. noticed appearance of cal mag def, so I believe. )et the container dry out just incase i had over watered. watered with about one capful cal mag to 1.5 gallons ph under 6.5, watered in tray over 15 to 20 minutes. felt saturated def heavy. leaves lift up on top of each branch, lower leaves tend to not lift that much, noticeably downward facing. wait a week or so, not much change not worse not better. dried it out again, watered 2xs the amount, w same amount of cal mag six am today. all leaves start lifting immediately... check on my patient 3 hours later, upper leaves praying but lower leaves downward again. I figure 5 to 7 weeks of flower left, would like this back at optimal. plant photo just prior to water this morning. leaf photo from bottom of plant. thank you, cheers.
Are you feeding it anything besides water and cal mag?
Are you feeding it anything besides water and cal mag?
no Vegan4Life though there is a slight amendment of worm castings (1/4 cup for 3 gallons mixed i just recalled, arrgh lol. forgot 'bout that sorry. was mixed though end of July early Aug along w mycos but that is it.
I must add too that the light is new as of this past Tuesday, perhaps it's a response to transition to this amazing light. Dunno just plucked leaf off again the grapefruit has similar dilemma but far less frequent esp after last cal mag. Am wondering a lot lol leaves sitting higher now... would it be odd to think the leaves need to hang down 6 or 7 in the morning? Also spots on the leaves? Aliens? First contact made then I guess20201010_111717.jpg20201010_110208.jpg
I am not an auto guy , but I have two suggestions.
When leafs touch the dirt , cut them off.
Everytime you feed and or water , those leafs are getting burned.
Trim all lower growth.
Second , I see little dots on the leaf.
You may have a bug problem ?
@InTheShed might help ?
@Emilya for watering tutorial.
started trimming up, see more spots ill do a spray down after trimming. leaves sit good atm, wondering if its a response to the light it is a new one came in Tuesday. Should of added that * edit for clarity: is the light causing leaves to sit down like photo in first post as well spots on leaves?
Those look like mite bites to me. Flip a leaf over and get a loupe on it for a good look. And in terms of the leaf droop, I'm thinking it's a soil saturation issue. Have you got perlite in there for fast drainage?

Usually the top leaves will show the first negative response to a new light rather than the lowers.
no, i started the seed in a cup of perlite but into soil after that. maybe droopy leaves = mite issue? will begin kill mission shortly. leaves nice n level now, 1st time in many days.


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There looks like there's perlite on top. Is it not mixed in all the way through? The bottom leaves still look droopy to me, but the rest look okay. I'd move that large crystal somewhere else though as it's blocking the water from evaporating.
;) im sure but Mom picked that for me a few years before passing. Same as the other one on the grapefruit auto, they stay. Next time it needs watering I'm going w 3 gallons which is twice what grapefruit takes. Gf auto freaking LOVES this light, bet BD will once brought back to health./ perlite was just from transplanted container.
;) im sure but Mom picked that for me a few years before passing. Same as the other one on the grapefruit auto, they stay. Next time it needs watering I'm going w 3 gallons which is twice what grapefruit takes. Gf auto freaking LOVES this light, bet BD will once brought back to health./ perlite was just from transplanted container.
I highly recommend you check out @Emilya for watering. :goodluck:
Some of the top colas trichs were showing cloudy and amber so I decided to chop a few this morning.
Mostly those that are above my privacy fence:cool: I cut everything 8” to 12” so I don’t hit the bucket bottoms when I wash . I hang for a few hours and then bag it and dry in fridge
Thursday chop and again today in the rain .
Still not finished. There are a couple lbs left on this monster :thumb:
Here is what is growing in my shed... Three Las Vegas Triangle Kush and the small one is 91 Skunk D, Growing in 10 gallon pots with LOS, "Coots mix". I planted sprouts in soil on Sept 22cnd, the 91 Skunk D was planted a week later when one of the LVTK seeds failed. I have a clover cover crop growing with the cannabis. I also Have a little Veg garden growing in the same space, Radishes, Bok Choy, spinach Lettuce, carrots. Picked a few radishes last night, going pick some baby spinach today.
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