The Mountain: Grow Support From The Over 50 Club

I use the side of a wooden toothpick to remove the shell/membrane, rolling the stick between my finger and thumb.

The roughness of the wood catches the membrane and rolls it off quite easily, usually without damaging the cotyledons.

Last time, I got the shell but missed the membrane and the plant grew 4 cotyledons instead of 2.


Heck Richard that's a good luck four leaf clover bud!!
Hey folks I was going to post this on my blog but instead I thought that I would reach more folks here on the Mountain. The view up here is great! Ask yourself this question are you a miner that's getting mined by all of the gadgets, gizmos and products that are on the market? Are you having your wallet picked by people rushing to profit from your desire to grow the best weed possible? There are more things out there today to help growers with the crop that we love but how effective are they really?

Let me tell you how you can find out. Try a grow in your room or even outside with nothing! What!!! my girls can't take it! That's cruel!
No that's the only way that you can really gauge the effectiveness of every thing else in your grow. How good is your potting mix? you don't are constantly amending it. How good is your water? You don't know your are constantly adjusting pH.

Here is my point take one plant in your next grow. Assuming it is the same variety, use it as a control plant. Give it the same potting mix and just water for the entire grow. Give every other plant just one of the "Magic Must Have Items" that you have been spending your hard earned cash on. Give one plant every thing. Now you're in a position to evaluate and judge what is truly effective. At the end judge yield and plant quality. Of course if you have a pest in your room like the dreaded spider mites you will have to control those across the board.

What you will find is what your plants actually need to thrive and what is a waste of cash. Don't be a miner getting mined! I know what your thinking.... Holler I can't grow my plants without that Super Secret Bongo Sauce that I spend 50 bucks an ounce on. Well let's see if that's true. As always, best of luck my friends in all you do!

That's the most sensible post I have ever read on a cannabis growing forum........

Go Holler!!!! :high-five:
My goal in any grow has always been to minimize my input costs and maximize my yield. After years of growing produce I have found that to be a pretty narrow fence to walk on. You constantly question stuff like " Didi I mess up the timing of that application?" Was I right to maybe skip an application?" My aim is to give my plants exactly what they need to maximize their genetic potential during whatever weather Mother Nature gives me without giving them anything extra. If I have to spend a penny I want 3 pennies back in return.

I am a farmer.
I'm so happy to have stumbled across The Mountain.
This is exactly the kind of place that I've been looking to hang out and get some good tips and advice from folks that have been around the block more than once or twice. I'll be glad to share a few tid bits of my limited knowledge gained through a background in the horticultural industry along the way as well. I'll definitely be a frequent visitor lurking around the Mountain that's for sure. Great thread!!
Hey there Mountaineers. I have a tip that I discovered recently that I'd like to share with all of the indoor soil growers here at The Mountain.
One day while doing some net surfing I came across a newfangled product called Airpots. They are made of what appears to be regular ole black plastic similar to corrogated black drain pipe material. The newfangled part has to do with the pots having a multitude of holes everywhere which allow for natural air pruning of the root system, an air rich environment for both soil and roots, even drying of the root ball and planting medium, etc. Anyways, long story short, I was really intrigued by the concept but hadn't yet convinced myself to fork over $26 bucks a piece for a 7gal pot. And of course I needed more than only one....
So one day I'm kicking back enjoying a good doobie and pondering the important things in life when the light bulb flickered and I got the idea of using wicker baskets as pots for my indoor garden. After a bit of driving around town I was able to find a place that sells wicker baskets about 7gal in size for $6 bucks a piece. $6 bucks versus $26 bucks....?? That wasn't a difficult decision. So I picked up a few, lined them with newspaper, filled them with UncleCannabis' Groovy Grass Soil, slam dunked a couple of girls in the mud, and away we went.
It appears to me that the the roots took off and established really quickly, more so than what I expected, which in turn helped them to take off on the top side as well. The grow is in progress but I'll be sure to inspect the root balls once the grow is complete. Verdict is still out on the effectiveness if any so take it for what it's worth.

Here are a few pics of the newspaper lined wicker basket pots.
I have 3 plants that are flowering in these baskets at current time. They are 2 days into week 3 of flower. If interested you can check out the grow via the link shown in my signature.
Hey Uncle C! Great Idea! Just FYI regular bushel baskets work well too. You probably don't quite get the iar flow at first but they become quite porous after a while. We don't line them with news paper. They are great for outdoor grows too as the roots can usually grow out through the bottom into the soil on bigger plants.

Love the ingenuity! What kind of weed were you smoking? Ha! Best of luck!
Hey Uncle C! Great Idea! Just FYI regular bushel baskets work well too. You probably don't quite get the iar flow at first but they become quite porous after a while. We don't line them with news paper. They are great for outdoor grows too as the roots can usually grow out through the bottom into the soil on bigger plants.

Love the ingenuity! What kind of weed were you smoking? Ha! Best of luck!

Thanks for the bushel basket tip. I hadn't thought of that. Probably cheaper than wicker baskets and the same Airpot properties that I'm striving to achieve on the cheap. The newspaper lining is to help keep the soil inside the pots. Without some type of lining the soil will leach out through the small holes and end up in my drip trays. It's just a keep things clean addition for use indoors in my grow room. Outdoors no lining should be needed unless the holes in the baskets would be large.

My path to the wicker basket idea began with a bowl of Mazar and a desire to save a few bucks. But that only lead to ideas of drilling holes in buckets and whatnot and the desire for afternoon nap.
Next day I packed up the bowl with some Jilly Bean that I had at the time and thats when the inspiration for using the wicker baskets came about. In my world it seems that sativa's have always been very reliable for creative thinking and getting' shit done.
I see we like riding the same cloud.
By the way Holler, just thought I'd come clean and let you know that I'm 46 so I have yet to reach the 50yr old requirement for lurking around here at The Mountain. I do hope that I can get a probationary pass if you will so that I can stop by here once and while and learn a few things from all of the experienced folks here. I promise to behave myself. :)
Your request for a variance on your age limit has been submitted to the Membership Review Board. Since you have displayed an unusual amount of maturity and have the will to share your knowledge, the Review Board has decided to approve your application. Also, your membership is approved without the necessary additional fees and licenses normally required for a young whippersnapper such as yourself.

Welcome to the "Old Farts Club".

~ Auggie ~
Hey Uncle C! As long as you can climb it, anyone, any age is welcome up here. Now in the future I'm looking in to having one of those Acorn Stair Lifts put in for that last 50 yards or so
I still say that the best reasons for coming to this thread for growing advice is that:

-We had to face a lot of these common growing hurdles before they had all of these fancy gizmos to help you. So we came up with some common sense solutions.

-We are for the most part ....old folks. Old folks are cheap. We live on what's called a fixed income. ( I know...I know who isn't on a fixed income) We come up with cheap solutions.

-We don't laugh at stupid questions. At least not out loud. Don't you hate it when you ask a question and you get back " HAAAAAA! Hardy Hardee Harr Harr! " Yeah well we don't do that. We do it on private messaging only!

-Lastly, even IF you do some how ASK a stupid question...and you won't...we are old and the chances are pretty stinking good that we won't even Remember the question by tomorrow. We will have slept by then and that pretty much starts off with a clean slate for us!

So any time.... any place... any method..... let's learn to grow stuff!
I see we like riding the same cloud.
By the way Holler, just thought I'd come clean and let you know that I'm 46 so I have yet to reach the 50yr old requirement for lurking around here at The Mountain. I do hope that I can get a probationary pass if you will so that I can stop by here once and while and learn a few things from all of the experienced folks here. I promise to behave myself. :)

Well, if you're gonna let him in....I'm close,,, to him ;)
Your request for a variance on your age limit has been submitted to the Membership Review Board. Since you have displayed an unusual amount of maturity and have the will to share your knowledge, the Review Board has decided to approve your application. Also, your membership is approved without the necessary additional fees and licenses normally required for a young whippersnapper such as yourself.

Welcome to the "Old Farts Club".

~ Auggie ~

Thanks Auggie. I'll be sure to bring some complimentary Geritol anytime that I stop by for a visit.
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