The Mars Hydro FC-E4800 Sponsored Grow Journal: 3 Classic Strains In Soil

Give me an address I'll send the boys round. ;)
Fek sorry Mucker.
Hope everything else is OK.
Tell the missus we said hi and glad to hear from you.
Stacey just asked me this morning about the pair of you. :green_heart:
I said you were staring in the new Goldrush episode and didn't have internet access. :rofl:
Some day hopefully. :thumb:
Take care my friend.
Hi Bill and Stacey

Everything is great thank you. Andrea said Hi back and wishes you both well and she also asked how is this RSO capsules working?
Oh and what dosage are you taking?

Gold rush :laugh: it's gold panning season in a few months, so we will be off into them thar hills, looking for gold. After I've done a quick run of autos first. Got to get my priorities right :laugh:

They boys would come in handy, but the customer vanished along with the job I made. He paid for the materials but didn't give me the final payment for the labour:(

It might just be a misunderstanding or something has happened at his end, but I doubt it..

Nice to hear from you though.. speak soon mate
If you don't get paid for a job, go back round there and start dismantling your work
If they haven't paid you, it's still yours so you're well within your right to reclaim
The jobs probably in Poland by now mate. It got stuck in a container and I didn't have a final address. Its only been a few days, but its not looking good.
Thanks for the advice though
Awesome great job miss squiggle :high-five: and good description of the green lol pinesol and cat piss.... But I get it... Sorry about the conman....karma's a bitch and she'll catch him lacking :cool: but glad everything else is good and your almost ready to start again. :headbanger:
Miss Squigg has done a fantastic job , she wants to do a full grow herself, but she's stuck in bed 75% of the time.
I suggested we get another tent and put it in the main bedroom, so she can tend to them.
She told me to stick a new tent where the sun don't shine.:laugh:

I am a firm believer in Karma , so fingers crossed..

Hope alls well on yourside too mate.. I will be at yours sometime today. Get the kettle on lol
Great work Andrea! :Rasta:
Yeah, she takes all the credit. Just forget about me, the one who raised them from baby's, wiped there tiny leaves every day, bottle fed them, kept them warm and safe. Then she comes along at the end and steals my glory..

And what a wifey you’ve got Paul! Andrea Mrs-Gyver innit.

And this:

I’m actually so happy if she found something better than meds for her ailments!

Be proud of yourself Paul!! Didn’t you achieve what you were looking for right?
And enjoy both of that sweet harvest! :love:

- Verb, from across the lake :surf:
Hi mate.
She's a proper mcgiver. She can even tig weld Aluminum better than me...

I did achieve what I was looking for, the perfect plant for her through the day. She's actually reduced her Tramadol whilst using the Alcapulco Gold. She said the taste of piss is worth it, rather than taking prescription meds.

Thanks for the well wishes mate.. see you over in your house soon..

Take care man
Hi Bill and Stacey

Everything is great thank you. Andrea said Hi back and wishes you both well and she also asked how is this RSO capsules working?
Oh and what dosage are you taking?

Gold rush :laugh: it's gold panning season in a few months, so we will be off into them thar hills, looking for gold. After I've done a quick run of autos first. Got to get my priorities right :laugh:

They boys would come in handy, but the customer vanished along with the job I made. He paid for the materials but didn't give me the final payment for the labour:(

It might just be a misunderstanding or something has happened at his end, but I doubt it..

Nice to hear from you though.. speak soon mate
Good morning Mucker.
RSO is still helping me immensely.
Can’t recommend it enough.
Can’t find an npk on it though. :rofl:
Here is a couple pics of strength on label.

Stay safe



Can’t find an npk on it though
:rofl: you probably look at the back of the cornflakes box for NPK amounts :laugh:

I've just literally recieved a bottle of pure alcohol to do the extraction. So that will getting done this week.

We are glad you've found the perfect medication for yourself. This plant is a wonderful medicine, hopefully the UK will realise it also..
Thanks for the info Bill, We really appreciate it
I did achieve what I was looking for, the perfect plant for her through the day. She's actually reduced her Tramadol whilst using the Alcapulco Gold. She said the taste of piss is worth it, rather than taking prescription meds.
The cat piss smell at least comes from the fresh weed after jarring, but dunno about the taste :laughtwo:
You better get the AG nugs cured well if she wishes to smoke it ;)

Did the NL get any popularity?
Miss Squigg has done a fantastic job , she wants to do a full grow herself, but she's stuck in bed 75% of the time.
I suggested we get another tent and put it in the main bedroom, so she can tend to them.
She told me to stick a new tent where the sun don't shine.:laugh:

I am a firm believer in Karma , so fingers crossed..

Hope alls well on yourside too mate.. I will at yours sometime today. Get the kettle on lol
Morning Paul, and yes she did very well..
.someone has had a good teacher to watch;) how to grow beauties and start bon-fires lol but that's funny with the tent response :laugh:mine was the opposite she wanted me to get a tent for the room so we could get the blinding light from the closet in living room.....remember the poltergeist portal? o_O:rofl:. But yea I only believe in karma and if that don't work the law of talion works just fine ... But catch ya soon hope the both of you have a wonderful day.
The cat piss smell at least comes from the fresh weed after jarring, but dunno about the taste :laughtwo:
You better get the AG nugs cured well if she wishes to smoke it ;)

Did the NL get any popularity?
Hopefully a cure, ermmmm cures it:laugh:
I tried the NL this morning and I got a bit of anxiety off it. So it's not the right one for me..
Has that ever happened to you?
Congrats on the harvest!
Looks like a good yield!
Thanks man.. it's looking like a few jars full, but the buds always look huge when first cut and then it's like "is that it?" When dried.. they shrivel to nothing lol.

Thanks again mate.. How's yours doing?
Morning Paul, and yes she did very well..
.someone has had a good teacher to watch;) how to grow beauties and start bon-fires lol but that's funny with the tent response :laugh:mine was the opposite she wanted me to get a tent for the room so we could get the blinding light from the closet in living room.....remember the poltergeist portal? o_O:rofl:. But yea I only believe in karma and if that don't work the law of talion works just fine ... But catch ya soon hope the both of you have a wonderful day.
I remember your portal :laugh: that would have tripped me out:nervous-guy:

Shes learned everything she knows from you guys. We were clueless when first joined.
Yes, I know. Some of you are saying " you're still clueless "
And i would agree:laugh:

Back at ya have a fab day too mate. Hopefully karma whips his Ass
Thanks man.. it's looking like a few jars full, but the buds always look huge when first cut and then it's like "is that it?" When dried.. they shrivel to nothing lol.

Thanks again mate.. How's yours doing?
She's still going, closing in on harvest day, but at least a couple weeks to go.
Now enjoy your bounty
We are mate. The AG is a real old school buzz. Chilled, happy and relaxed. Plus its giving the missus pain relief. Thanks for popping in man. Appreciate it.
Lovely harvest sir.

Karma is a real bitch. Recently found out some ass hat that use to steal from my Pops died in prison:rip:
Made my day:thumb:
Thank you. I'm pretty happy with it.

I'm glad karma gave you satisfaction. I detest thieves. I don't understand how someone could stoop so low. But glad it worked out in the end for yous..
Congrats on the harvest and the success it's having on 'er indoors! Sorry to hear about the shite customer though. Maybe karma will take care of that one.
Thanks Shed. The missus has never been so mobile. There is normally a trade off with some of the things we've grown. She has pain relief, but a foggy head normally or a too much couchy feeling. But the AG has gave her the relaxing, pain killing medication we have been looking for. Plus, it puts me into the uncontrollable giggles :laugh:

Karma still hasn't paid any money into the bank. I got paid at the start for materials and consumables, but Ive been bumped for the labour costs.. thanks for the concern though. I appreciate it...
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