Contemplating the idea of dropping another seed to find a different phenotype. We will of course grow this one out at least to test its flavour and effects. Maybe the leaves are so wide because it is still a youngin, time will tell!
Contemplating the idea of dropping another seed to find a different phenotype. We will of course grow this one out at least to test its flavour and effects. Maybe the leaves are so wide because it is still a youngin, time will tell!
Did you drop another seed?
You're in Alberta, think they said winter is coming tomorrow! :goodluck:
Yes that is what they’re telling us, strong westerly wind warning I’m told. Gusts up to 90km/hr. I may just be blown all the way east to the dirt empire! :laughtwo:
Short update on our pink lemonade.

Finding her groove filling out her new pot. I can see roots have reached the bottom of the new container, I expect lots of new growth now!

Enjoying the budget led sunny days!

Also going to be attempting a reversal on the two clones on either side. I will probably document it’s efforts in the Hindu Kush journal to close it out.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Short update on our pink lemonade.

Finding her groove filling out her new pot. I can see roots have reached the bottom of the new container, I expect lots of new growth now!

Enjoying the budget led sunny days!

Also going to be attempting a reversal on the two clones on either side. I will probably document it’s efforts in the Hindu Kush journal to close it out.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Looking stacked!
:popcorn: revesal, eh...
Yes, very short and compact node spacing on this one, I’ll let her grow out a few more before topping. Also noticed the very tips of the leaves showing some discolour, (it’s just visible if you zoom in and look really close) I would be very surprised if it’s due to nutrient burn this early in the game. She’s only getting .5g/litre MC at this point (equivalent to 2g/gal), and is taking quite a few days to drink her pot dry. So I’m not too concerned about it, but keeping an eye on it.

Looking stacked!
:popcorn: revesal, eh...

That’s correct, looking to build a bit of a seed stash, and I was pleasantly surprised by the end result of the Hindu Kush, so its the guinea pig once again!
Oh nice, try a variety of concentrations, good idea. Is it possible to try different concentrations on different branches of the same plant? Or would this be asking for trouble? @The Celt do you have any direction here? I will be following your tutorial on the GA3 very shortly.
Evening DAB, the recommended range for reversing females is 100-200ppm. The problem is, it appears as though strains vary in the dose that works for them as experienced by Shed and myself. His Candida and my Pineapple Chunk both acted as though the concentration was too high at 180ppm and failed to produce viable pollen. BTW, 180ppm gave great results for my Blue Dream.

Since coming to this conclusion, I recommend that concentrations of 100, 125, 150 and 175 be tried to find the “sweet” spot for each strain tried. I see no reason not to try treating 4 branches with the different concentrations as it only affects the branch treated. Just mark your branches so you can determine which one worked best for the strain.

This winter, when I get back to growing indoors, I would like to start a joint thread with those of you using GA3 so we can have record of what ppm worked with which strains. I have yet to find that kind of info anywhere on the net.
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