The Legion Of Doob: Perpetual Chaos

Harvested the S&T, kind of a low yield but it’s gorgeous. I didn’t take pics.

The other tent after another “thinning”:

The next round, they rooted so fast I’m not prepared, but I got plenty of room for now.

:thedoubletake: it doesn't look like it was thinned, How's the Dr. :hmmmm:
Yeah, I have issues cutting healthy parts off, I don't usually trim or top at all but there's going to be airflow issues in here if I don't thin it out at least a bit more.

I'm good, way over worked, but regularly paid. I signed a 2 year contract last year and they sure are trying to get their money's worth. Haven't had a lot of time to devote to growing. Thank goodness I found this easy system or I'd be forced to buy all my herbs. I did have to buy some last month and again a couple weeks ago, but got lots of nice buds hanging now.

Not too often I open one of my tents and say 'Damn' any more, but I did today:


That's four plants, the two on the right are my Petrol Jam seeds (like 5 different crosses went into them). The two on the left are clones of Show & Tell from Annunaki. Loving these organic nutes, it's got the best quality:ease of use ratio of anything I've tried so far, these are the 4th or 5th round I've used it no-till style. I think I will supplement the soil with some EWC next round. Got them in HUGE 34 gallon pots so I only have to water about once a week. I think I finally found my ideal system. Haven't trimmed them at all lately because the humidity has been super low in the teens.

I've got to admit it's getting better… better
A little better all the time.


If you lived anywhere near me, you'd have a housepest— er... houseguest staring at that in real time.

Looks very nice!
I went ahead and harvested the tops off the S&T, left a lot of larf to mature for later. The Petrol Jams are jamming along, maybe only a week or two left.

Our friend is coming into town for the month of April, hoping the larfy stuff will last until she gets here to help (she sure does love trim jail).


The next round, I’m doing three per pot this time, cause I couldn’t decide which ones to cull. I have to learn to stop taking extra clones if I can’t bring myself to kill them later.

I love the organic nutes, although the latest batch I bought had two Micros and no Grow, and that’s the second time that happened.

:hmmmm: . I once ordered a bunch of hot dogs with sauce, onions, mustard, and cheese. And that's what they put in the sack - minus the hot dog part. Luckily... there were six of them ;) .

But the trics never seem to turn amber. I think this is about as ready as it’s going to be but I only saw one amber tric on the whole plant.

Have you any UV?
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