The importance of monitoring runoff PPM


Well-Known Member
Sometimes we get to comfortable with feeding and PPM runoff. Comfortable meaning not checking. lol. ( It should be the same) that’s the thought,but that thought will get you into trouble. I’ve got a scrog run of purple ghost candy from seedsman. I walked in 4 days ago to a disaster, 🔥🔥NUTE BURN. My ppm was through the roof. Talkin 3200-3500 Uggh I removed the scrog instantly, 1 was a lil worse than the others and I started with her first in the bathtub. Flush flush flush. I flushed all 8 of them. Extremely well. This morning they finally dried up real good, nice light pots so I mixed a very light dose of compost tea only 170 PPM and a dose of great white. Thinking microbes could use a boost after that severe flush. My run off was 1200. So I’m happy with that. I don’t usually feed u til I drop below 800 ppm runoff. Ocean forest is loaded already so you can probably get away with a few weeks with straight RO water with a lil cal mag. They are recovering nicely, but it was a close call and something that is very easy to avoid. I just got in a rush and thought, ahh I will just read the plant. Well that’s not a great idea to just use observation alone. Now I have a some leaves with dark red burns but all the smaller leaves are growing in real nice and all looks good. They were just starting week 2 of flower and that’s a bad time to have an issue, but it happens and you have to act fast and don’t panic. Then don’t feed anything accept microbes and a lil glucose. I also use a small water pump to hand water my plants with a small hose and I think I let nutes build up in the bucket I set my pump in, built up from the 7 plants I fed before. It was the last plant I fed that was burnt the worst ( I will rinse the bucket out after each feeding from now on) . Its a really precise way to water and I like taking the time with each plant to look for any signs of stray male flowers. I grow from seed, usually the same strain,, just different phenotype’s. So it’s good practice to always be on the lookout for any male flowers hiding out,, and they are good at hiding. They are recovered now and starting to pile on the ice. I learned a valuable lesson. I’ve been growing for over 30 years and I still make mistakes. A lot of grows and a lot of other responsibilities can make you want to rush through things. Keeping a check on your PH and PPM is not the things you want to skimp on. lol. Hope you all have a great day and happy growing.


Dirt farmer, I’ve never looked at ppms…. going in or coming out…no regards for ph either…

Start with well water ppms and ph are both unknown… raw yucca extract, Dr Bronners peppermint hemp Castile soap as surfactants mixed well it treats the water first

Geoflora organic dry mix, Down to earth 5-4-2, kelp meal, langebenite, malted barley,, humic acid powder, micronized sulfur, liquid fish, liquid kelp, epsoms, bokashi bran and soft rock phosphate

Not to be argumentative just stating there’s other ways,., I’ve never flushed my soil mix, I can’t see any benefit in flushing my grow bags only detriment at this point. Bear in mind my bags are SIPs so they are saturated with water and they sit in stinky res water basically they sit their own pee

1st photo straight mix

2nd photo shaken not stirred

This is the nasty reservoir water they sit in from veg all thru flower cycle, never gets dumped, checked or changed, I add all the above listed dry fert ingredients like Geoflora, kelp meals or liquid fish they get added straight to the reservoir or fed in top water session every day! No regard for ppm or ph level, never checked, never adjusted, never cared…

One cool feature of a swick is at any time I can dump the reservoir tub and refill with clean water, but I just never saw the need…

If you are having problems then yes checking ph is necessary evil…,
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