The Green Help-Me Hotline

re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

I just gotta say thank you so much guys, makes me feel good to help people and even more so i like to see people hopping in and helping and caring for each other. it is what this is all about my friend keep it up
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Kewl thanx again greenie! Ill do it for dark time thanx for da sound advice amigo!
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Hey thanks a lot Mr. Smith, she is a pretty one that is for sure, and unique as all get out :D
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

What Strain is it? bag seed
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? indica
How Many Plants? 3
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? flower
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long? 28 days
Indoor or Outdoor? indoor
Soil or Hydro? soil
If Hydro, Reservoir size?
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?
If Hydro, what type of Medium?
If Hydro, what type of Setup?
If Soil... What is in your Mix? Fox Farms ocean
If Soil... What Size Pot? 4 gal
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 1 600w hps
Is it Air Cooled? yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 75- 83
RH of Room/Cabinet? 35
PH of Medium or Reservoir? 6.3
Any Pests? no
How Often are you Watering? 1-2 times a week as needed
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? fox farms full line -kangaroot and microbrew
Size or Square Footage of Room? 3x4x8
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - flower
Bucket Size - 4 Gallon
Lights - (2) 600 Watt HPS
Nutrients - Fox Farms
I thought this was nute burn about a week ago so I have been just watering with ph'd tap water and watching, but today they looked like this so I think I have a bigger problem. I flushed today and put back under lights awaiting guidance. The darker green leaves are from a different plant.




NW. Thanks for the previous help on this problem. A little update for ya. I never did figure out the problem but think I got it corrected whatever it was. I'm going to call the problem the GOP. Because it killed my solar program. LOL. I'm sure yield is going to be greatly affected with no more fan leaves (solar panels). I just have to keep reminding myself these plants only purpose were to teach me for my current grow with better genetics that will finish about 4 weeks after these. Which are looking awesome by the way. I call her " Murdock". Anyway, In the first few pictures if you'll notice on the fan leaves a rusty discoloration starts at the veins and works its way out to the edges before the tips dry out and the death works it's way back to the stem before killing the entire leaf. I did however notice the very first symptom of the problem the leaves tips would tightly curl up almost like an elves shoe. Then the discoloration and slow death. I flushed the plant about 5 days ago and put under her own light since she was taking to much away from Murdock. All her new growth is a nice bright green. Hopefully the buds will start growing again and begin to put on some weight. I did notice she is starting to get sticky and smells nice when touched. If you figure out what the problem was I sure would like to know. It's been driving me nuts!


elf shoes...look closely at the tips

This is what the y look like after I trimmed all the dead growth off them.




And here's Murdock!! What do you think? This is day 35 flower.



Thanks for all the feedback!!:Namaste:
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

hey whats good NDub,
so I have a question that I hope you can answer for me, I have a Afgoo outdoors in a 5 gal pot and it has grown all the roots it can in it now!!! well I have to water her almost 2 times a day, depending on how hot it is outside, now... my question for you is should I start feeding her more often now especially now that she is flowering???


re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

in a smaller pot you will need to feed more, but it is also easier to cause problems by over nuting or salt build up, flush often in small pots and learn how much nutes your plants can take without ill effects :D

and crooked that is looking awesome :D
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

well each plant deals with nutes differn'tly so i cant tell you the right number, but what i can tell you is that the first signs of over nutin are leafs not standing up, the tips of the leaves bending down in "The CLAW" fashion as well as brown necrosis spots showing up in later exposure?
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

WOW!!! Green i just sat here and read all 9 pages of ur post, guess what? i have an easy one for ya for a change LOL im growing an auto "onyx" from short stuff seeds, it will be going into flower in 2-4 days for sure, ive already got her lst'd. my question is how long do i keep her in the lst, is it all the way to the end or no, could u tell me how to identify when stop the lst, ive been on NUMEROUS NUMEROUS sites and i have never seen someone as dedicated and educated as u are to helping ppl with their meds, not even my fav site in the world supports ppl like u do, u r truly a grower's blessing, thanks man for real!!
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

1 more thing, im new to nutes and just recently starting getting really into the nute world, i think im over feeding my plant, but it is sooo pretty and green skunky as hell smelling, no signs of deficincy (sorry) u get huh LOL, no spots or anything, just beautiful vibrabt grren plant, can u over feed and hurt a plant without it showing any signs nute deff or burns, so if its not showing any signs of anything looking wrong or outta place, am i ok, i mean the (auto) last feeding took 6ml a peice of Advanced Nutrients grow, micro, bloom, and 6 ml of each nute that im bout to list= voodoo juice, iguna juice grow, b-52, sensi cal/mag grow all mixed in and properly ph'd at 6.5 all in 1ltr of water, to me that sound crazy over the top, but each time i water, i up each nute 2ml almost to the end before flushing, and it is as pretty as i could ever imagine, am i over feeding even without any signs of stress, deff, or burn, thanks for ur time, love ya man!
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

my leaves are kinda shriveling!!! only at the tops, like they are not getting the proper amount of nutes??? I just thought maybe i should put nutes in more than 1 time a week now??? so i figured i would feed every 2 days now

re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

WOW!!! Green i just sat here and read all 9 pages of ur post, guess what? i have an easy one for ya for a change LOL im growing an auto "onyx" from short stuff seeds, it will be going into flower in 2-4 days for sure, ive already got her lst'd. my question is how long do i keep her in the lst, is it all the way to the end or no, could u tell me how to identify when stop the lst, ive been on NUMEROUS NUMEROUS sites and i have never seen someone as dedicated and educated as u are to helping ppl with their meds, not even my fav site in the world supports ppl like u do, u r truly a grower's blessing, thanks man for real!!

Thank you so much man, that is one awesome complement and it even came on my birthday, thank you :D.

And when it comes to low stress training i let the strings go once they have completed their flowering stretch about, 3-5 weeks in, some sativa's will continue to stretch and will require longer bonds but not many, hope this helps :D

And when it comes to nuting your plant, if it looks good it looks good, advanced nutes is a good company and very easy to work with :D the only time nutes will come into play with a heathy green plant is if you want to harvest it, i like a yellow plant because they have a much cleaner taste IME/IMO

Thanks again man :welcome: to 420
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

my leaves are kinda shriveling!!! only at the tops, like they are not getting the proper amount of nutes??? I just thought maybe i should put nutes in more than 1 time a week now??? so i figured i would feed every 2 days now


Picture me brother :D!!!
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Mr. Green

I am a first time Cali indoor grower and I just want to know if I use 5 gallon pots for Sativa plants would that be good enough? I am using a mix of Miracle Grow Veggie dirt and Kelloggs all purpose munure and dirt mix. I have 4 CFL daylight lights 75w but I also have CFL 100w which is not a daylight lamp. Which should I use?
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Mr. Green

I am a first time Cali indoor grower and I just want to know if I use 5 gallon pots for Sativa plants would that be good enough? I am using a mix of Miracle Grow Veggie dirt and Kelloggs all purpose munure and dirt mix. I have 4 CFL daylight lights 75w but I also have CFL 100w which is not a daylight lamp. Which should I use?
all of them;)
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Mr Green,

Can you help ID the cause of the leaf discoloration in the photo?

Here is my info:

What Strain is it? Nirvana's Snow White
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Hybrid
How Many Plants? 1
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Flowering
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long? 30 days
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil, FFOF
If Soil... What is in your Mix? Straight FFOF
If Soil... What Size Pot? 10 gal SmartPot
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 400W HPS
Is it Air Cooled?No
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 78
RH of Room/Cabinet? 40
PH of Medium or Reservoir?
Any Pests?
How Often are you Watering? Every other day or when the soil drys out
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Full line of Fox Farms Nutes at 75% strength
Size or Square Footage of Room? 2x4x6

I'm starting to see brown spots appear on my larger leaves, adn it seems to be spreading. I'm thinking its nute burn, but could it be a deficiency of some sort?



Thanks for looking!
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Picture me brother :D!!!

this is the leaf that was shrivled up, but its kind of straightening out now...

but it is starting to curl under!!!

here is another leaf that is doing the same thing, just not as bad as the 1st pic was!!!

re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

Mr Green,

Can you help ID the cause of the leaf discoloration in the photo?

Here is my info:

What Strain is it? Nirvana's Snow White
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Hybrid
How Many Plants? 1
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Flowering
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long? 30 days
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil, FFOF
If Soil... What is in your Mix? Straight FFOF
If Soil... What Size Pot? 10 gal SmartPot
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 400W HPS
Is it Air Cooled?No
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 78
RH of Room/Cabinet? 40
PH of Medium or Reservoir?
Any Pests?
How Often are you Watering? Every other day or when the soil drys out
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Full line of Fox Farms Nutes at 75% strength
Size or Square Footage of Room? 2x4x6

I'm starting to see brown spots appear on my larger leaves, adn it seems to be spreading. I'm thinking its nute burn, but could it be a deficiency of some sort?



Thanks for looking!

looks to be a PH problem, when your ph gets thrown off usually the first nutes to get locked out are usually Calcium and magnesium, are you Phing when when your water? try flushing the plant with 6.5 ph water and test and see what the ph of the runoff is.

hope this helps buddy :D
re: The Green Help-Me Hotline

this is the leaf that was shrivled up, but its kind of straightening out now...

but it is starting to curl under!!!

here is another leaf that is doing the same thing, just not as bad as the 1st pic was!!!


looks like the plant is having a hard time processing the amount of nutes it is being given, try flushing her then lower your nute strength a touch, either that or is there possibly a light leak in your flowering area, light poisoning will cause all sorts of funny growth? if excess nutes build up USUALLY the ph of your media will drop, when the ph drops your plant stops processing nutes through your roots and it has to compensate and take it from its own leafs causing the funny growth then eventually burn marks or def signs.

whats your humidity like too?
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