I've never heard of it being an aerator. It's carbon. It holds water. I think he meant its his favorite ingredient and perlite the aerator is his 2nd fave? Listen again. Got a link or title I can google?
No, it was specifically for its aeration role. Surprised me too as I would have thought it would be part of the normal suggestions like perlite, pumice, sand, etc.

I'll have to see if I can find a link.
Interesting meter readings today after last night's watering directly into the reservoir.

2 at 2", 6-7 at 4", and 9-10-+ at 6".

The drier reading was near the fill pipe which also corresponds to soil above the aeration chamber as I leave a section around the overflow hole devoid of the wicking footer. The footer goes probably 3/4's of the way around the bottom of the bucket with a clear space around the overflow hole.

These results further confirm my thoughts on moving to a smaller centralized footer which is the alternate design my new plant is in.
As in his favorite ingredient in a pot is humus, and perlite is his 2nd fave. That would be exactly what I would say.
Ok. I went back and found the video. Listening more closely he was saying pumice ("pewmus"), not humus which of course makes much more sense. I guess you hear what you want to hear. :laughtwo:

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Never mind...

TMSC - Day 59 of Flower.

Iklwa is ripe. Her trichomes say chop, so I did. Mutey still has a few more days.










The buds are magnificent.

The frost is so tiny you almost can't see it but it's everywhere. It's like diamond dust. powdered glass.

The terps are thru the roof, she was not happy. She is lemon stinky pine, the sweet turned pungent but the lemon pine stayed and got way stronger.

Matt this stuff is spectacular. Thank You Brother!!👊

The trichs were about 50% clear, 40% cloudy-ish, like half cloudy, 5% white, and 5% half-amber.

I nailed it. I can't wait to try it!! ❤️😎😊
@Lerugged , I want to make hash from Iklwa's lowers. It's still attached to the live plant.

Is there a better way to harvest it or dry it?

Should I trim it and hang it like normal, cure it for a few months?

Or just trim and hang until it's crispy dry?

Do i even need to trim it or just pop off the fans?

I will gladly do whatever gives me the best hash.
Magnificent Gee!
Gidorah how are your Ladies doing?

I really hope you get one that smells like Ikky did.

She stacked really cool. The individual buds are quite small, probably only a doobie each. Nuggy but small.

However when they stack they all come together to form bigger nug clusters that stack the main cola. It's really interesting.

The crystal hiding in them makes them very dense and hard. Much more so than RVDV was at 6 weeks when she got whacked. She was more about the long red hairs. Ikky is nuggy.
Nicely done. What kind of hash do you want to make? But yes, dry it as normal.
I'm not sure. How do you make yours? I have only shaken dry weed in a bubble bag into a 5gal pail once. It gave a lot of kief but I don't know if that was the best way. I did it outside in the winter at -30C.

I wasn't quite sure how to get the keif into hash so I coated papers in honey oil, coated that with keif, and made Cannagars with them.

I also gave a bunch away.

I want the leaf matter to end up in the worm bin so I don't want to make oil or use water to remove the trichs.

-30 is a long way away. 7 or 8 months. The cure would be perfect by then tho.

Mostly I was hoping to not have to trim it all. Did I mention I'm lazy?🤣
Morning Gee man, you're up early with the birds!

I got a response from my soil dude. He said he wouldn't recommend dolomite as it pushes the pH up too high. He suggests using Gypsum instead at 1-2 cups gypsum per 100L of soil.

What say you?
Hmm. You can do the same dry shake but pop a few bits of dry ice into the bag with the weed. Shake over a smooth surface and collect your goodies. I'll try write you a tutorial but I'm so busy this week. It's crazy times. Haha.
No worries. If I need to dry and cure then there is lots of time.
Morning Gee man, you're up early with the birds!

I got a response from my soil dude. He said he wouldn't recommend dolomite as it pushes the pH up too high. He suggests using Gypsum instead at 1-2 cups gypsum per 100L of soil.

What say you?
Without knowing the full recipe I would go with what you were told. Gypsum, which is a blend of calcium and sulfur, as opposed to dolomite, which is calcium and magnesium, won't change soil ph.

My only concern would be that if it can handle more calcium, why can't it handle a balanced extra dose of magnesium, but it's his recipe so I would trust in that.

Gypsum is good stuff too. If the soil mix has enough magnesium in it already then you are good with gypsum.

The 1-2 cups per 100 litres sounds correct. I use 1 cup per 45 litres.

I would follow his instructions religously to see, and adjust next grow if needed.
TMSC - Day 59 of Flower.

Iklwa is ripe. Her trichomes say chop, so I did. Mutey still has a few more days.










That's the craziest plant I've ever seen.
Great work my friend. :adore::adore:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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