Morning Gee, even if it’s late in the day!

My first 2 RSO attempts with distiller were good but my third batch turned out like tar. It was tech-spucking-fackular, that’s dyslexic stoner for…. its da bomb! Last Monday had a big breakfast and tacked a glob, it hit hard & fast. Was totally blistered- like proper Chinese eyed but the whites of my eyes looked as if they were bleeding; literally have not buzzed like that in years. Cotton mouth my ass, more like brushing your teeth with weed flavored mortar mix.

Can’t remember now but think 3rd run was 2 separate distiller run batches but then added the finished runs together and condensed them down even further.

anyway thanks again for help with distiller!

🤣🤣🤣 That stuff scares me! I don't do it much anymore.

I'm glad it went well👊. It's a great way to use extra weed. Fun to make too.

When it's still warm you can pour it out on the silicone mat to vent, and watch it until its really gooey and kinda half dry, and then lay rolling papers in it face down and leave them for a few days until they peel off the silicone cleanly. You get perfect oiled papers to roll doobies with😎
Day 3 for the soil clones.




They are looking good. No issues yet.

Day 2 for the Kloneking aeroclones.


They are also doing just fine. No issues yet.





This one is quite small.


This one too.

Day 1 for the RV1 aeroclones.


Looking great.


Here is the wilty one from yesterday.


This is 18 hours later, this morning.

Day 2 for RV1 soil clones.


They are looking good as well.

I mist the soil clones a couple times a day, and keep then in a lidded tub with only small vent holes.

The aero clones only got misted once when they were first put in the cloner, and live in my household environment. 71F and about 55%RH today.
Looks like you gave the leaves a haircut, is that to reduce transpiration?
Looks like you gave the leaves a haircut, is that to reduce transpiration?
It is.

The aero clones are getting tons of water so they can transpire as much as they like, but the soil clones need to be slowed down.

They can't draw enough water in to photosynthesize properly. So I cut the leaves back to curb photosynthesis, and then mist them.

Misting the leaves solubalizes nutrients in the leaves. The weight of the water being absorbed into the leaves eventually makes its way out the cut at the bottom, but it carries nutes from the leaves down with it to the rooting sites where they are needed. The weight of the absorbed water mixing with nutes and falling thru the clone IS the circulation system until roots form.

The soil clones don't have a closed loop vascular system, so the fluid intake must come thru the leaves.

The aero clones perpetually have drips hanging off the bottom of the cut stalks, so the xylem can take fluid in at the cut which allows for photosynthesis to occur.

By taking fluid in at the cut, the vascular system pumps this fluid into the leaves, processes it, and then pumps nutes down the phloem to the rooting sites.

As long as that drip is at the bottom the intake is good, plus the weight of that drip ever increasing until it drips off causes suction behind it as it drips down. That suction helps to circulate nutes too.

Aero clones will actually continue to grow a bit before they root in. You need to keep them in lower light or they will consume themselves before roots appear. You don't need to spray them, and all you really do to harden off an aero clone is overwater it at it's 1st potting and it will adjust as it dries down.

Soil clones need to be gently acclimated to life without a dome once rooted.

Aero cloning is much easier, but for whatever reason, different strains do better with different cloning methods.

I added an Italian Honey Fig cutting. I have never tried to clone a fig cutting in the aerocloner so we shall see how it goes. I used some Stimroot #2 hormone on it.


Day 4 for the soil clones.


Still looking good.


Day 3 for the aeroclone weed, and Day 1 for Figgy.


Looling fine so far.


This one is starting to look a bit hungry. That usually indicates roots are getting close to popping out. Fingers crossed.


This one,


and this one, are the 2 small cuttings.


I was surprised that figgy didn't droop.

Here is an interesting tidbit.


This plant has not been doing as well as the other 2. It has random issues that pop up, then disappear, like the calcium issue it had on one leaf on the right, and the mag def that briefly showed on the leaves of the top in the upper cola in the pic.

So I used my soil ph probe to see how things looked and got this reading

Low PH and cold soil. So I added a heat mat and 8 hours later I got this reading, which was taken from the exact same spot in the pot.


3 degrees of warmth in the rootball swayed the PH quite significantly. That was yesterday. This afternoon i will check again.
Here is an interesting tidbit.


This plant has not been doing as well as the other 2. It has random issues that pop up, then disappear, like the calcium issue it had on one leaf on the right, and the mag def that briefly showed on the leaves of the top in the upper cola in the pic.

So I used my soil ph probe to see how things looked and got this reading

Low PH and cold soil. So I added a heat mat and 8 hours later I got this reading, which was taken from the exact same spot in the pot.


3 degrees of warmth in the rootball swayed the PH quite significantly. That was yesterday. This afternoon i will check again.
Cold isn't our friend! I have to do something for my Purple Ghost Candy! Taping a seedling mat on the pot was helpful last time in the 3 x 3. I'm going to do it again after the plumbers leave today from the water softener install.

Interesting ph note!
Cold isn't our friend! I have to do something for my Purple Ghost Candy! Taping a seedling mat on the pot was helpful last time in the 3 x 3. I'm going to do it again after the plumbers leave today from the water softener install.

Interesting ph note!
It's not our friend lol. Hopefully the install goes smoothly Stone.
Day 46 for the BK manifold gang.


Here's the whole veg tent.


This one is rolling along nicely.


This is the one that has been a bit cranky, but the heat mat has really brought her around. Lush vibrant green is setting in.


And now we have Mutant #3. What gives here? 3 mutants at once. This one is milder though....for now anyways.


Here's a better look. It has extra pinky fingers on it's fans.
Day 1 of Flower.

RV1 could stand to fill in a bit more but she's just too lanky. RV2 and Iklwa are both bushy enough to flower. So today is Day 1.


RV1. Stretched flat she's over 5 feet wide. If I put her in the middle of the tent and strapped her out she would cover the whole 5 x 5 with those long arms.

The only way for her to go now is up so it's flip time.


Ikky is a beast. She's beyond ready.


Here's Ikky's mutant arm.


RV2. The full mutant beast. She is having a robust growth spurt right now, so hopefully that continues into stretch. She's just ready now for flower.


As she grows taller the mutation flips the direction of the top around. That should be interesting in flower.


Pretty trippy looking. I should post this in a mushroom forum🤣.


The other cola.
Day 1 of Flower.

RV1 could stand to fill in a bit more but she's just too lanky. RV2 and Iklwa are both bushy enough to flower. So today is Day 1.


RV1. Stretched flat she's over 5 feet wide. If I put her in the middle of the tent and strapped her out she would cover the whole 5 x 5 with those long arms.

The only way for her to go now is up so it's flip time.


Ikky is a beast. She's beyond ready.


Here's Ikky's mutant arm.


RV2. The full mutant beast. She is having a robust growth spurt right now, so hopefully that continues into stretch. She's just ready now for flower.


As she grows taller the mutation flips the direction of the top around. That should be interesting in flower.


Pretty trippy looking. I should post this in a mushroom forum🤣.


The other cola.
They are looking great G! Cant wait to see what they will produce
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