The Garden Of Heart's Delight


Active Member
I hope this is the right place to journal this season in progress.

The humble beginnings, baby clones fresh from the nursery.
April 28

April 28 B.jpg
As far as I can tell, the garden soil was done and the girls had been acclimated to sunlight gradually and set in around May 13. This is today Jun 16
Durban Poison(African Sativa) - Gelato 33(sunset sherbet x thin mint GSC) - Cleaner(Pluton x Lambsbread x Purple Haze x Northern Lights)

today 16.jpg
So, here is my little odd plant.
She has struggled ever since she started to flower way too early then switched to this. She seems healthy enough, just stunted and staying in this one leaflet pattern of very slow growth.

This is a clone of Gelato 33 outdoor.

It's an Indica dominate strain of Sunset Sherbet and Thin Mint GSC

It started off fine with nice 5 finger leafs, then freaked and is recovering, I hope.

Any thoughts?

g33 B4.jpg


CU g33.jpg
The little mutant was removed and the two remaining girls are doing well. Just for fun I found my grow photo from last year, same day June 29. The difference is remarkable.

Last year I was so unprepared and used whatever pots and soil I had on hand. They struggled through and a small harvest was had.

This year, I think I learned something from all that previous fumbling about.


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