The Fat Ladies In The Cathouse

Looking great so far farmer.... And that's crap that your sis puts bounties on your plants... The only good thing is that you have a few to work with ....but still dammit that's annoying.
Live update hole four, plant two.
Thinking a young white tail buck used this girl as a scrape/rub. Looks like deer proofing maybe in order

Hope my big girl isn't impacted, so far she hasn't been touched, nor the bog plant! The bog plant has a makeshift deer guard.

So far I am 2 for 4!




Morning Farmer! Wow all I have to worry about around here is bugs and birds messing with them outside. Do you think she's worth saving? Do you have another plant to take her place? That plant looks just like my kale plants in the garden did last year, a rabbit started at the bottom and started snipping all the stems at the base. It ate some and left the rest lying on the ground. When it was done I had kale plants with a few leaves at the top and a totally exposed stem just like that.

You could always clone what's left at the top, you'll have a new plant ready to go in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck my friend!
Two of my girls perishing in the field has given me an excuse to work on the mastering of my procrastination abilities.

Now it is time to move forward with my journal.

Here is an update on my girl we'll call Fence Climber (correction @BubbaKush909 the strain of Fence Climber is an Expert Haze from @Expert Seedbank ).

Here are a few picks of her progress since my last post and throughout the month. She is in hole two, the second girl planted---the first behind the honey suckle wall, and the oldest of my outdoor girls that survived.

Hopefully she'll continue to fill in her ancient fence trellising system though by the looks of the east/front side she'll be a two dimensional plant.

Lessening the aesthetics of my pics. is a security fence for additional critter security.
(apologies for any duplicate pics.)

Hi Farmer! Hard to tell from the pics but it looks like a deer could still get to her over the mesh barrier. I'm sure you know better than I do. Have you been getting much rain? Looks like you should have gotten it pretty good today, we got maybe an hour of storms and that's it. How many plants do you still have growing?
The deer or technically other critters could easily penetrate her defenses. I put the little plastic fence up mainly for personal psychological reasons. Knock on wood Fence Climber has been impervious to critter attack.
Here in Athens we got a lot of rain today.

Pretty sure we got some rain in Ross County last week; probably similar to what you got.

I gave Fence Climber about five gallons of water on Sunday (5 ml. Roots Organics Grow per gallon, 5 ml. Terpinator per gallon, and a pinch of water soluble mycorrhizal Inoculan).

Total plant count is um? Four in the Badlands, two in the Cat House, and what is left of the "deer plant."

"Deer Plant?" She could be my first PlotM, lol.

Ended up bouncing her from her hole into a seven gallon pot, hell I got plenty of soil, pretty sure I saved at least three gallons of her root-ball. It'll be interesting to see what she does.
Please don't vote for her. lol. Though she might end up looking kinda cool.

Soybeans are doing fine. Hopefully the rains were getting now will help establish a solid stand.

Based upon my assessment most of the evil Canadian Thistles are dead---probably about 95 percent of them.
There are ditches and waterways that were not sprayed. Hopefully the very fake Canadian folk hero Buddy Thistle Seed who seeded the Mid West with Canadian Thistles is uncomfortably rotting in Hell.

Two of my girls perishing in the field has given me an excuse to work on the mastering of my procrastination abilities.

Now it is time to move forward with my journal.

Here is an update on my girl we'll call Fence Climber (correction @BubbaKush909 the strain of Fence Climber is an Expert Haze from @Expert Seedbank ).

Here are a few picks of her progress since my last post and throughout the month. She is in hole two, the second girl planted---the first behind the honey suckle wall, and the oldest of my outdoor girls that survived.

Hopefully she'll continue to fill in her ancient fence trellising system though by the looks of the east/front side she'll be a two dimensional plant.

Lessening the aesthetics of my pics. is a security fence for additional critter security.
(apologies for any duplicate pics.)

Wow! I’ll tell you what @Farmer Reading, the amount of stuff you deal with and overcome in pursuit of the art is truly impressive. I can’t imagine. Even walking. Nice job.
Two of my girls perishing in the field has given me an excuse to work on the mastering of my procrastination abilities.

Now it is time to move forward with my journal.

Here is an update on my girl we'll call Fence Climber (correction @BubbaKush909 the strain of Fence Climber is an Expert Haze from @Expert Seedbank ).

Here are a few picks of her progress since my last post and throughout the month. She is in hole two, the second girl planted---the first behind the honey suckle wall, and the oldest of my outdoor girls that survived.

Hopefully she'll continue to fill in her ancient fence trellising system though by the looks of the east/front side she'll be a two dimensional plant.

Lessening the aesthetics of my pics. is a security fence for additional critter security.
(apologies for any duplicate pics.)

Looking great Farmer :rollit: :yummy:

keep up the good work, and the deer away.
The deer or technically other critters could easily penetrate her defenses. I put the little plastic fence up mainly for personal psychological reasons. Knock on wood Fence Climber has been impervious to critter attack.
Here in Athens we got a lot of rain today.

Pretty sure we got some rain in Ross County last week; probably similar to what you got.

I gave Fence Climber about five gallons of water on Sunday (5 ml. Roots Organics Grow per gallon, 5 ml. Terpinator per gallon, and a pinch of water soluble mycorrhizal Inoculan).

Total plant count is um? Four in the Badlands, two in the Cat House, and what is left of the "deer plant."

"Deer Plant?" She could be my first PlotM, lol.

Ended up bouncing her from her hole into a seven gallon pot, hell I got plenty of soil, pretty sure I saved at least three gallons of her root-ball. It'll be interesting to see what she does.

she is very tuff and resiliant. Would be a bad idea getting some seeds of that pheno!! She a survivalist!
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