The Emerald City

Any ideas or methods for rehydrating the buds?
I'd skip the Bovedas for hydrating or dehydrating the flowers since they're limited in their range and work best once the RH is already close to where you want it. For rehydrating I use bread, but in the past I've used lemon or apple wedges. I've seen folks do well with damp cotton balls taped to the inside of jar lids, but harder to use in bags.

Also, turkey bags aren't for curing since the plastic isn't airtight like glass jars, so I cure in jars after the burping period when the buds are in the bags.

From this when burping:

to this for the cure (with the Bovedas):

Thanks Shed! That's pretty much what i ended up doing. I noticed the RH in the bag wasn't changing no matter what I did. I ended up grabbing some jars and filling them up and putting in the bovedas. Nice round number there, 10... that's exactly the number of jars I used too. I put hydrometers into the jars and put them into the safe. I checked one jar last night that was at 60%, another was at 58%. Looks like they'll equalize with enough time; the original reading was 54% so the RH is moving in the right direction.

I'm not sure what the bag weighed but it couldn't have been that much. The weight was 15.8 oz. Not bad for two plants but not as good as 13 oz from one plant. I think the autos are up next for me.
I had two other Jack (Jane) Herer in the tent that have moved to my girl friends house, I decided to keep this one. This plant was on fire until about 2 months ago, it was a sky rocket, off to the top of the tent. Seemed like over night the claws came out and it hasn't been the same since. I've tried reducing the lighting, adjusting the feed strength, and finally, yesterday, I ran three gallons of tap water with 2 tsp of Flora Kleen per gallon thru the soil. I'm not sure if the leaves will recover and the plant is outside for the rest of the cycle.

Anybody know if and what the time frame for recovery may be? Any other thoughts than lockout as a cause for the clawed leaves? I've only seen fungus gnats if anything regarding pests and nothing currently visible. I'm planning to wait for the soil to dry out and then I'll give a quarter feeding of the GH Trio; green, pink, & maroon. Current temp outside for the highs are the 90's, I moved it outside a couple/ few days ago and it doesn't seem to mind the heat.

Thanks in Advance,

Stay Baked!

I find that kind of clawing to be environmental rather than from any toxicities, especially since it happened overnight. If it was too much N you would see the tips claw first rather than the whole leaf curl down like that.

Was there a sudden change in temps or RH in the tent?
I'm still married and hoping for a divorce before 2025.
Not sure what the Hallmark cards for that would say... :goodluck: ?
The change wasn't overnight, although "it seemed" that way. No sudden changes in temp or RH. I adjusted the lights slowly although the temp rose it wan't a huge jump. I did try to diagnose the problem for a while. Hoping everybody is correct and the new growth continues to flourish and stack up.

Hallmark Card: Better to have loved and lost than to live with the psycho the rest of your life.

I googled 'divorce card' and wouldn't you know... That's a thing and the Wally World Site has them...

Thanks Shed!
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