The Emerald City

Man... the struggle continues. I'm not sure if the Himalayan Blue was an auto or not but this fucker is just a runt... Anyhow I got a Purpua Reg CBD from Canuck Seeds and a Green Crack Fem both above ground. They are under the fluorescent lights for now, I'm waiting for them to get root bound in the solo cup, then on to bigger and cloned!
The heck with that's to a successful Purpua CBD and Green Crack! :high-five:

And happy new year Age. 🥳
Yeah, I might as well scrap it and rinse the soil while I wait for the others to become root bound. Also put a cracked Hi Jack Auto in the dirt this morning, she's on the heat mat and domed with love... Maybe the reg will be male and I can make my own 50/50 Seeds.

Happy New Year Shed! :surf:

So far so good. Bouta week apart, fim’d the Purpua, upcanned the Fem. They just hit the veg tent, light on low setting for a few days. The fem gave me a scare yesterday, dropped her leaves snd lookeing sad. The mix has alotta perlite in it. I saw air pockets so i pressed in and moved her back under the fluorescents, plant perked right up. Put her into some cactus soil at the end of the day and back in the VT.

Went to the doc for a middle ear infection. Got the good ear drops though and already feelin better. Ear still ringing but not itching, and full of water.

Life is good, had a brownie and put some cactus in the yard today.

Stay Baked!
It was feeling kinda cool so I adjust the temps also, after putting the Fem back into VT she looks sad again. Got the timer set on 20-4 light schedule. I was hoping after a sleep the leaves would be perked up but she still looks sad. Leaves have goodish color I'm waiting for the soil to dry a bit so I can give nutes. I'm wondering if I use the lighting in the flower tent would the plant like it more. I'm gonna try keeping her in the veg ten tomorrow unless theres serious stress.

Any input appreciated about how to proceed. I'll grab some pics tomorrow. I'm also thinkin I should trim the bottom two solar panels and pick off little suckers, just to free up some nutrients for the larger leaves. The stalk is nice, I've been using a fan on them both since they cleared the soil.

The Perpua is looking good too starting to see new growth at the fim site.

I don't have enough florescent lighting to do a full grow...
Yeah maybe a touch of nutes. What are you running for lights, floros? I had to get mine awfully close.
Have you fed them yet? I would if you haven't!

I wanted to wait to give nutes since I'd transplanted and watered in. I agree she was looking kinda pale. I was feeling like I fertilized too soon and killed my last one, prolly why she stalled out. I did get around to feeding her a coupla days ago and she perked right up, although i mixed them light and she's looking like she may be ready for adult doses at this point. I'll strengthen the mix for the next feeding.

Yeah maybe a touch of nutes. What are you running for lights, floros? I had to get mine awfully close.

Dude....!!!! What up Dabber! I still got them seeds you supplied should prolly pop'em while I still can. I've got QB's in the veg tent, still on low but the plants are on a flipped 20 gallon and CBD is 18" and Green Crack is 22" from the light. The CBD is looking great, the two tops really shot up and the two below are well I'll post a pic for ya. I got some older lights in the flower tent which I'm looking forward to firing up. It's been a minute but I think the one set is from Timber and the other is a Mars Hydro. Now is prolly the time to tune up that tent before I need it. The soil is still kinda moist from the feeding a coupla days ago but I'm thinking I may just need to mix up a stronger batch. The Fem is still kinda pale but she started to pray so I know I'm doing things right.

A nice pairing:

Purpua CBD:

Green Crack Fem:

I just mixed up a gallon of nutes: 1.5 tsp Flora Nova Grow, 1 tsp CalMag, 1/2 tsp Armor Si, & 1/2 tsp Terpinator. I also adjusted the lights up just a bit brighter.

Gave 2 cups to each plant with plenty of run off, gave that and the rest to my exterior plants and trees.

Stay Baked!
Dat RH doh! :eek:

I put a humidifier in the tent but the ventilation is SO GOOD the 10% never waivered... What's a grower to do? Im not shutting off the fans, it's just that time of year around here, Socal Desert Cities, cold and dry. It is warming a bit though so that hoomiditee is bound to go up at some point.

And, thanks to TheMadDabber via InTheShed I just dropped 5 Grape Kush F3 seeds into a cup of water.

Starting off with some pix of my Purpua CBD. I topped at the 4th or 5th node, just started LST a few days ago. Not sure if I'm gonna let it stay with 4 tops or go for 8.

Here's the Green Crack Fem, still recovering from nutrient neglect, fim'd her last week I think and started some leaf tucking. Hopefully I can achieve here what I did above. I'm not sure but it's looking good so far.

And the Grape Kush F3 Reg, bred in Alaska born in Cali. Sky's the limit, LETS GO!!!!!!!! :morenutes:

Happy Valentines Day :green_heart:
Been on a hiatus of sorts. Got two solid plants, couple few weeks apart, gonna have to start thinking about flowering soon.

There were a few males in the bunch, im not makin seeds this run. Watch when i do tho… all girls!!
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