The Dudes Abode: An UrbanAchiever Joint

I think I can safely chop them all. Pretty decent looking group. Very frosty, some density/weight to them, and fragrant. I can’t wait to show off the black pepper leaner.

Here is the 420 cola. The LST created this big cola and a set of 5 or 6 smaller colas off to the side. This was grown under the Dwarf Star.

Without weighing or jars, I can say this will have been my best crop yet, can’t wait to cure these. This smells like potent dankability.

I think I can safely chop them all. Pretty decent looking group. Very frosty, some density/weight to them, and fragrant. I can’t wait to show off the black pepper leaner.

Here is the 420 cola. The LST created this big cola and a set of 5 or 6 smaller colas off to the side. This was grown under the Dwarf Star.

Without weighing or jars, I can say this will have been my best crop yet, can’t wait to cure these. This smells like potent dankability.

Go at em Urb Scizzor hand
wow nice urb very pretty!:passitleft:
Go at em Urb Scizzor hand
Good job Urb. They look fat n frosty. Chop chop.... lets get chopping.

Thanks gentlemen, I definitely took the blade to my crop. It is no longer. Took a few photos with the cell phone. It was a long day at work so I will give a better update tomorrow.

This is the one I cut the other day. 3 jars of this plant.

Here is the single indica leaning Bubba 76. Interesting plant. I am going to make some type of medicine with this one. Mom has trouble sleeping and pops has severe arthritis. Thinking of an alcohol based tincture. Maybe soak it in a nice bright scotch...

Here is the 420 Cola.

My 420 Mag lighter is my most prized possession. My wife knew this, the notorious lighter thief, and thought we had this unspoken agreement to not take the lighter. She stole it, and it was missing for months lol. She found it recently and it sits on a shelf. This is its stunt double.
Man, do you have like baby hands and baby lighter or are those colas huge..? :)
Congrats on the harvest! Wish I can someday cut at least one cola this big off my plant :)

lol I am surprised, there are a few nice colas. Not as big as a beer can but bigger than I have grown before.

I also have baby hands lol
Ok while this may not be the last entry for this journal, it is signalling the end, a great end to a bit of a shaky beginning. Thanks to all who read and followed this journal. This forum is full of amazing people and growers that are far more interesting but you stuck around so for that I salute you. This is a bit of a long update but, I blame miss Newty for drugging me up lol, here it goes.

Started off the day well rested, ground up some fresh beans, and made a pot of coffee. Got off to a good start and decided to make some cobs of the GOF and Bubba 76.

Haven’t followed the cob thread in a while. Don’t have corn husks so I used food grade parchment paper.

Rolled them up as tight as I could to prep them for the packaging.

So far so good. Sticky stuff. Only been drying for 12 hours or so. It will be interesting to see how it works.

As I was preparing the cobs, the postal worker dropped off something in my mailbox, strange as I was expecting a possible parcel delivery of some government weed. I want to smoke something else while my harvest cures. I was baffled by the small package until it hit me, MNG sent me some goodies!

I got wrecked off a few puffs, but it was so energetic, pretty much did 3 days of work today.

This is my solution to sweating my cobs. Wrapped them around my hot water pipe. Doing dishes and using hot water will be enough to heat this I think.

The pipe actually read above 120, but I think the protective bandanna, the parchment wrap, and tea towel should regulate it for the most part.

I got super motivated off that J. I cleaned my tent, vacuumed it out, adjusted the lights, and prepped the containers. Raised the scrog frame. Washed a bunch of jars and the seedling tray/dome. Snapped photos, processed last nights images, tidied up my basement grow work areas, cleaned out my living room foot rest/weed storage thingys, cleaned my computer work flow (desktop workspace, hard drive, deleted old applications etc), it was insane how much I did today.

This is a bonus to my current grow containers. I can put lids on them and use the space. Once the plants are ready for more intense vegetation lights they will go here.

Now we are ready for round 4.

Some of the GOFF2 that I harvested the other day got dry too quick and I had to jar it up. It’s funky.

Into the mini fridge

So that basically wraps up this grow. I am closing this one down, and will return to post a link to the new journal, the smoke report, and to give a final yield tally once things are cured up. Thanks again to all you fine folks for giving me the support and knowledge to get to this point.

@Teddy Edwards you can stick a fork in this one. Thank you.
Nice results! Thanks for sharing your grow!
A small update on the first chopped.

I weighed up the three jars, the hygrometer says it’s 60% Rh.

Total of 47 grams.

I know the other plants are going to be higher as they have some nice denser colas.

I am estimating now as a guess 300 grams total. Which would be my best yields to date and be about .7 grams per watt. Getting there. I will post the actual weight once it’s dried and jarred.

Smoked one of the 60% Rh, had to roll it loose because it was sticky lol. Burned well, smooth, no real flavour on the exhale but the greenness of it. That should change. I will do a proper smoke report in a month or so. The jars are back in the mini fridge for a low and slow.

The high is pretty good, like a Sativa head high but with a hint of pressure or indica cloud. Feel good. Chilling about to play some PS4 Spider-Man action.

Pretty stoked. This is a success for me.
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