Hi to all and especially Jimmy
I nearly read all the thread and another written before (the same topic). I also decided to built my own light after all and i have some questions. Because first i guess my english is not so well enough and second I'm not so good in electronics as you guys.
In my region i have only the chance to buy these vero29 from one place and these are actually not matching yours. Thats why i want your help. I have also a 4*4 tent where i want to place it and want to make the same 36"*36" as you did. But i want that you can say me which ones I have to buy.
here is the list which vero29's I can get;
B-6011 VERO 29 BXRC-27E10KO-L-03 2700 80
B-6012 VERO 29 BXRC-27G10KO-L-03 2700 90
B-6013 VERO 29 BXRC-30E10KO-L-03 3000 80
B-6014 VERO 29 BXRC-30G10KO-L-04 3000 90
B-6015 VERO 29 BXRC-35E10KO-L-05 3500 80
B-6016 VERO 29 BXRC-40E10KO-L-06 4000 80
B-6017 VERO 29 BXRC-50C10KO-L-07 5000 70
What I also want to ask is about the drivers (meanwell). I'm not able to get that one in my country. Can you just say me for which one I should ask?
I really appriciate the great affort of yours and keep up the good work!!!