John Whorfin
New Member
Greetings Deep Water Culture!
Just a short update, maybe pics to follow back in the future.
Temps have been moderate to high, short periods in the mid 80's with the lights out in the box,usually mid 70's, no biggie, for most they would
consider my high's moderate 77-83 with lights on, water temps 75-77, not great, I'm working on idea's to kool it down a little.
The peat & coco cups have had no negative issues, I made some covers to suppress algae on the surface, P/H has been very easy to deal with, constant & stable usually 5.8-6.2'ish, I'm using R/O H2o with a ppm of 10, with 5ml/pg of calmag it settles at 290ish and then with 10ml/pg of Botanicare the PPM's settle out at 800-880, so if I figure this correctly my PPM's of concern are around 500-580, am I correct?
That would seem to be where I need to be aprox at 5 weeks, opinions?
I'm in the aprox. 5th week in bubbles from moderately rooted clones started in R.W. & transplanted into peat, very slow growing clones, lost a few, theres is now 1-707,2-greencrack, 3-Hindu's, all seeming to be doing the same progress, I'll let these girls run there course & flower, I just germ'ed & planted 6 beans into bubbles, 1st time dealing with seeds, followed R.M.'s tutorial around pg.5 pretty much to the letter.
One thing I'm not sure is when to turn the lights on, there in bubbles & R/W so I just left the 68w CFL on so theres light when they poke through
to much, to soon ?
John Whorfin
Just a short update, maybe pics to follow back in the future.
Temps have been moderate to high, short periods in the mid 80's with the lights out in the box,usually mid 70's, no biggie, for most they would
consider my high's moderate 77-83 with lights on, water temps 75-77, not great, I'm working on idea's to kool it down a little.
The peat & coco cups have had no negative issues, I made some covers to suppress algae on the surface, P/H has been very easy to deal with, constant & stable usually 5.8-6.2'ish, I'm using R/O H2o with a ppm of 10, with 5ml/pg of calmag it settles at 290ish and then with 10ml/pg of Botanicare the PPM's settle out at 800-880, so if I figure this correctly my PPM's of concern are around 500-580, am I correct?
That would seem to be where I need to be aprox at 5 weeks, opinions?
I'm in the aprox. 5th week in bubbles from moderately rooted clones started in R.W. & transplanted into peat, very slow growing clones, lost a few, theres is now 1-707,2-greencrack, 3-Hindu's, all seeming to be doing the same progress, I'll let these girls run there course & flower, I just germ'ed & planted 6 beans into bubbles, 1st time dealing with seeds, followed R.M.'s tutorial around pg.5 pretty much to the letter.
One thing I'm not sure is when to turn the lights on, there in bubbles & R/W so I just left the 68w CFL on so theres light when they poke through
to much, to soon ?
John Whorfin
Hey Deep Water Culture, I thought I'd introduce myself, I've been growing for about 2 1/2 years in soil, Rosemans tutorial conviced me to make the swap over to hydro.
I just finished building & fired up my 1st Deep Water Culture unit this week, more or less an expierament, I put 3-707 Headbands in 6" net pots, they started off in peat so I put them into coco cups for liners in the net pots, these are 3 rooted clones that I won't cry over if I loose them, I just wanted something to learn the system with to start off.
I'm using Milwaukee constant P/H & TDS meters, P/H is riding at 5.9 & TDS around 600, I'm using Botanicare Veg, thats what I was using before I started going more organic in soil, I'm familar with the line and there sitting on the shelve, I'm also using R/O water amending it with 5ml/pg of CalMag and superthrive in veg.
Vegging under 252w of LED, after 3 days 1 of the girls are looking very good and the other 2 I think one will go south & the other is on the cusp right now, no biggie like I said I chose these 3 because like Rambo there expendible if I become the "Canna-nator".
Any nute's advise for future grows I'm open to or any advise at all, I think my biggest issue this week is keeping the temps down, I'm not thrilled the rez temp reads mid 70's.
I had red tinted water the day after so I did a practice water change to try & clear the water, something I was not looking forward to, no muss no fuss, simple, messing with the addional water has been the biggest issue why I've put off going hydro, much to do about nothing.
Can't wait to get rid of most of my soil, except for mothers.
John Whorfin