New Member
Thanks scaredeecat! My wife laughs every time someone asks me what I did for my birthday.
I tell them I cleaned toilets!
Funny thing is I did. Before I took a shower in the morning I cleaned the toilets, well they need it, birthday or not.
well someones got to do it
thanks SD, accually it wasnt a good one, I was workin out of town and my buddy wanted to take me out for a few beers, I walked back to the motel after a few hours while he decided to stay out with some new friends, I woke up and he wasnt in the room and I knew it, he was in jail, lol
Prayers are out Trunk5
Reps out Ben for using what you had!!!
during veg I do cut the small sucker branches off the bottom just because IMO they dont do jack, but in flower I do nuthin peace BH`s!!
glad it was not you in jail bro, sounds like you were the one with some wisdom
trunk5 i said a prayer for you and yours this morning i know all about health problems and the support from family and friends helps