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Thanks scaredeecat! My wife laughs every time someone asks me what I did for my birthday.

I tell them I cleaned toilets!

Funny thing is I did. Before I took a shower in the morning I cleaned the toilets, well they need it, birthday or not. :rofl:

well someones got to do it:)

thanks SD, accually it wasnt a good one, I was workin out of town and my buddy wanted to take me out for a few beers, I walked back to the motel after a few hours while he decided to stay out with some new friends, I woke up and he wasnt in the room and I knew it, he was in jail, lol

Prayers are out Trunk5

Reps out Ben for using what you had!!!

during veg I do cut the small sucker branches off the bottom just because IMO they dont do jack, but in flower I do nuthin :grinjoint: peace BH`s!!

glad it was not you in jail bro, sounds like you were the one with some wisdom:grinjoint:

trunk5 i said a prayer for you and yours this morning:hugs: i know all about health problems and the support from family and friends helps
md#2 bud porn

before and after pics

This one was shot moments after pruning the plant on the right.


This pic below was taken about 30 hours after pruning


We can see that she has quit trying to grow bottom branches and is focused on upper devlopment. One thing she has not done is stop growing or stall out. She's in fact picking up the pace.

When I remove branches I'm removing the small stuff. I dont remove any significant branch that has a chance of developing a nice cola.

Today is the day for changing the rez so she'll be diving into a fresh buffett later this evening.

I doubt she'll pull a miracle and be as big as her sister but at least she will not need to be disconnected from the system to grow as an individual. These buckets need to be level with each other and i was worried I would need to elevate her to keep her close to the light.

In soil the benefits of lower branch removal is done for more than an accelerated growth spurt. Clearing droopy leaves and lower branches will increase air flow over the soil surface which will reduce the chances of fungus and fungus gnats. It also aids in aerating the soil. It makes watering the plant easier and no leaves will be touching the wet top soil which can cause decay and rot in the leaf. It also reduces bug infestation. Bugs like those dense pockets of vegatation that are undisturbed so they can establish their colonies.:peace:
before and after pics

This one was shot moments after pruning the plant on the right.


This pic below was taken about 30 hours after pruning


We can see that she has quit trying to grow bottom branches and is focused on upper devlopment. One thing she has not done is stop growing or stall out. She's in fact picking up the pace.

When I remove branches I'm removing the small stuff. I dont remove any significant branch that has a chance of developing a nice cola.

Today is the day for changing the rez so she'll be diving into a fresh buffett later this evening.

I doubt she'll pull a miracle and be as big as her sister but at least she will not need to be disconnected from the system to grow as an individual. These buckets need to be level with each other and i was worried I would need to elevate her to keep her close to the light.

In soil the benefits of lower branch removal is done for more than an accelerated growth spurt. Clearing droopy leaves and lower branches will increase air flow over the soil surface which will reduce the chances of fungus and fungus gnats. It also aids in aerating the soil. It makes watering the plant easier and no leaves will be touching the wet top soil which can cause decay and rot in the leaf. It also reduces bug infestation. Bugs like those dense pockets of vegatation that are undisturbed so they can establish their colonies.:peace:

:thanks: for the pics and the practical information. I really appreciate you clearing that up for me. I'll be checking your journal later tonight for updates. :)

+reps - you ROCK :theband:
Thats one nice bud !!H#####, OB nice plants ,I like that bucket system you've got these bubble res just get too crowded ! next grow I think I'll have to figure out a way to hook up a few buckets !
Thats one nice bud !!H#####, OB nice plants ,I like that bucket system you've got these bubble res just get too crowded ! next grow I think I'll have to figure out a way to hook up a few buckets !
Thx OH!
I'm really liking these buckets. Very easy to work with.
Plans for the expansion are already in progress. Today i scored some more used buckets with three of the witches hat style net lids. I've also got my ear to the ground and I'm out shaking the bushes looking for a Texas Controller rez for the expansion.


If you do you can use the bp tank to start up to 6 plants from seed! Another use for the starter system!

Instant perpetual garden! :yahoo:
Good Morning all,
one of my plants in the bloom box seems to matured before the others. I see really red budz but she never really bulked up. just some tiny lil popcorn pieces. She looks like some of the tips r dying and r just kinda turnin black at the tips. would u pull her?
The others look better, r building better and dont look ready quite yet.
This is not the greatest pic and I cant really see the trics yet (inexperience and lack of maginifying equip)
my humidity is up at night when light r off, opened the cab to 72% YIKES this morning
the door is open and the fan is on right now shes down to 50%
Pistal color means very little when it comes to maturity. I think your plant just turned gray in high school! LOL! They trichs will tell you when it's ready. First sign is usually swollen calyx. Don't see any on that bud. It's gonna be a good one though!

On the humidity issue, do you turn off any fans at night?
HEY HEY, I got to jump in and cut early, got the place to myself. good thing too. no body told me how long it takes to trim these things up. Jezzzzzzz. been going for a couple of hours now. bout 1/2 way done.
I've been getting trim leaves as Shake from the local disp for the last couple of wks , it's better than their top shelf bud !!! I couldn't believe it at first . Next wk we got a 1/2 oz plus an 1/8 of silver haze , the shake was much better high and the leaves were covered with nice shiney crystals !! I get tired of paying top dollar for not so good weed ! Can't wait till my grows are done !
Sure is fun at the beginning,but gets old fast! I don't mind trimming but my girl loves it so I don't have to do much,just grow it,chop it and set her loose on it.

I was vegging on some Malawi trim this afternoon. It's been in a jar for that purpose for the last 7 weeks. Day Smoke Reserve, I call it! Smooth as silk but with a different taste. More flowery and less nutty to the taste and I like that! A hit sends you spinning but I'm used to this ride!

Nice table, Mama! You got some nice toys to play with to enhance the experience! I'm officially jealous!
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