The Curly Beaver Den

Ahhh vaping is all well and good. I still prefer rolling up though. I make BIG joints with king size papers but me n the misses hit it and leave it. That big joint will last me a couple hours.
Not a one of my friends can handle my doobs lol. They basically smoke tobacco laced with cannabis.... makes me feel ill
I've got a tradition of rolling the whole cola off my autos into a joint/blunt. It's a celebratory deal. LoL it lasts an entire day, and... most definitely.... leaves my buddies fucking waxed! There is something to be said about a joint that looks like a tampon! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I've got a tradition of rolling the whole cola off my autos into a joint/blunt. It's a celebratory deal. LoL it lasts an entire day, and... most definitely.... leaves my buddies fucking waxed! There is something to be said about a joint that looks like a tampon! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
King kongs finger!
I've got a tradition of rolling the whole cola off my autos into a joint/blunt. It's a celebratory deal. LoL it lasts an entire day, and... most definitely.... leaves my buddies fucking waxed! There is something to be said about a joint that looks like a tampon! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You know what.. ima pick the biggest bud come harvest and thats what Im doing. My dads got a couple cuban cigars stashed away ;) do this ting in style
"Rule of Thumb"... yo joint better be as big as my thumb or GTFO the circle, bruh!


Who am I kidding. LoL, I smoke alone way too much! Ha!
Not gonna lie. I like the fact that my boys cant smoke wid me. They have 2 puff pass my ting back and have to roll their own... once theyve stopped coughing up a lung and wiped the tears from their faces lol
Not gonna lie. I like the fact that my boys cant smoke wid me. They have 2 puff pass my ting back and have to roll their own... once theyve stopped coughing up a lung and wiped the tears from their faces lol
That shit always makes me proud. LoL

Brings a tear to my eye too. :yummy:
Did you ever kick yourself out of your own circle, lol haven't figured out those emojie yet.
More than once. But its not so much kicking myself outta the circle. Its more falling asleep with my doob in my lip and ps4 conteoller on my lap lol
More than once. But its not so much kicking myself outta the circle. Its more falling asleep with my doob in my lip and ps4 conteoller on my lap lol
Haha! I smoked a whole joint on accident while cutting the grass on my riding mower. I was really planning on putting it out & re-lighting several times throughout the day.
Totally high & forgot I was holding it in my lips... didnt really smoke it as much as I just breathed a joint for half hour until it burned my lip.
My enclosure is now complete with gate and lock. Big project for an old fart but I sleep better now. I'm still wheeling 6 plants between the enclosure and garage at 7am & 7pm but I'm harvesting some while the others are still vegging for another month or so.

Wow. Just Wow. Very nice enclosure. I remember when it was just built. Looks so much better full of plants. You did good old man LMAO.
Gardening with a bad back made easier with a couple of purchases this spring.
Left in wheelbarrow is a Bodhi Acapulco Gold
Center is a Kosher Kush in a 9 cubic foot Gorilla Wagon, (took better that 6 big bags of FFOC and some Perlite to fill it.)
Right is a Purple Haze X Malawi on a Deer Hunting cart.


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Gardening with a bad back made easier with a couple of purchases this spring.
Left in wheelbarrow is a Bodhi Acapulco Gold
Center is a Kosher Kush in a 9 cubic foot Gorilla Wagon, (took better that 6 big bags of FFOC and some Perlite to fill it.)
Right is a Purple Haze X Malawi on a Deer Hunting cart.
I saw a meme the other day that had a picture of an old woman next to her cannabis plant it a wheelbarrow. Caption said "Grandma always grew in a wheelbarrow so she could run off with it when the cops show up." LoL
Kosher Kush in Gorilla Wagon.
Moved it into the garage today for a couple of days of darkness before the chop.
This week we have had 20+ mph winds and temps down to 34F at night so I was happy to finally see enough amber to warrant the move inside. Even though the net is a mess I'm glad it was on.... no broken limbs and she's almost home.
Here's my next round, they were under a "Bluple" light for the first 4 weeks. Two days ago I chopped my Nierika Acaluco Gold so I cleaned up the room and put them under the Timber light today. I'll keep the light down low for a couple days until they get used to the increased intensity then veg them in there.

They can take full power. I run mine in VEG with Vero29 3K full power all the time. Gets them used to the flower room where its 3x as many @ full power! Just gotta water em good and often.

Keeping the lamp higher up is good. Timber FTW!
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