The Comprehensive

Nice job Orange.... You have all the Irie toys..... Love the cruiser ( just might have to get one this summer) and love the glass...... Everyone always gives me shit, because everything I get has red,yellow and green in it... It's all looking good Orange... :welldone::ganjamon:

Excellent. Thanks for posting.. That's really awesome. I may have missed it somewhere but just wondering why you chose soil over hydro?

I have several reasons for switching to soil from hydro.
First is I smoke only what I grow. My herb is not for sale and is only consumed by my wife and me. I feel like I can bring out a better flavor and overall quality with soil.
Next is I have a degenerative disc in my back which made reservoir changes and cleaning a big pain because of the cramped room where I grow.
And then it's just the ease of soil gardening. Soil fits my personality and time. Hydroponics can be a harsh mistress if you're not dialed in and on top of everything.

I do enjoy both methods though. I love the richness of a good soil grow and the tricked out hydro techniques that rival something the engineers at NASA could'nt even concieve.:grinjoint:
The Ladies



Hmmm... It looks like we have some things in common, you and I. i to come from a long line of growers/farmers, and I have had the luxury of trying and testing many of todays available nutrients, much like you have. Perhaps if your still trying new things we can put our heads together sometime and come up with some neat Ideas. I'm glad to have you as a friend here on 420.

Do you get into breeding?? Not just cross this with that, and be done with it, but TRUE BREEDING? I love to breed good pure strains, and am always looking out for that glorious Phenotype. I'm working on a project now involving A Brothers Grimm Cinderella 99 mom with a Purple #1 dad. I'll probably inbreed those good phenos into each other, and breed back to the mom, and keep going. I have a strain I call Triple threat that includes Mikado, Black Domina, and Mighty Mite that will knock me on my ass every time, and gets pink and red hues, but never goes purple. I've been inbreeding and selecting my favorite phenos for over 4 years now, and It still keeps getting better. I just hope that It stays true to what it is.......a hundred years from now., anyways, It's good to know that I'm maybe not so crazy, and somewere out there there are others who share the same crazy passions as I do.

+ rep bro. you deserve it more than I.
Hmmm... It looks like we have some things in common, you and I. i to come from a long line of growers/farmers, and I have had the luxury of trying and testing many of todays available nutrients, much like you have. Perhaps if your still trying new things we can put our heads together sometime and come up with some neat Ideas. I'm glad to have you as a friend here on 420.

Do you get into breeding?? Not just cross this with that, and be done with it, but TRUE BREEDING? I love to breed good pure strains, and am always looking out for that glorious Phenotype. I'm working on a project now involving A Brothers Grimm Cinderella 99 mom with a Purple #1 dad. I'll probably inbreed those good phenos into each other, and breed back to the mom, and keep going. I have a strain I call Triple threat that includes Mikado, Black Domina, and Mighty Mite that will knock me on my ass every time, and gets pink and red hues, but never goes purple. I've been inbreeding and selecting my favorite phenos for over 4 years now, and It still keeps getting better. I just hope that It stays true to what it is.......a hundred years from now., anyways, It's good to know that I'm maybe not so crazy, and somewere out there there are others who share the same crazy passions as I do.

+ rep bro. you deserve it more than I.

Sometimes I try to put a label or tag on my style of growing and I've come to these conclusions.
My technique is nothing fancy like SOG or SCROG etc. I call it "If there's a spot for a plant, get one in there asap." For everything else my theory is throw enough pasta at the wall, some will stick. If it sticks I keep using it. If it falls, try the next thing. I try to have an open mind when trying new products or techniques and I dont get caught up in this vs that situations. Sometimes the this and thats should be used together in harmony.

For breeding I dont get into it. I dont have the room or time. I'm a cloner and always will be.
I have a great disdain for male plants and it's not uncommon for me to hang them from their little yellow flowered colas, shoot them with a 12 gauge, or replace the soil with a concrete block and throw it off a bridge to go sleep with the fishes. If one of my ladies ever decides to go hermie I'll do like Marcellus Wallace and get medievel on her ass!:grinjoint:
Chillin' with Orangeblood

Below is the Rube Goldberg inspired cooling system I use to beat the heat.
The cooler is a 5 gallon water cooler that I may need to upsize to at least a 20 gallon when it's really hot out. Inside the cooler is a 185gph pump, two water filled frozen three liter bottles, and water to capacity. The pump feeds the Hydro Innovations Ice Box with the ice chilled water. Fresh air is pushed through the Ice Box via a 465cfm blower. The Ice Box air duct continues into the bloom hut where it blows straight up under the steel mesh tables where the plants sit. Doing this assures that the root zone is the first beneficiary of the cooled air.
In test runs so far it has taken 80 degree outside air and cooled it to 57 degrees. I also have to change out the ice bottles every three hours.

The pump and blower are controlled by a thermostat controller set at 80 degrees inside the bloom hut.



Sometimes I try to put a label or tag on my style of growing and I've come to these conclusions.
My technique is nothing fancy like SOG or SCROG etc. I call it "If there's a spot for a plant, get one in there asap." For everything else my theory is throw enough pasta at the wall, some will stick. If it sticks I keep using it. If it falls, try the next thing. I try to have an open mind when trying new products or techniques and I dont get caught up in this vs that situations. Sometimes the this and thats should be used together in harmony.

For breeding I dont get into it. I dont have the room or time. I'm a cloner and always will be.
I have a great disdain for male plants and it's not uncommon for me to hang them from their little yellow flowered colas, shoot them with a 12 gauge, or replace the soil with a concrete block and throw it off a bridge to go sleep with the fishes. If one of my ladies ever decides to go hermie I'll do like Marcellus Wallace and get medievel on her ass!:grinjoint:

I agree. I'll change up my techniques depending on the area, cash flow, strain variety, ect. Been known to use anything from dirt & sun to aeroponics & watercooled lights. Whatever works, like the pasta thing you mentioned. :ganjamon: for what you said about the males.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: LMFAO Remind me NEVER to get on your bad side. Poor guys though. I can't give much remorse for the Hermies though. I despise them also. Keep up the good work man!!!

After almost two years of being pest free I discovered an invasion of thrips taking place in my grow room. My initial reaction was too aquire a flame thrower but the collateral damage would have been too severe. So I've settled on a Doktor Doom fogger and a bottle of Jungle Rain Leaf Wash to take care of business.
I'll go ahead and harvest the big mama plant since she is only less than a week of being at peak ripeness. Every other lady in the house will get treated.
I ordered an eyeclops which I was hoping to set up and record the fogging but I dont know if it will be here by tommorow. I was hoping to film and record the gassing of the unwelcomed invaders to witness and document their demise .
Chillin' with Orangeblood

Below is the Rube Goldberg inspired cooling system I use to beat the heat.
The cooler is a 5 gallon water cooler that I may need to upsize to at least a 20 gallon when it's really hot out. Inside the cooler is a 185gph pump, two water filled frozen three liter bottles, and water to capacity. The pump feeds the Hydro Innovations Ice Box with the ice chilled water. Fresh air is pushed through the Ice Box via a 465cfm blower. The Ice Box air duct continues into the bloom hut where it blows straight up under the steel mesh tables where the plants sit. Doing this assures that the root zone is the first beneficiary of the cooled air.
In test runs so far it has taken 80 degree outside air and cooled it to 57 degrees. I also have to change out the ice bottles every three hours.

The pump and blower are controlled by a thermostat controller set at 80 degrees inside the bloom hut.




nice job orange ! what do you have in line with the duct,looks like a mini radiator. + reps on your inovation , go get them thrips:thumb:
nice job orange ! what do you have in line with the duct,looks like a mini radiator. + reps on your inovation , go get them thrips:thumb:
:thanks:That's the Ice Box. Hydro Innovations designed them to be attached to reflectors but they can also be applied like this. It basically is a radiator with copper tubing and cooling fins. I've built two homemade versions using HVAC parts, small window unit ac radiators and copper refridgerator tubing. They were crude and did work to a point but I found this Ice Box on Ebay last year real cheap so I snatched it up. It works way better than my homemade contraptions.
:thanks:That's the Ice Box. Hydro Innovations designed them to be attached to reflectors but they can also be applied like this. It basically is a radiator with copper tubing and cooling fins. I've built two homemade versions using HVAC parts, small window unit ac radiators and copper refridgerator tubing. They were crude and did work to a point but I found this Ice Box on Ebay last year real cheap so I snatched it up. It works way better than my homemade contraptions.

I think a how-to build your own would be awsome! I was checking out their site, and they have some really interesting products!!

Hydro Innovations | Products

I just wish that my current garden was big enough to justify the cost, but maybe I'll utilize some of those ideas into my patient garden. HMMmmmm... I'm a little behind with the watercooled technonlogy, but I'm still learning!

Hydro Innovations is a real deal standard setting company that produces gear that not only works but is bad ass at it's job. Their water cooled CO2 generator combined with their easy yet precise controller is tops in the industry. The Ice Box is just another example of their cutting edge mind set. I am a true champion of that company.

I can put together something that may inspire some peeps on some power friendly and low cost cooling contraptions. I'll snap some pics and come up with parts lists in the next couple days.

For now I need to dig in deep for the great thrip war of 2010.

I've studied my enemy and know his tendicies well. I am now ready to crush him! Doktor Doom will be deployed and I'm going to give everything possible a good cleaning. I have a good ladybug population outside but I am also going to deploy 10s of thousands more tommorow to go after the Infidel where he lives naturally. It's my Army against theirs.

No peacful reggae for this mission. I think some Metallica Master of Puppets are in order for this one!:headbanger::goof::theband::goof::headbanger:

BTW- That Air Stream reflector is pimp!
Either that song or "Disposable Heroes"!

I hope you didn't get those little bastards from me...I avoided your journal when I found out my clone had them lol. Hope you kill em' all ;) They sound pretty nasty and from what I have read can be a royal b*tch to get rid of, miss one and if it's a female it can reproduce by itself and start it all over again! My clone's gonna get tossed when I can figure out how to do it without letting any of the bastards escape (they've been sealed in so long as I don't move anything lol). Good luck and crank that up! :theband:
I hold you fully responsible Lil N! LOL :rofl:

Just kidding! These things come in cycles. I've noticed a few grows on this site with thrip infestations so I've gone ahead and dubbed 2010 the year of the thrip.
I store my bags of dirt and a large tub of blended soil in a greehouse + I do all of my transplanting out there so I'm sure that's where I picked them up. The greenhouse will also be the beach head where I will launch the ladybug liberation force. Hopefully in the next week or two more of the thrips natural predators will start hatching and join in on the fight. I think these thrips got lucky by getting a head start this early Spring.:blalol:
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