The Chiefs White Widow & White Russian DWC


My first attempt at topping. This is the white russian before and after topped.
What up Chief, ww looks like she bounced back! Nice! Yo did u put a counter tie at the base of the ww thats lst'd? Meaning, tie a string just above the lowest branch and pull it the opposite direction of the top. How r the roots developing? If u got some extra money u dont mind spending hit ur local hydro shop and get some great white mychorrhizae.
Found ak-47 clones! I will hopefully have them setup here in a few hours. If i dont get the ak's i will just get another white russian but ill do fine with another WR.

So ill literally be growing a mom, a dad, and their daughter plant. im glad to know im done growing just 2 plants
Im not sure about tapong the fans like that,not trying to knock anyones hustle. Im jus sayin,,,,u can easily tuck em n also dnt kno how healthy it is. Plants need to breathe and transpire but with tape covering em it may cause stress problems. My $0.2

I'm going to tape the leaf seems when i tuck they spring back..anyway its not necessary in veg..if you tape the leaf stem to the growing stem it might just work...
I'd like to try that exhale, but then I have to get another timer to shut off the exhaust fan long enough for the thing to work.... Congrats on the new toys!

Yea these bags are only for certain lighting and certain grow rooms. More light means more fans, more fans blow co2 right out and make this product useless. The new cover for my closet will make this easier on me to keep co2 in while keepin my grow room a little cooler im hoping. Those blankets sealed in heat this covers thin and leaves nice space for air flow
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