The Chiefs White Widow & White Russian DWC

O n do u know how to lst properly? Ive seen some people do it but I guess tjey dint now aboit the counter string at the.bottom which serves as an anchor,,,,

Ive never attempted an lst but ive read through miwas journal from front to back and he takes real detailed pics with step by step info on what hes done. Im hoping i can get it all right ill be posting alot of pics of my progress and techniques. Ill wait till they both perk up to a healthier state.
Hey 253 ... ww good strain bn around long time ....

Ive liked it since my younger years im real excited. Way more than i was for my last grow you saw j.s aka social smoker.. i almost forgot you changed your name. Any who i hope i dont mess up these things lol.
Gimmiethegoods: im going to be struggling here with my humidity for a little bit. Low humidity is prone to my area of the states. I admit i might be a bit over my head with this small of clones but i hope i can overcome these humidity problem. I need a humidifier and will have to look for one locally
I LSTed one and topped one...just the main shoot one conclusion is LSIing exposes more bud sites to the light but doesn't add bud sites...topping adds bud sites but does nothing as far as getting light to the fact ...more sites..more light i think the best way is a combination of both...thats what i will do in my next fact the clone i got has been topped once and fimed once and is under-going results on the FIM yet...its re-covered and growing fast..going to repeat when lights of clones and mommas tonight...wait until you see this bagseed i brought back to life...

i agree with this 100%, its the method i used on my last "mystery seed" grow which made a beast of a plant!!
another easy and cheap way to raise humidity levels in your grow tent it to take an extra 5 gal bucket and fill it with warm water, place this bucket in the grow space and close the space up (make sure you have a thermometer that allows you to watch heat/humidity levels from outside the tent.) but this will raise humidity levels in your grow rm instantly! its a nice and cheap trick, you just have to have the spare time to keep your eye on the hum levels.

allot of people do this trick up north when its dryer from the cold. they take jars with water and set them ontop of there heaters, as the water evaporates it raises the humidity levels in the home. its an old trick.. but a good one!
Hey preprodigy, i have a hygrometer/temp gauge but my battieries just died for it an i need to go buy some tomorrow since today im busier than normal. Ill be trying that method again, last time around i tried that and used a big pan full of hot water and my humidity stayed right at 20% lol. Ill try this with more water ill do anything to raise my humidity at this point
Here you go Chief...hope this helps..
Thanx miwa i actually watched a video of someone using that pic to explain it on how to do fimm. I forget where i found it but one thing i almost thought to do was cut EXACTLY where that red line says. Are you cutting that growth between those incoming leaves or just chopping the whole target through that red line?
Thanks miwa,, I was gonna post that exact same pic for him.
Ay chief, I got a proposal for you. Ill trade you 25% of my humidity for an 1/8th of that ww when its done,sound good? I can have it in ur inbox by the end of the day lol
Na but for real do what prodigy said itll help some but not a huge diff. Best advice is to get a little cheap humidifier online for about $60. Hit up the target website so that way if u dont like it u can do a instore return if u have a target in ur area. Thats what I did when I bought a dehumidifier and saw it was running too hot,brought my temps into mid 90s!
What state u in btw if u dnt mind? Dnt gotta say city,just curious cuz u got clones so im guessing Cali or Colorado?
I tried putting a rolled up damp warm towel around the lids of my last grow and didnt notice a humidity change but im realizing my temp/humidity gauge was hangin on the wayy above the plants by at least 18" at the top of the plant so the distance away probably coulnt pick up the change im guessing. Going to try that now. Thanx bud
Thanx miwa i actually watched a video of someone using that pic to explain it on how to do fimm. I forget where i found it but one thing i almost thought to do was cut EXACTLY where that red line says. Are you cutting that growth between those incoming leaves or just chopping the whole target through that red line?

i cut across between the incoming leaves..i saw a video on ut..he pushed the keaves aside and cut change suppose to take a week..

well heres just a quick update on whats going on over here. The top picture in the left is the W.R the right is W.W.
The middle is the White Russian and the bottom is the White Widow.
The W.R is doing great and im taking pics of both everyday from the same height and distance to watch their growth. WW isnt doing excellent but the top little leaves are picking themselves up its looking like. Im seeing the bigger fan leave turning yellow and the top new growth is yellow towards the stem and green on the outside. Im hoping itll fix itself out soon. I dont think shes dieing or shed be wilted worse than yesterday morning and i think would be droopier than she is. Assuming shes just a weaker clone and will take more time to recover.

Getting 2-3 more 5gallon buckets and will be adding 1-2 more clones in the next 10-15 days. Going tovaim for clone in similar heighth and possibly an AK-47 so i have a whole family of mother,father, and daughter. I think that grow would be legendary
Question for MIWA:

I tried taking detailed pics as best i could for you on this with out my metal halide messing up my pictures with lines. Im going to top soon but wanted to ask when youd top if these were your plants. Should i wait untill another set of nodes pop up (the droopy WW isnt getting touched untill shes perky) there is another node out of camera sight on each plant.

I dont want to rush it and i dont want to be late.
Hey Chief, I just got caught up looking good in here. I'm having trouble keeping my humidity up as well in my veg tent. I found a cheap humidifier at wally world. It raised it from about 30% to the high 40's now. There are a bunch of fire clones around your area right now, if your going to pick up one or two more.

Subbed for this one.
Question for MIWA:

I tried taking detailed pics as best i could for you on this with out my metal halide messing up my pictures with lines. Im going to top soon but wanted to ask when youd top if these were your plants. Should i wait untill another set of nodes pop up (the droopy WW isnt getting touched untill shes perky) there is another node out of camera sight on each plant.

I dont want to rush it and i dont want to be late.

Me i would won't take long...its better with a good root developement... and there is no too can top any time in veg...if you look at mine i topped at the 2nd 26 on my journal...and tonight i topped another one at the 2nd node...i now have 3...
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