The cheapest and most efficient way to pass a drug test

Ok, so I had been worrying lately because I landed a new job and put my two weeks in at my old job. After doing so about a week into my 2 weeks I got a text saying I would possibly have to do a drug test which scared me because I could now potentially be out of a job completely. So I kept searching for the best ways to pass without spending a lot of money. I lost a job opportunity about a 2 weeks ago due to a failed drug test. For that I had purchased something called the "Rescue Combo". It cost me $150 total with shipping and all and it DIDN'T WORK! After following the instructions and almost throwing up from having to do the ridiculous instructions and paying all that money it didn't work and I failed and lost that job. So I saw this thread and others and had some people in my area tell me about Niacin and I was skeptical. So I decided to try it. I went to my local vitamin store and spent $8 on a bottle of 500mg niacin with 100 pills in it. I smoked last on Tuesday 1/21/14 in the morning. I got the pills on Wednesday 1/22/14 and took one that night. I continued to not smoke and took 1 pill in the morning and one pill at night with drinking moderate, not even that much, water. I took a drug test I scheduled myself to test if it was working today 1/25/14 at 9am. I woke up late sadly at 8:12am when it was at 9. So I quickly took a pill and drank about 60oz of water within that hour and peed three times and voided before getting at the testing location. I urinated in the cup and they tested and got the results there and I passed. No THC detected. I was extremely surprised this actually worked and where as there may not be exactly scientific proof that many have said, given personal experience now I can say that it must work in some way. I mean the extreme hot flash and burning and red skin that comes when you take Niacin is uncomfortable yes, but well worth keeping a job. For a little extra background on me why I think its amazing that it works is I'm a 22 year old Male at about 290 lbs (Yes I'm a fatty) and smoked prior to Tuesday about 1-2 Bowls a day or more for over a year straight. So it inst easy to flush someone this big with that frequency of smoking why I decided to post for people curious about this. I hope this helps anyone looking or back up anyone saying that this has worked for them. I am now a believer and extremely happy with the price and results.
personal experience, me and many others from my unit passed all drug screens using the water flush (diluting) methods.
Only test I ever failed, so did 17 others all from my infantry battalion, was in our medical platoon working with POG's. Funny part is the Lt Col was removed from command and demoted for bribery and tampering with our tests. LOL
Niacin can help but not to the extent that I would guarantee passing a whiz quiz. Sorry but if you guarantee something, then their will be medical backing. Yes alot is corrupt and the corporations pay for them to say what they want, but their are independent researchers who have tested and published their findings.
Niacin most definitely DOES work. During my entire teenage life and was drug tested twice a month. I tried everything, cranberry juice, tons of water, those ridiculous drinks from GNC and head shops that do nothing but dilute your piss, nothing worked. Then I heard from a kid in one of my "drug" classes that Niacin would work for getting marijuana out of your system. He did warn me though, just as I'm warning anyone now considering taking it, there are some uncomfortable side effects when taking it. Flushing of the skin where red blotches are seen, hot flashes, uncontrollable itching... It is very uncomfortable. But definitely works. I never failed one drug test using this method of cleansing. You are only supposed to take one a day as a dietary supplement. When using this to detox your system, I would use two to three, at least two days before a test just to make sure I gave enough time to cleanse, and drink plenty of water while doing this. When buying this, and you can get it at any health food store like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's in the vitamin supplement section, remember to get the bottle that says "Niacin Flush"!!! The non-flush Niacin will not give you the results you're looking for. Enjoy that clean piss test!!!
so if I am 21 5'4 and weigh about 130lbs and have a drug test on Tuesday but plan to start taking the pills Friday how should I do it to clean my system I haven't smoked since October but I smoked loud once last week and one time the week before other then that the last time I smoked was oct 13 how can I get my system clean by Tuesday
niacin does nothing but dilate blood vessels. That will do nothing to help a drug test for cannabis. Might help at getting rid of other water soluble drugs but cannabis is not water soluble.
Synthetic urine is the most consistent and reliable way to beat a drug test.
I've beat approximately 15 of these DOT drug tests by using synthetic urine.

Synthetic isn't any good for a D.O.T drug screen. I myself have used synthetic for many years actually since it came to be as of today it's not worked, my works Dr called and said something had interfered with the drug screen which means they knew I was using something, so now I have to retest while observed I too heard from people that used niacin and it worked so I really don't think you know what your talking about I will update all on my next step
I am on Medicaid and I am being tested by urine at least every two months, I have smoked since I was 12 years old. I do have body fat and I know that thc stores in your fat. I have not smoked for a week now and have to go to the doctor in a week. I have read all the posts and I need to know what really works, can't take the chance of coming up dirty again, it could cause me to lose my Medicaid. Please posts the Sure fire way of being clean, I need help really bad. Thanks, Anything would be appreciated, if it really works
I'm in a bad spot wishing I had a week try b-12 niacin , creatine and gator aid , I also got Apple vinegar with mother in it as for doses look around and see what fits but 5-7 days it should be out of your system
Okay, let's review this one more time class:

The only thing that will clean THC out of your body is time. I recently posted on this site that they should not allow sponsors who advertise their products with claims of "Pass any drug test" or "Clean up in less than 48 hours". These are just snake oil salesmen out to make a quick buck, or $50 bucks and that's all.

These products will mask the THC in your specimen but they will also leave enormous tell-tale signs of their presence and the drug testing companies are on to this. They will mark your test as a failure and you're SOL. Don't waste your time or money on these and don't believe anyone who tells you they work. Period.

Synthetics or trying to substitute clean urine from another donor is a crap shoot at best. They check for temperature of your sample and if it's not in range you fail. But even more so, these days most labs are required to witness you depositing your sample into the cup. They won't stand over your shoulder and watch, although some people I know told me they did. But in some of the tests I had they stood in the door and watched to make sure I wasn't trying to pull a fast one. You can try but you probably will be discovered and when you do they mark you as failing and you could then potentially be faced with criminal charges to defraud.

I have been fortunate in that the couple of times that I have been surprised by drug tests when I was "hot" I was in a position to postpone it until I was clean. And by postpone I mean 76 days for the first time. I tested with home test kits every week but it took almost 2-1/2 months for me to clean up. I have another test coming up soon and even though I stopped smoking over 30 days ago, the home test kit I used just the other night showed I failed. Lucky for me I have another 5-6 weeks before I have to go and "pee in the cup" and even then, a person with my BMI will be darn lucky if I'm clean. Either way I won't go in and test until I'm sure that I'm clean. I will keep using those home test kits every 2 weeks until I pass and only then will I go for the official test. Not everyone has this luxury and I feel for you believe me. They are usually understanding that it takes time for THC to get out of your system. But after a certain time they will not understand why you keep failing and you could be in real trouble. And if it's for a job then all you can do is try to talk to the employer. Smoking weed is not as much of a stigma as it used to be. And most employers know these days that if they don't hire dope smokers then their pool of candidates becomes quite smaller. Some employers will even see that you tested positive for cannabinoids and just blow it off. Whereas if you test positive for cocaine or heroine they will take it more seriously. I think a lot of people don't pass but because it's only cannabis the employer dismisses it. The employee then thinks "Hey I must have passed the test" and goes off thinking that they cleaned up over night or in less than 2 weeks. Odds are they did not pass but they tell all their friends how they pulled it off. A man I know that smokes frequently argued this point with me the once claiming that his vitamins keep him clean. Sure enough his number came up in the random program his employer had and he failed. Lucky for him they offered him a second chance and of course the obligatory rehab counseling if he wanted it. Funny how they don't care if you test positive for alcohol, the most widely abused drug and the cause of more accidents, lost time and human misery than all other drugs combined.

All of that said, how quickly you clean up is based on how much you've smoked and your Body Mass Index (BMI). There is no way to clean a fat soluble compound like THC out of your body rapidly. If your skinny you'll clean up faster. If you exercise and sweat a lot you'll clean up faster. Drinking lots of fluids helps too but there is no way you're going to get it out of your system that quickly. Most of all don't believe these magic cures. They don't work and the ones which mask are exactly what the drug testers look for in addition to the traces for drugs.
I'm in a bad spot wishing I had a week try b-12 niacin , creatine and gator aid , I also got Apple vinegar with mother in it as for doses look around and see what fits but 5-7 days it should be out of your system

I can't help but reply to this one too. I wish you were correct on this diablokda. It all depends on how much and/or how long the user has been smoking and their Body Mass Index. Someone who has never smoked weed can take a couple of tokes and probably be clean in a few days. The same person could smoke a couple of joints and it would take about 1 week to clean up. If you smoke everyday for a week, you will then be what's known as saturated and it will take 2-3 weeks to clean up. If you smoke more than that, if you're on the heavy side, it can take as long as 45-60 days or longer to clean up. There is just no way you're going to clean up in 5-7 days if you've been smoking more than just a few tokes in a week. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way it is.
I like your info...Maybe because it's what I want to hear, but also I believe you. I am fixing to smoke, and have 2 weeks. Do you have a certain amount that you need to take for it to work, and any instructions?
Just wanted to update anyone following this thread. I stand 5'-10" tall and weigh in at just under 250 lbs. I'm not skinny by any means but far from morbidly obese. After smoking each day for about 4 months, I stopped smoking cold turkey in early May of this year. I took my first home drug test after one month....failed it. I was going to wait longer but a friend of mine was convinced that I would be clean after 50 days of total abstinence. I too was optimistic because I've been taking lots of water and drinking a cocktail made of beet, carrots, cucumbers, cilantro and apples all blended up in a Nutri Bullet blender. But alas, after 50 days of total abstinence I still failed the test. It has now been 57 days and I would wager that I still will not be able to pass a UA. I'm going to give it more time and try again.

There's no doubt my problem is my abundance of fat cells. From a man who had a 32" waist most of my life I can tell you that getting older really sucks when it comes to keeping that trim swimmer's build I used to have. Operative words being "used to have". I'm sure that some people would be able to pass by now, but for me it's going to take lots of time.
I don't know.. I took Niacin for a month, excercised.. and also drank vitiman water with niacin in it and i still failed my ua.. so you tell me how that worked....

Because u exercised. Exercise burns fat the fat cells bond with THC. When u exercised it caused the fat cells to release the THC. That's why u failed. Niacin and water do work.
Ok. So I've tried this.. took it for about 5 days I held off my pre employment ua as much as I could until I couldn't any longer the night before I did palo azul.. I've always been a firm believer in palo azul.. I mean I've done it many times before and as well as my husband, and it has worked.. but this time nope, even with the niacin daily.. I was freaking out! That morning I had took at at home drug test and failed.. and this was a DOT ua. I was freaking out.. I really wanted this job! The night before I talked to my friend and she was willing to give me her urine... then she told me her husband had a solution... that he did while he was in the military.. but before I get to that let me say this.. I had stopped smoking a month before this..I was smoking dro daily and alot of it (yes I'm spoiled) and I had tried wax about 2 weeks before quitting..A month later I was still this was his solution... day of ua take 4- 500m pills with a gatorade (the big one) drink it all (chug it) fill the bottle with water..take 4 more and you'll be clean for half the day.. sounds crazy I know.. think about how red you'll get how itchy your body will be. I said the hell with that.. I'll do palo azul.. so I did palo azul 1 gallon at night one in the morning.. I tool the drug test and failed I freaked! I won't lie I cried I was mad at myself for being so stupid.. fuck this job was golden oilfield $$ I wanted this.. so I did what he said.. but with 2 pills each time.. took another drug test.. between test I would say it had been a hr.. guess what I PASSED, I also took a b complex to put some color in my urine So as soon as possible I went got my physical and did the UA..and well here I am I got the job and I'm husband did the same but he did the 4 pills each time and boom he got the job he applied for too.. A DOT ua can you believe that?

so here it is..

take 4 niacin pills
Chug the gatorade
Take 4 more
Fill up the bottle with water and keep drinking
And urinate as much as possible...
and believe me by the time you finish the gatorade you'll be needing to go..
it'll work for half a day so as soon as you do this you should be in that office ready for the ua
.and do an at home drug test before to be sure..
good luck.
First, congratulations on your new job. I can't say for sure, but it might be that you didn't actually pass the UA, it's just that your levels were so low that they said they heck with it. I think many employers, including the FBI are beginning to find that if you start disqualifying people because they smoke weed then you're going to limit your choices so intensely that you may well miss an otherwise excellent employee.

I know that in my last round of UA's I went 82 days of total abstinence and I failed the home test kit. At 107 days I tested again and I passed. I did lot's of things to cleanse, loads of water, cranberry juice, exercising in the sun to sweat, etc... it took my fat cell laden body somewhere north of 82 days to clean out. I don't know for sure what happened with your tests, but there really is no way to rid your body of a fat soluble compound like THC without letting nature run it's course. And I still don't believe the "1 week" flushes work for anyone who's been smoking each day for several weeks, months or years. Once your body is saturated, time is the only thing that will clean you out.

I can only hope that one day in the very near future, the madness of cannabis' illegal status will be dealt with by an informed and caring electorate who will not be legalizing pot so everyone can get "stoned out of their minds", as Mr. Bill O'Reilly asserts, but that informed, caring people can make their own choice about it.
This is likely well meaning but it is also a misinformed post. And I am not replying to start a debate with the results claimed by the OP.

Readers should know:
Niacin (nicotinic acid), commonly known as vitamin B3 is not a diet pill. Vitamin B3 regulates a number of bodily processes one of which is metabolism. Because metabolism is one of the variables in metabolizing THC, the myth that using more of it will metabolize more THC was born. While one could certainly argue that a well balanced long term use of the vitamin would aid, but only slightly, in that process, it is not a cure all for short term use. Overdosing on niacin can be quite uncomfortable. Ask anyone that has experienced a niacin flush or stomach upset.

In short, dosing up on niacin in the short term to help pass a drug screen is a myth and a dangerous one at that.

I've actually watched as someone took the pills as he was high to take a drug test which he passed. People in my family have taken them as well as myself. What doesn't work is taking niacin flush free** because you need the flush for it to be effective.
My brother nd husband both passed their drug tests for their military jobs using niacin. Unless you've tried it i don't think you have a leg to stand on.
The CORRECT Niacin to take will say "Extended release" on the bottle. You will not get the Niacin flush unless it's the extended release form.

OlderStoner, I challenge you to use your at home drug tests to test the effects of extended release niacin pills. It appears you've never tried to do it and keep trying to disprove it. So do everyone a favor and test it out. It works. For the people that it didn't work for they probably didn't get the extended release. Some of the people mention taking very small doses yet still passing. That is something that I would like to see more info on. It's my understanding you have to have the flush for at least an hour to pass.

How to get a Niacin flush. Too much extended release Niacin in your system over heats your body making your skin turn bright tomato red and feels like it has a sunburn because all your toxins are being pushed up into the capiliaries in your skin and are being burned off. You have to take enough Niacin to reach and go beyond the threshold where the "flush" starts to happen. This is where you are literally burning toxins from your body. People actually do this on a regular basis to get healthy by detoxification. It overheats your body like your car's radiator cooling system. Your body starts to overheat and you need to drink at least a gallon of water but more like 2 gallons of water so you don't have a heart attack. BE SAFE!

My challenge to you OlderStoner is to start by taking 2000mg of niacin (i just took 2000mg and didn't over heat.. i had to keep increasing the mg 500mg basically every hour to finally feel the burn. I haven't done this in years. Been sitting here all day waiting to be very uncomfortable but have barely felt any discomfort.) It's not an exact science. It's a trial and error but when you feel the burn it needs to do that for at least an hour. I should have started at 3000mg. Someone mentioned taking 4 which is probably 2000mg and then taking another 2000mg. That means they took 4000mg. Altogether i've taken 5000mg but it's been ALL DAY and apparently i am metabolizing the niacin faster than I can build it up to get the flush going. I was comfortably flushed for a little over an hour but I remember feeling so uncomfortable that I couldn't wear a shirt because it was irritating my skin. One time I had to relax in the pool because it really feels like a horrible sun burn.

Edit: I wonder if this makes the test pass because the toxins are in the skin instead of the pee. (just a random thought)
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