The Cannabis Closet: Chronic Joint Pain

Jacob Bell

New Member
A reader writes:

I have to thank you. For years, I have been in chronic pain from a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Simply put, my collagen is messed up, so my joints don't stay in place. Purple_kush-1 The resulting dislocations and subluxations, as well as arthritis that comes from such joint damage, is incredibly painful. I have the joints of a 70 year-old woman, and I'm not even 21 yet. I'm on powerful prescription painkillers, and yet my Tylenol intake (as a supplement to my prescriptions) was through the roof.

As my joints deteriorated, particularly in recent months, I was frequently lying down, out of commission, sometimes for days on end. As a full-time student studying music at one of the top conservatories in the nation, I couldn't afford that. I had thought about medical marijuana before for pain relief, but had been brought up to stay on the so-called straight-and-narrow. Your consistent advocacy for marijuana, and your willingness to post articles from the Cannabis Closet like this one, convinced me to finally try it. So about two weeks ago, I got a prescription--ain't it great to live in California?--and got some quality weed.

Andrew, I am a different person.

I used to be curled up in pain every evening from the exertions of the day (hard physical labor like, ya know, walking to class, or carrying a bag of groceries). I would whimper or complain or just plain cry for hours. Now I'm more cheerful, more relaxed, more energetic. Good, painless sleep does that to you, I guess. My pain level is such that I have to be pretty high to control my pain, but if I'm chilling out at the end of the day, I really don't mind that.

I worry now that it will hurt my employment opportunities. I wonder what you're supposed to do, to say to investigators who want your drug history. "Yes, I used to use medical marijuana to control the pain of my degenerative disease. I don't anymore; I'm in pain every day so that you will employ me." What kind of job, what kind of country, considers that inhumanity an acceptable answer?

Source: The Cannabis Closet: Chronic Joint Pain
My fiancé suffers from this and it's the same for her, it's is absolutely debilitating at times and she can do nithing other than sit there in pain...sometimes even when she is very very high.
The doctors over here will not give her strong pain killers for fear of addiction so she must use standard over the counter stuff which just doesn't work well enough!

May I ask if there are any specific strains that help you more than others?
hello; I also have Ehlers-Danlos and am in my early sixties. I've been in serious pain for several years now, also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, but I wonder if it isn't just the ED Syndrome. I got some CBD extract and my local dispensary in Mt. Shasta and it seems to help if I take about a quarter dropperful every day. Also, I'm growing some high CBD strains this year and making seed. I have also found topical oils I make myself to be VERY helpful at the end of the day.

blessings and peace to you. may we find a way to live in our bodies without crying.
A reader writes:

I have to thank you. For years, I have been in chronic pain from a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Simply put, my collagen is messed up, so my joints don't stay in place. Purple_kush-1 The resulting dislocations and subluxations, as well as arthritis that comes from such joint damage, is incredibly painful. I have the joints of a 70 year-old woman, and I'm not even 21 yet. I'm on powerful prescription painkillers, and yet my Tylenol intake (as a supplement to my prescriptions) was through the roof.

As my joints deteriorated, particularly in recent months, I was frequently lying down, out of commission, sometimes for days on end. As a full-time student studying music at one of the top conservatories in the nation, I couldn't afford that. I had thought about medical marijuana before for pain relief, but had been brought up to stay on the so-called straight-and-narrow. Your consistent advocacy for marijuana, and your willingness to post articles from the Cannabis Closet like this one, convinced me to finally try it. So about two weeks ago, I got a prescription--ain't it great to live in California?--and got some quality weed.

Andrew, I am a different person.

I used to be curled up in pain every evening from the exertions of the day (hard physical labor like, ya know, walking to class, or carrying a bag of groceries). I would whimper or complain or just plain cry for hours. Now I'm more cheerful, more relaxed, more energetic. Good, painless sleep does that to you, I guess. My pain level is such that I have to be pretty high to control my pain, but if I'm chilling out at the end of the day, I really don't mind that.

I worry now that it will hurt my employment opportunities. I wonder what you're supposed to do, to say to investigators who want your drug history. "Yes, I used to use medical marijuana to control the pain of my degenerative disease. I don't anymore; I'm in pain every day so that you will employ me." What kind of job, what kind of country, considers that inhumanity an acceptable answer?

Source: The Cannabis Closet: Chronic Joint Pain

A Dutch EDS patient here to, tough the clinic geneticus tought it was "just" hypermobility syndrome we now know that this was a false conclusion.

Since i am already late for a appointment i will keep my post short, but i REALLY like to get in touch with people from around the world to see if they got any progress or new info about our Terrible conditions.

Take care and grow strong
So I just left the hospital where a good friend of mine just came out of heart surgery for a dissected artery. I understand basic pain management side of cannabis. My question would be is there a regimen or treatment specific to repairing the connective tissues or something that could help his healing process? they removed about 2” or artery and grafted the immediate area and are hoping the rest of the dissection heals on its own. I’d be grateful for any help or thoughts.
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