The Blueberry Bunch, Group Comparison Grow

C99 x Blueberry taking well to being FIMmed recently
Interested to see how this grows for you! I've had my finger over the buy button on this strain before.

Good stuff so far people keep it up
The DJ's Gold and Blueberry OG have just been put into the flowering tent! These are the 2 which liked the early topping and defol the least but they are still healthy and ready to take off. My heavy handed method for keeping them short seems to have worked though. Happy growing all :)

DJ's Gold
Blueberry OG
Here's a quick update from the shed today. Both Blueberry Bliss autos are pushing pistils, and Blueberry Twist is on auto-pilot.

Stay lifted y'all...
Cheers for the welcome all those pages back :D

Here's my alleged Blueberry Auto on day 28


If anyone spots she's an imposter let me know and I'll burn her. When the time's right :p

The leaves look similar to my blueberry, if that helps!
Managed to find time to start training these ladies... Nothing fancy just the ol 2 way tie over trick using pipe cleaners. Some say don't use those but I've never had a problem.. Did Bambi and Bianca. Broomhilda is so short there's no point yet lol. Not sure if I will give her away or integrate her into the scrog.. She's the most perfect in a way, so I'd like to see her flower. Anyways. Pix.

Haven't really touched the Girls in the tent since last update. They are going slow but steady, picked up a bit with no training this week. Blue Cookies is catching up to her 2 older cousins. White Rhino is still putting out nodes really close together. Blueberry just doing her thing. She has the least even canopy of the 3, but I'm just going to let her go at this point as she is already taking up more than her fair share of space. They have now officially been upgraded from the Babies to the girls as you will see below. I know I know shut up and get on with the pics, here ya go.

Now this is why the other 3 are the girls now. We have 3 new babies. Introducing the Blue Cookie sisters. These 3 are going to be survivors for sure. The hell they have been through already is staggering. So I celebrate legalization in Canada by popping some new seeds. So into the water they go. 6 hours later all 3 on the bottom. Perfect! Fold up paper towel, wet it and put seeds in. Perfect! Need to find a warm place to put them. Think in the corner by the heat duct is the only warm place in my apartment right now. Perfect! NO! WRONG! 2 problems happened. Not enough paper towel, and too much hot air blowing on it. Checked 7 hours later and the paper towel is completely dry. I can see a crack in all of them and not going to give up. Re-moisten the paper towel and decide the only other place is in the tent at the top away from all the airflow. Did not realize there was not enough paper towel yet and sure enough 8 hours later bone dry again. Now though I can see a bit of root poking out of all of them. Perfect! NO! WRONG! The 1st half of all of them are black, but I can see some white trying to get out so maybe still some hope yet. Wet them down again and now finally realize I need more paper towel and to keep them away from moving air. Put them on top of the fridge this time. Perfect! Not hoping for much at all, but checked on them 12 hours later and had a 3/4" tap root on all 3 but all the tips were black. Also the cotyledons were pale yellow almost white, but figured they made it this far lets see what they will do. Got out the small pots, threw some dirt in and here we are 48 hours later.

What are the genetics of Stankberry?
Thanks brother man. I can't wait to pot her up into the 10 gal smartie.
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