The Answer's Hydro Revelations

hey brother!! Plants look good :popcorn: I`m doin all soil till winter comes like alien8, res temps were in the 80`s for too long was the reason mine died, ph wasnt that far off to do what they did, when I chopped em I inspected the root mass and they were tan and a bit slimy, not bad for my first hydro grow though, I just cant afford an a/c unit or hoods with duct attachments, as it is I had to make my own hoods from sheet metal, lol. Anyhow havent spoke to ya in a while so I thought I`d drop a note, peace man :)
Dirt works too ! Thats where they all started ! Good luck with the dirt grow diesel, have you started anything out there yet ? We still like to see pics !! :peace:
Dirt works too ! Thats where they all started ! Good luck with the dirt grow diesel, have you started anything out there yet ? We still like to see pics !! :peace:

yep, been growin in dirt for a long time, I just threw a pic of a bad seed plant 5 weeks in flower cause I was board, lol, its in the plant and bud photos, peace man!!
DF do a hydro too in the winter it is way easier then the summer with heat. I did the first one in the garage and it was real cool. I brought them inside in flowering when they got too big and was easier for me to take care of them inside. In veg I had to do almost nothing. If I can move this cabinet which has more head room to the garage I could flower out there too and then no heat issues after summer. The big problem is I would have to move the car to take care of them and I don't want the pack rats to get to the car again. I will decide in Sept for the Oct start.
Sounds like a plan DF however I will be embarrassed when your plants look way better then mine lol. Nah I don't really care as long as I get my ounce per plant it is all good.
Hello everyone!! I was busy this weekend(girlfriends b-day), so I didn't post much. I will have a garden update a little later tonight.:hookah:
Are you still cooking Barbeque?

Are you still planning a trip out this way, this summer?

Actually, I'm no longer at the barbeque place! I think after 12 years in the restaurant business, I'm ready for a career change! It's just way too many hours and too much stress, to be a restaurant manager. I would still like to do my own restaurant one day, but never in this economy. I still might make a trip out to the midwest though, I'm do for a vacation!!
Alright here is a veg room update. I transferred the remaining Killing Field to its own bucket, a few days back. It has since grown a massive tap root, that is bigger than the stem of the plant!! The Wonder Woman is just a massive bush and is going to be a beast in flower. It think I might switch her over to flower tonight. Most of the clones are recovering nicely after the disaster last week. Shouldn't be long now and they will be ready for the stinkbud!

Killing Field #2- I will clone this one too, hopefully it is the purple pheno!

Nice tap root for such a small plant, she must be getting ready to explode! This is why you don't give up on the runt!!


Here is the Wonder Woman. I think she is ready for 12/12!

Who new Wonder Woman had such a huge bush!:)

The clones are coming back nicely! I know your wondering, why the toothpick plant? Well it has roots and some green growth peeking out, so I left it.


And for whoever asked for the cloner root porn......


I'll be back later with the flower room update, its lights off for another 2 hours!:hookah:
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