The Answer's Hydro Revelations

Got a little update on the mother plants( Sannie's Killing Field, Killing Kush). It is day six since the transplant into the 5 gal. buckets and of course they are loving it! I think I might take some clones tomorrow, cause there are plenty of perfect branches already. I also topped the KF and fimmed the KK. I like to see the side by side difference. I documented this procedure with pics for those who are still unclear on the difference of the two.

Here they are pre-chop:

Here is the TOPPED Killing Field:


Here is the FIMMED Killing Kush:


And finally here is the difference in the amount you trim for both topping(right) and fimming(left).


They are trimmed up and got a hefty feeding today to around 450 PPM and 6.0 PH.

More updates, when cloning is commenced........:grinjoint:

Great job I think cause I am still confused as where to cut. My first two grows I cut but didn't see a difference so I still much be doing something wrong. I would like to see close ups on the before then an arrow in the pic where to cut and then after.

Most can't take close ups cause they are playing with scissors waaaaaaaaaaaa.

I must be just dense.

I still can't smoke now my lungs are filled with fluid. I have a hacking cough which is real annoying. I will go get some cough suppressant later.
Alien8, You have a cough too, damn I've been coughing for almost 3 wks !! sometimes so hard I get dizzy ! It seems to be going around here ! Makes it tough to hold a good bong hit in !! Maybe have to try a thc drip ! Melloooowwww
LOL, I will try Robitussin and see what happens. I did take halls last night and i still coughed. I can't remember the last time i had a cough and with my back it isn't a good thing. I hope I don't hurt myself.

I have been suffering with throat issues for a while now and thought it was from smoking but now I am thinking it is the weather. I am not used to this, I have only been here a year.

Maybe I need the NY germs, smog and humidity.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, it is time for clonefest 2010!! I have to run to the store and get some supplies, but when I come back cloning shall commence. Look for an update later tonight.:peace:
:morenutes:These Sativa's are hungry!! 100 ppm in one day!:morenutes:

The girls got a haircut and I got a fully loaded cloner! I took eight Killing Field and seven Killing Kush clones. So far I have had a 100% success rate with this homemade aero cloner and I am hoping for the same. It usually takes about a week for roots to pop.

For the newer people, here is a shot of the inside of my cloner. Sprayer manifold made out of 1/2 inch pvc, ez clone sprayers, 400 gph hydrofarm pump..

Ready to roll!!

Mmmm clones!!!!


Here are the ladies after there haircut, you can hardly tell. They also responded very well to topping the other day. I can see, all four new tops coming in already!

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