The Alberta Growers Lounge

No water needed. I did a quick search and came up with this although I've seen several different methods using dry ice.


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Can't help you with the butter, but i put my hash once done on some card board to wick the moisture out, i move it around a bit so it doesn't stick to the cardboard to much, shoe box works great that way you can put the lid on it so hair and particles floating around don't get stuck to it.
Well i followed along and got my first bubble hash too! Now for my noob question. How do you dry this crumble?
And how much would one use for making butter?
With living in Alberta I find there is no humidity so the hash will dry very quickly if you don't have a dry screen I would just leave in the bag then set it on top of cardboard to suck out moisture
Way aren't these company's sending tradesman home , electricians , cable techs , plumbers , still working and travelling from building to building , construction sites still operating
The company I’m working for right now, won’t allow any one person go from one job site to the other. Most of the hourly pay roll guys have been laid off. At that time, sub contractors weren’t eligible for ei. Because they don’t pay into it. So suckers like me, have been forced to work to provide for our family.
Yes I know it's a tough decision to make I am also self-employed and have shut my business down.I am also lucky that my wife has a good job and is still working from home kids are grown up living on their own. But yeah if it wasn't for my wife things would be really tough for me right now?
The company I’m working for right now, won’t allow any one person go from one job site to the other. Most of the hourly pay roll guys have been laid off. At that time, sub contractors weren’t eligible for ei. Because they don’t pay into it. So suckers like me, have been forced to work to provide for our family.
Government inspectors have shut down so the crunch for job completion is irrelevant because inspections will be so delayed yet they still risk jobs being done on time?
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