The Advanced DS XML 650 LED - A Review By Doc Bud

Hope there is room for me to join in the fun :) always like watching perfection in the making :)
So let me say a few things about this bloom cycle to bring everything up to date.

The plants currently in bloom were vegged under Advanced 400's, linked to in my signature below. Standard High Brix stuff, root scoring, wet/dry cycle, dunking, foliar feeding, etc.

But I did something else too. I don't have a name for this practice yet, but it goes like this:

After trimming the plant up for bloom I gave it a massive, blasting/soaking of 1/4 oz DeStress with 1/4 oz. Way Ahead10x per quart of water.

I pump up the Solo sprayer until it's starting to activate the pressure relief valve and I blast the hell out of every inch of every leaf and every inch of every stem....pump it up back up frequently, really blast the crap out of it. If there are mites or anything at all on the leaves, they are now blasted off. The plants LOVE this.

2 days after the above I repeat the process exactly as above if there were any issues of any kind in veg, OR, I do exactly the same thing but with the Leaf Wash product.

When they go into bloom they are squeaky clean and happy and it keeps the bugs down. I'm running blood meal on a few so the soil isn't quite as resistant to insects as usual.

But things are going very well.

Pic tomorrow, probably.
Hey icemud..good to see you around. :) What happened to your signature and its contents?

Its a sponsored journal, and since I have other sponsors in my links, 420 mag has advised me to remove the sig when posting in other companies sponsored journals to avoid any conflict from the companies. :) Its a courtesy thing :)

They are healthy! They are growing....

Will be adding another plant in a couple days. Grape Ape before and after pruning:

So let me say a few things about this bloom cycle to bring everything up to date.

The plants currently in bloom were vegged under Advanced 400's, linked to in my signature below. Standard High Brix stuff, root scoring, wet/dry cycle, dunking, foliar feeding, etc.

But I did something else too. I don't have a name for this practice yet, but it goes like this:

After trimming the plant up for bloom I gave it a massive, blasting/soaking of 1/4 oz DeStress with 1/4 oz. Way Ahead10x per quart of water.

I pump up the Solo sprayer until it's starting to activate the pressure relief valve and I blast the hell out of every inch of every leaf and every inch of every stem....pump it up back up frequently, really blast the crap out of it. If there are mites or anything at all on the leaves, they are now blasted off. The plants LOVE this.

2 days after the above I repeat the process exactly as above if there were any issues of any kind in veg, OR, I do exactly the same thing but with the Leaf Wash product.

When they go into bloom they are squeaky clean and happy and it keeps the bugs down. I'm running blood meal on a few so the soil isn't quite as resistant to insects as usual.

But things are going very well.

Pic tomorrow, probably.

Hi ya, Doc, you are hilarious! :rofl:

Tell me, when you 'blast the crap out of your plants', do you do it outside or inside?

And another thing, how many 7 gallon cans do you reckon you would put under each one of those wicked lights for the optimum usage? I'm in the market and curious.

Rock on....:smokin:
Hi ya, Doc, you are hilarious! :rofl:

Tell me, when you 'blast the crap out of your plants', do you do it outside or inside?

And another thing, how many 7 gallon cans do you reckon you would put under each one of those wicked lights for the optimum usage? I'm in the market and curious.

Rock on....:smokin:

Hey Shawnee,

It's great to have you on the journal. These are really nice lights, with a very pleasant spectrum with a lot more white than I am used to.

I think without saucers you could easily fit 6 to 8 plants under each light. I would expect well over a pound based on what I just did with them on the warm up run. I'd say they are easily a direct replacement for a 1000 watt HPS, no problem. And they use 40% less power!

As for blasting, I put them on a barrel and spray up under the leaves holding the leaf in my hand, blasting the leaves up against my hand scrubbing each one.

This is becoming one of my "Reserva" techniques. Hand grown MJ. Like Wagyu beef.
Number of plants is based on your experience. More plants more work. Light dictates yield so if your running 600 watts, 600 grams is goal, 1, 2, or 4 plants will not exceed 1g/watt. So easy answer would be how much time do you have to spend on your grow.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Very healthy grow, color and size look text book.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
healthy is sexy.

I've always thought the same thing!

Glad to have visitors. Stick around. The next pics will be better. As far as LED growing goes, this is pretty boring!

I've got large, extremely healthy, strong plants in early bloom. I'll get 4+ oz per plant, probably about 30-35 total from the 6x3 tray. I could easily increase the yield without effort by putting two more plants in there, or by growing over a 4x8 tray. These two lights are ample for a 4x8 tray, but I'm trying to demonstrate what kind of quality the lights are able to put out.
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