In regards to the smoke photo challenge. That was a terrible choice for the first attempt at having folks all submit a similar photo. The challenges are significant and assumes everyone smokes their cannabis.
The purpose was to get a variety of viewpoints on the same subject. The whole exercise is about changing our own angles and points of view when we shoot. Accidents happen. Or creativity is sparked.
This is why I like constant light sources, versus flash or strobes, I can make shadows. Create accidents, spot things. Maybe I didn’t see that shot during the shoot...but saw part of it in post processing...then at some point go back and find that shot again and make it better. Rarely though lol...too much work. Also I am terrible with flash and strobes lol, let’s not forget that little factoid.
I saw a great photo this week of the butt end of a fallen tree. So we are just looking at this big, round, blank canvas. Except the canvas is a living document of years past. Essentially a living calendar.
Except it was on fire, had been for a while, the blank canvas was painted with glowing coals. Flames. Smoke. Looked like looking down the barrel of a cigarette from the lit end. But the smokiness of the scene, the movement of the smoke up and around the embers, was pretty cool. Made me think of this collective, and the challenge of capturing smoke.
Let’s make that challenge a big nope. Perhaps we can pick a subject or challenge together.