The 10 Clones

hi V and thank you for the video...i've found that the people in the cannabis community, for the most part, are very generous with their knowledge and time - thank goodness - because it makes life so much better for people like me that need the help!

i'm going to be shutting this journal down in another week or so...once the plants are harvested and i see what i got!
ohmigosh! i'm not sure whether to be excited or not...i guess i'm tentatively excited! :cheesygrinsmiley:

i harvested all the clones...6 yesterday and 4 today...i haven't had a taste yet, but if the colas are any indication of what's to come...then it should be pretty good! they are dank and like cotton candy...and bigger than anything i've ever grown...and smelled so strong i felt like i was getting high working on them...and all this after i tried to kill them....the plants looked like shit...but the buds do not...amazing!

VilliageIdiot gets total credit for this...the stuff he's been teaching me made this possible...if not for him, i would still be struggling to put out a puny harvest...:Namaste:

so here are some pictures...

i don't know if this means that they were going hermi, but i kept finding these little balls at the base of the branch...i circled them here...


and this is a picture of one of the colas before i trimmed can see it was pitiful looking...


here is a cola after trimming...i'm sure it could be prettier but you have to understand i've never even got this far before to grow something of that size!


the next is the harvest of yesterday and the next after that is the harvest of today...


and this is the trim...the one on the left is to keep and the one on the right is the trash...


and here it is hung up and drying....kinda blurry but i was having to hold up the sheet with one hand and shoot the picture with the other...

Well that is a solid finish. I bet you could have gone 2 more weeks but baby steps. Next time or the time after you will be more discerning and with each time for the next 6 grows it will get bigger, thicker, denser and more potent. Now that you have a handle on what you were doing wrong and know the signs you have and path forward and things will work out.

I will continue to be here for you but I suspect from here on you, will at minimum, make some good weed.

Your next steps are building a good root mass and getting it through the grow without stress. If you do those 2 things you will have thick dense Chrystaly flowers that will knock you out.

I am always hanging around so just drop me a line if you have a question and best of luck to ya!!!!


PS those things you pointed out are female flowers. That is the good stuff. "Bud" is just a bunch of those. down at the stem base they just make 2.
hi V! yeah, i had intended to let them go to the end of feb...but they looked so awful! lol...i just wanted to get them hanging and drying while i still could...

i'm going to keep this journal open until they are dried and weighed before going into the jars...i want to document how much i grew...this is a big deal...and it is thanks to you!!
ok...they've been dried and put into 6 jars with 28 grams in each one...not very good by many standards, but i'll take it. it's the best i've managed to accomplish so far and it's all due to VilliageIdiot's guidance. i don't know how to close a journal (or if it's even possible to do that)...but i'm closing the book on this adventure!

now, i'm moving on to the next...

thank you so much, V, for your help with this!!



Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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