THC Bomb Auto - Berry Bomb Auto - Quarter Pounder Auto

Seems what ever is bothering the one Mazar is winning, I did break a huge lower branch moving it, but this was after what I thought looked like nute burn started, I flushed with 3 gallons of ph water, it looked the same the next day, so I fed it and was a little strong again and noticed more yellowing and spots, so I fed half strength and it looked the same do I fed 3/4 strength and next day it's more yellow and spots, spread to the newest leafs on the buds






Guess I'll keep her going long as possible, sure hate to miss out and pull early, it has been getting cold at night anyways

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soooo..... Stop feeding it! :MoreNutes: The Mazar is responding to the night temps and the shortening days.

also, Some strains are picky about their food. Apparently Mazar doesn't like heavy feeding while in flower.

The damaged leaves won't recover, so just trim those off. You want to monitor the new leaves. When they start coming in healthy, then you have the feeding schedule correct. But with September coming upon us, I would stop feeding, and just give water and some homemade sugar daddy, until you have to harvest. (Molasses + Epsom salts) You'll give it the carbs, calcium, and magnesium it needs.

Now both my OGKs and my BBLs tend to lose leaves throughout flower, more so later in flower. (Indoor grow) They are done with the leaves, and are concentrating all their nutrients towards bud-making. Because you are outdoors, and the night time temps in Alaska are dropping, their autumn is rapidly coming upon them. 40's and 50's are not going to support cannibus leaves. (The Birches in your area are already starting to turn yellow.) You don't feed garden plants in late August, either. See the signs, and plan accordingly. :Namaste:

Nothing but molasses and cal mag been keeping her going, thanks granny ;)
Either that or the quality time me and Girl Scout cookies been keeping her

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Looks to me that you did all the right things this season! Next year, you can start your plants 2 months or so early indoors, then put outdoors after June 1st. I forgot when you popped your seeds this season. Will look back and check it out. :bravo:
Mold? Bud rot?

I think it's quarter pounder strain , pretty dense nuggets on small plant, the tops of those two look lighter and hairs have turned orange and some of the sugar leaves are light, burnt, twisted, smells fine though
Other buds same plant

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Never waste time with questionable bud rot issues, was such a resinous plant , very unfortunate

Chopped visible bad spots, but you can't see the new spores inside the buds so idk if I should chop and make hash or separate and try to grow more, pretty sure I don't wanna put it back in so it can spread to other plants

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From what I've read, the green house is putting out perfect environment for bud rot, and it'd be better to sacrifice this one for the good of the rest :)

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That's such a heartbreaker man, cut off the infected buds and toss 'em..
Is it possible to have a circulation fan in there?

Maybe next year you can start out earlier and start plants at different times so they won't all be in the critical stage when humidity is high.

Hope you pull though and get some good bud in the end:Namaste:
So one of the mazars has always had airy buds, turns out the thing was/is reveging and then some photos of what the moldy quarter pounder has left after all the snipping





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Hey man, sorry I haven't been around in a bit to see ya. I'm back in action now though and will be around more often to come over and check out how things are going. Sorry to see that bit of bud rot, that is for sure what it was, as soon as I seen the first picture I knew what it was. Good job on catching it though, at least you were able to salvage some of the plant. I would for sure set up some sort of fans in there to keep air flowing in and out of the green house, it is possible for this to happen even to the airy buds if the humidity and moisture levels are high enough with no air flow. Great job over here otherwise man, those plants are looking very healthy and I'm sure you will find a bountiful harvest in the end :) Keep up the good work
Hope all is well in your world.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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