WHile the bubble is still quite fresh, i press it gently in the pressing screen, this removes 80% of the water in order for me to have it in a perfect form for breaking up> I then chop the very lightly pressed lump of wet bubble, and seperate it out spreading the hash as thin as i can over the cardboard. because here is the REAL KEY. the dessicant can only work with the surface area it is given, and because we are dealing with such an incredible resin. it literaly seals upon itself. meaning the outside of your hash will dry fine, but the inside moisture will be trapped ( this is not true of 25u heads, as they are much smaller and leave less surface area of air between the heads when pressed,thus it is actualy possible to dry 25u in one thin patty or lump. This is NOT so with the other U sizes) So it is very important and i cannot stress it enough to tell you, please break your hash up while its still semi wet, and seperate out the chunks as much as you can. Personaly i have even see chunks maintain a moisture level that i think is to high. The way to show this to yourself is by merely pressing your wet bubble, and seeing how long it holds together. Perhaps a day perhaps a week, eventualy it will go from being a wickedly hard ass chunk of hash, to one that crumbles upon itself. When bubble is dried properly and pressed, it will remain a rock hard chunk until smoked.