Sorry meant HPS...I'm the butthead...LOL
Sry but i see some people are thinking no write as it is!
So i want to explain how it is...
Because HID are not only one kind of lighting bulbs, its family High Intense Discharge lamps.
(HPS=High Pressure Sodium)
MH are also HID!
And btw now HID name changed to GD [Gas-discharge] Lamp.
...I got to go sleep and got no time to write it by my hand, and i'm smoked gooood, so so so i'll put here some more info about that from
Gas-discharge/High intense discharge lamps are a family of artificial light sources that generate light by sending an electrical discharge through an ionized gas, i.e. a plasma. The character of the gas discharge critically depends on the frequency or modulation of the current: see the entry on a frequency classification of plasmas. Typically, such lamps use a noble gas (argon, neon, krypton and xenon) or a mixture of these gases. Most lamps are filled with additional materials, like mercury, sodium, and/or metal halides. In operation the gas is ionized, and free electrons, accelerated by the electrical field in the tube, collide with gas and metal atoms. Some electrons circling around the gas and metal atoms are excited by these collisions, bringing them to a higher energy state. When the electron falls back to its original state, it emits a photon, resulting in visible light or ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is converted to visible light by a fluorescent coating on the inside of the lamp's glass surface for some lamp types. The fluorescent lamp is perhaps the best known gas-discharge lamp.
If you still need to read more or smth ... go to google and write "HID Lamp".
And click first wiki link which you will get.
-Question why i cant just add link, i just dont remember good rules can i put this type of link or no ... ^^
Hope it helps you understand wtf is hps,mh etc. have fu*kin nice evening!