re: TeSmp's 5 Gallon DWC + 2L DWC-H's + 2L Hempy + 2L Soil
Interesting strategy preprodigy to root prune, most people say don't do it. It clearly worked in your case and seemed to work well. I debated doing some of it because some roots i cant get out of the bucket without messing with the lights. I was only getting good root growth on one side for a bit, then i realized my air stone was on the side of the bucket, then i put it in the center and it cleared that up quickly, Tesmp i noticed in one picture it was towards the side, id try centralizing it. Also, your running 1000ppm in your 5gal? Idk if im running enough nutrients then but I'm also using GH.. and they suck at making feeding schedules so im kinda just halving/quartering the doses and running with it
Just like everything else in this world, you never really know wahts going to work or wont work until you try it for yourself. some strains will accept this method with open arms and some wil be more stuburn to cooperate. it all comes down to testing.
as far as PPMs all strains are different. and it dosent matter if your in a 5 gal, or a 100 gal. 1000 PPm's is 1000 ppms. it just takes more nutrients to get to 1000 ppms in 100 gals of water, then it would in a 5 gal bucket.
anyways no strain is going to take the same amount of nutrients as another and enjoy it, so this is my root base chart for ppms. guild lines if you will. (if my plant tells me its too much or too little, im going to adjust accordingly on my next feeding or top off.
PPM chart for VEG:
wk 1- 200 PPM
wk 2- 300 PPM
wk 3- 400 ppm
wk 4- 450-600 ppm (stay within this wrang until i switch to Flower unless i flower for a solid 2 months at which point i would hit 900 ppm by that 60 day mark then flip to flower)
Flower PPM
wk 1- 600-900 ppm
wk 2- 800-1000 ppm
wk 3- 1200 ppm
wk 4- 1300 ppm
wk 5- 1400 ppm
(this is for heavy feeding plants, I mostly grow indica and larger size plants)
Damn man you got a ton of roots on that one! I just got this plant and it, it had minimal roots and it went straight into the bucket and flower because I'm moving in 6 weeks now (8 weeks when it started). Would your technique work on a flowering plant? It just seems to be growing so I don't really want to stress it much. Thanks for coming by
Thanks TeSmp, yes this will work durring flower, but only durring the first 2 or 3 weeks in, because after that roots no longer grow. this is because all the energy the plant produces is now going to bud production and everything else Ie. healing, root growth, fighting disease, is all decresed in order to maintain maximum fertility (STICKY FUCKING FINGERS
this mothod should only really ever be employed durring the veg cycle, and in the early to mid stages of veg growth at that. you want your plants root structure to be as healthy and happy as possible BEFORE the switch to flower.
(one thing to take into account also is the strain of cannabis you are growing. some strains focus all there early growth on roots, then double, tripple even quadruple in size after the switch, were others have slow to medium root grow the whole veg and first 2 of flower. what this means is some strains are better suited to root prunning then others. just like some strains are better suited to scrogging, or to SOF'ing, or LST, or supercroping, or just burnning sucking bushes haha.. so always keep that in mind.