TentGrow 250w MH/HPS NL - Bubble Gum - Brainstorm

Veg Day 19

Started a little LST training on Brainstorm and Northern Light, trying to get an even canopy. Vegtime will be around 30-40 days, so this little bend is prolly all i have time for, but got 4 plants so will prolly have alot of budsites anyway =) Goal is 60G per plant.

Bubbles are growing pretty good to, bubble2 has the fatest leaves i ever seen, alot of indica =) Bubble 1 a bit smaller but its starting to grow more and more.

Still som earthflies in the tent, small fuckers, killed maybe 1 or 2 but hard to get, tried the vacum cleaner and accidently sucked one of bubble1 leaves :/

Hate em!!!!

Well time for me to calm down =) Happy Weekend all 420s, Pictures on monday!
LST did not work well on The brainstorm :/ Been away 2 days and just got back... What do i see?? top of the plant where i bent it down is almost completely off "hanging by a thread"... Guess it grew so strong that it cut its own head off :S, Still green though. Tried to fix it with a blade over the wound and taped it together, prolly wont survive.. edges on the wound was already brown. well pictures tomorrow.

Good night. sorry for bad english..
Veg Day 22

STarting to get crowded! Been moving them around a lil bit, Doing som bending and so on. Still no need for nutes!
Well its monday= Pictures day

Whole bunch.

My broken brainstorm, you think it will grow back together?

Northern Light

And the bubblegums

Time to grind som ak48 and look at the last ep of breaking bad! =) Namaste
Veg day 24

Thx Light addict! Did the splint job to late so didnt grow back together! So cut it right off, hope this doesnt stress the plant out! Should be like a topping right?
Well did some defol and moved NL top into the corner of tent, prettey even canopy now and not that bushy anymore.

Topped both of the bubble gums to=) Im thinking 10 days until flip. Brainstorm and NL is around 40cm tall and bubble gums around 30cm, pretty stable temps at 28 celsius.

Cut the main stem off!

Defol and topping

I always have the dreaded fungus gnats too. An effective method to get rid of them is a mulch of aquarium gravel or sand over the soil and under the pots to stop access to the soil. The gravel or sand must be washed before you use it as it has a lot of dust. This is the cheapest method and works but it stops the soil evaporating and I was concerned about blocking off the air. I now use those sticky fly papers and a drench which I got from fleabay which works very well. If your on a budget the fly paper is great at catching the adults. costs like 1euro for 10 rolls:). Since doing something about the gnat problem my yields have improved considerably. Keep up the good work they look beautiful.
Thx Dutch Dragon =), Yeah hate them gnats, gonna buy some of that sticky paper this weekend! maybe some sand to! Read somewhere that Niquitinewater will kill em to, but dont know how the plant likes it!

Btw Bubble 2 showed sex today, 2 little pistills, guess its ready for flower! but 1 more week atleast. Need to recover from topping!

I always have the dreaded fungus gnats too. An effective method to get rid of them is a mulch of aquarium gravel or sand over the soil and under the pots to stop access to the soil. The gravel or sand must be washed before you use it as it has a lot of dust. This is the cheapest method and works but it stops the soil evaporating and I was concerned about blocking off the air. I now use those sticky fly papers and a drench which I got from fleabay which works very well. If your on a budget the fly paper is great at catching the adults. costs like 1euro for 10 rolls:). Since doing something about the gnat problem my yields have improved considerably. Keep up the good work they look beautiful.
Veg Day 29

Day 29 already and all plants are alive :)

All plants green and healthy except for some spotting on Bubble 1 that showed some spots today, starting with nutes today so we will see how she respons to it!
No nutes for The Brainstorm though! could see som nute burn after i had top/main stem off!

Bought some sticky thingies for my fly problem =) seems to work well! I also bought "neemotodes" dunno how that spells but supposed to kill all the eggs or larvas if there are any in the soil! win win!

Need to flip to 12/12 this week cause tent is getting to small for em sooon :/
Thinking about testing the first 2 weeks with the MH and cnahge to the HPS rest of the weeks?
Good bad? Never tried it and read somewhere that they dont stretch as much!




Sad leaf!

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