Tent Grow - Jack Herer - White Widow & Amnesia Haze - Mars II LED

*Gasp!* Your Dark Devil is so beautiful Jim. The leaf coloration is stunning in that last shot. You're getting close now, my friend. It's crazy, isn't it, how badly you want to chop something again? LOL! Been there, so I understand. Haha!

You've done well Jim and had fun, a most important consideration. :battingeyelashes:

Haha...I really don't need to chop anything now as I have plenty of Mary's buds to last quite a while. But thank you so much for the compliment about doing well and having fun.

Yeah, that's a great photo -- and look at the trichomes on her. Love the whole plant photo, too -- you can see the colours turning to autumn all over.

She does have quite stunning colors and I'm not sure if I'll be able to adapt to smoking something that isn't slightly green. Who am I kidding....I'll adapt if the smoke is up to its reputation..LOL
JH and WW - Day 90
Dark Devil Auto - Day 67
12/12 started 10/30/2015

My new goal. I'm going to be a better grower.

This morning I finally tested a bud of Dark Devil. This is the first "Connoisseur" grade cannabis that I've grown and tested. I really want more of that.... Anyway, I grew this on SweetSue's suggestion and I have to complement her on the choice. I'll grow it again, that is if I'm attentive to popping the seeds.

I also know that the Jack Herer and White Widow were the products that I wanted to grow and I'm really going to resist any testing there.

The bag seed that I recently harvested is pretty good and gets better each day with the cure. I've given great thought about the bag seed as it obviously was grown for distribution and likely wasn't intended to be bred. I wonder if the mother and father of that strain had any heirloom qualities.


More of the Dark Devil. I'm hoping this one will go another week to 10 days. She's so pretty.

JH and WW - Day 91
Dark Devil Auto - Day 68
12/12 started 10/30/2015

For bud development I'm trying to raise the temperature in the tent to ~85F. I've turned the inline fan down very low but the result so far has been greater odor. Of course it isn't noticeable with tent zipped. Trichomes are still developing and only plant clouding at all is Dark Devil. She might have another week to go. Her diet is straight water now.

While the photo-period plants suffer from earlier Cal/Mag deficiencies, buds continue to develop nicely and I can detect some benefit from the back building that I did on select colas.



Jack Herer

White Widow

Dark Devil

JH and WW - Day 93
Dark Devil Auto - Day 70
12/12 started 10/30/2015

Team Tent


I'm thinking that the photo-period girls probably have a 3 week maximum life left. I anticipate ~60 days under 12/12. This is similar to breaking new ground. Pistils are mostly white so looking at trichs wouldn't mean much right now. I look anyway out of curiosity. They get standard bloom nutes today with Overdrive. I anticipate straight water next Monday or so.

Jack Herer


White Widow


Dark Devil

Only a week or so left here. I look at these trichomes daily.

That top picture in this update is stunning Jim. Do yourself a favor and save that one on a photo roll. Trust me on this my magical friend. That was an instinctive call on my part and I've learned to listen to them.

Your Dark Devil Auto rivals the pack for top honors, Beauty Division Jim. Remember how concerned we were about her? :high-five: I really wanted to sweep you up in a hug, but that impulse was too real time to be satisfied with a simple emoticon, so we'll just imagine. I'll share that I danced a little jig right here in my living room. :laughtwo:

Wait until you've smoked buds from her that have cured at least a month. None of mine have made it that long, so I'm waiting to hear how yours smokes. :laughtwo: I also wanted to predict that the delicious-looking Jack Herer is going to be your favorite. Let's see if I'm right.
That top picture in this update is stunning Jim. Do yourself a favor and save that one on a photo roll. Trust me on this my magical friend. That was an instinctive call on my part and I've learned to listen to them.

Your Dark Devil Auto rivals the pack for top honors, Beauty Division Jim. Remember how concerned we were about her? :high-five: I really wanted to sweep you up in a hug, but that impulse was too real time to be satisfied with a simple emoticon, so we'll just imagine. I'll share that I danced a little jig right here in my living room. :laughtwo:

Wait until you've smoked buds from her that have cured at least a month. None of mine have made it that long, so I'm waiting to hear how yours smokes. :laughtwo: I also wanted to predict that the delicious-looking Jack Herer is going to be your favorite. Let's see if I'm right.

You seem to always be dancing. Jack Herer. I was looking at her awards this morning:

Jack Herer is the most awarded variety in the history of harvest festivals, winning 11 High Times Cannabis Cup awards.[2]

2006: 2nd – High Life Cannabis Cup (Seed Bank Hydro Haze)
2006: 2nd – High Life Cannabis Cup (Grow Shop Hydro Haze)
2005: 1st – High Life Cannabis Cup (Coffeeshop Hydro)
2004: 1st – High Life Cannabis Cup (Coffeeshop Hydro)
2004: 1st – High Life Cannabis Cup (Seeds Haze Hydro)
2003: 1st – High Life Cannabis Cup (Seeds Hydro)
2003: 1st – High Life Cannabis Cup (Grow Shop Bio)
2003: 3rd – High Life Cannabis Cup (Coffeeshop Hydro)
2002: 3rd – High Life Cannabis Cup (Coffeeshop Hydro)
1999: 1st – High Times Cannabis Cup (Sativa Cup)
1994: 1st – High Times Cannabis Cup (Overall)
I do dance a lot. How sweet of you to notice. :laughtwo: There's just so much to celebrate in life and the whole body want to get involved.
It makes me giggle the way you refer to them as "team tent". :laughtwo:
Sorry. Posted that one on the wrong thread. :laughtwo:

As long as I'm here ......... :hug:
JH and WW - Day 95
Dark Devil Auto - Day 72
12/12 started 10/30/2015

I didn't take pictures of the photo-period tent girls this morning. They were fed nute mixture.

The Dark Devil is getting real close to harvest so I look at these trichomes. No amber yet but I did notice these unusual growths on a couple of the bud ends. They appear as balloon type structures. I've read one grower post about funny little things appearing and I guess these are what was discussed. Anyway, it's kind of interesting to me.

JH and WW - Day 96
Dark Devil Auto - Day 73
12/12 started 10/30/2015

This is certainly an interesting part of the grow for the Jack Herer and White Widow. While bud development is not noticeable day to day I believe fully that it is occurring. I will do a photo comparison later today if time permits. I have to help some guys from church this morning build a deck for someone's needs.


Dark Devil's trichomes are getting cloudy. Harvest is not far away. I'll get the loupe out later.

:thumb::goodjob::high-five:. That's all I got Jim. Things are looking sweet. Wish I had one of those scratch and sniff sceens. DD looks to be a few days out. Exciting times?? Hell, I'm excited for you! They look great.
:thumb::goodjob::high-five:. That's all I got Jim. Things are looking sweet. Wish I had one of those scratch and sniff sceens. DD looks to be a few days out. Exciting times?? Hell, I'm excited for you! They look great.

There have been times during this grow that I think things are just stuck. Dark Devil has looked the same since last weekend. Trichomes are mostly clear. I never anticipated that it would take so long to finish. Maybe my phenom is a little different but it's an auto. At some point they are supposed to finish.

Jack Herer and White Widow are on their own time frame. I keep popping the nutes to them and I see small changes in bud development. I'm hoping these are on the right track and are packing on the weight. At some point they too will tell me when to go to straight water.

The great thing is that I'm learning. Mary, the bag seed plant I harvested at the end of Nov. is now being revegged and began new leaf development yesterday. When any of the tent girls are done, I'll learn more when I get to look at the roots.

I want my next grow to be all autos but that could always change. I had some seeds recently stolen by customs and my reorder appears to be stuck in Spain since 12/2/15.

On the good news front. Mary's nugs continue to get better daily....and I've not had to go back to buy at street level. The high is good and last for half a day so all that is good.

Thanks for popping in Cy...
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