Finally got around to fixing my ghetto rigged faucet in the shed.

The res has been working great. I still hand feed the 2 autos, but these drip lines make things super easy to water/feed the rest.

Here's a little photo dump update:

Thinking I might need to super-crop the 3 mains on that C99/BB #2. They are towering above right now. LoL
Wow, they just keep chugging along. Looking really healthy and happy. I wasn't sure about those drip rings but sounds like you nailed it!
Good job! I was wondering what you were going to do if you had to scrap plan 'A', but looks like the plan worked flawless :thumb:
Hey P, hope you had a great Bday!

Quick question, I’m about to up pot and I was wondering if you (or anyone) had any tips or suggestions on up potting in coco? Or is it pretty much the same as soil?
I do it the same way, coco or soil (inverse sandcastle method).
Only difference, I charge my coco with 1/4 strength nutes; I wait on nutrients with soil.

Otherwise, I just sit them on a paint can & roll that fabric pot off like a used rubber.

Mist root ball with water, sprinkle a little mycos, then plant in it's new home.

I top dress it with a little more coco, then call it good. I also hit it with those same "charging nutes" the following day.
I do it the same way, coco or soil (inverse sandcastle method).
Only difference, I charge my coco with 1/4 strength nutes; I wait on nutrients with soil.

Otherwise, I just sit them on a paint can & roll that fabric pot off like a used rubber.

Mist root ball with water, sprinkle a little mycos, then plant in it's new home.

I top dress it with a little more coco, then call it good. I also hit it with those same "charging nutes" the following day.
Awesome! Thanks P! :high-five:
Do you let the plant dry out a little before transplant?
Got the last of my birthday gifts in the mail today!
Bought this one myself!

How friggin' awesome is this rolling tray!
Hope your birthday was a gas! Beautiful work on the deck and the defol (after telling us no stripping until after stretch...tease!). Seems like your back is feeling better. :bravo:
Injections have helped a bunch!

My primary doc has adjusted my other medications as well for the Graves.
I'm finally starting to shake out of this funk.
Covering Jesus with weed... :thumb:
Man... he put this plant was put here for our use! Seemed fitting for him to give me the ok every time I smoke. LoL
Did a little bud porn photo shoot this morning... boredom is getting to me. LoL

Down to my last fat nug from the Critical+ harvest. She's been my favorite smoke over the last few weeks.

Had to get some last pics before she gone...

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