Hey P hope all is well. Just wanted to take a minute to tell ya not to get impatient with the BBtwist bro. I really does turn almost over night about weeks 8 to 9 and really darkens in if you put it in the chilliest part of your tent.. Temps need to be around mid 60s to get it really darkened in.. It was my experience any way that it is a picky B, and works on its own terms and time frame.. I will bulk up quite a bit more in the next couple of weeks.. Unless you need it for therapy, I would let it have its time, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. Good smoke, really good fruity Indica buzz.. Good luck bro, and Green days
Yeah buddy!
I'll hold off until she let's me know.
Candida weighed in at 3.5-ish oz before I jarred everything. The smell is completely different in the jar, opposed to the smell in the room when I open the jar. It's strange.
Nose in the jar, smells fruity/planty/earthy, but if I even crack that jar for a couple minutes, my entire house will smell like a skunk.

Here's a shot of the tops I used to make tincture yesterday.

I'll update a bit more as these buds cure & develop.
They look pretty nice as is....
So, as I'm checking up on the girls today, I found a interesting surprise waiting in the BB Twist pot:

That's a first for me! Appears that one of these kinky B's has been shooting out babies. LoL
Haha! Quick little fucker too! It wasn't there at "lights-out" time last night, at 6pm. But was standing 3" tall this morning at 6am. LoL

Might be a sign to chop her though cuz if shes spat out a bean?
Interesting development P.. I never had that blessing with them, but I really don't expose any of my girls to pollen unless it is on purpose. I usually don't grow to create gear at home, but have recently been playing in that area.. Green days bro and to all
Yeah man! It appears that my garden has been a hot bed for nanners. Not terrible, but I've plucked 2 or 3 this grow, and I've also found 1-2 seeds in each plant so far. I'll be more observant next grow, but I'll still chalk this up as a win. Free beans! I might actually clear up enough space to grow them someday. LoL
That’s crazy! Did you replant it haha!
No... sadly, I'm just not ready for another baby right now. LoL

I'm sure I'll find at least one more bean on BB Twist during the harvest process. I've been bagging & tagging all the beans I find.
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