Your PE looks great. I flipped mine last night only because the tallest one wasn't really developing any pistils. So I'm helping it along. I'm bending down the tall colas now to even out the canopy and it looks like the one plant will develop some killer bud. I'm actually calling my messed up topped plant the Twinlline instead of Ase's Quadline, which is something I think may produce some fat colas. The stalks on this are huge and I'm really impressed for the size of the trunk for an auto.
Anyhow I'll have some pics up shortly but thought I would get caught up here first. Again, welcome back!
Everything looks amazing and it's so nice to see the beautiful green color on all those leaves. I remember when I first came across your journal and the plants were kinda small and all the leaves were speckled with thrip bites...and now it's night and day! Incredible progress you've made P and I'm glad I got to see it happen.

Training on Jolene is a beautiful sight BTdubs!
Pineapple Express auto finally came down today. She made it 93 days from sprout and flowered for 63.

Turned out some good numbers. Total harvest was 461 g with all the trim & fans. Around 12 oz of that was good buds. Estoy contento!

Here's a couple fans that were a bit unique:

There were many more beautiful fans, these 2 just happened to survive without getting all beat up. LoL

So, Jolene shifted out after PE came down.

I was shocked when I pulled her from the "drip pan". Those roots tho...

Busy day!

Hope y'all are having a great hump-day!
Nice Harvest! I like the red leaf. Auto monsters!
She surprised the hell outta me. I normally harvest an ounce+/- a few g's from every auto I've grown. This gal was a shocker!
Wow! Nice harvest there :). Time to drop another seed before you get used to having an empty closet...

Did your wife learn the ways of the trimming?
She loved it! Honestly! It was a blast... hit me right in the feels, to know she really was never interested in this, but can't get enough now that she has seen it change my life.
What a cool deal. She trimmed fans, then handed over to me to shape buds and clean out sugars. Assembly line style.
It kept all of our trim separated too.

I think the popcorn & sugars from this harvest will be used to make some DIY vape juice for my e-cig. Trying something new....

Sometimes, the moons just align. I dig it!
Looking great bro! Congrats on that huge harvest:D

*Insert Ice Cube "yayee yayee" meme here.


(You already have a mental picture, I'm sure)
Hahaha that’s a good way to do it! I’ve seen them all multiple times :D so keep this new way up hahaha
Omg I just hade a idea after looking at your beautiful pics Preston scratch and sniff bud stickers. Omg

You could order scent samples from the breeder! Yesssssss!
Congrats on the harvest and beautiful grow ya got going on Keepem Green
I think the popcorn & sugars from this harvest will be used to make some DIY vape juice for my e-cig. Trying something new....
If you figure out a fine recipe for vape juice that doesn’t separate, please share. I have yet to have success with a home recipe, have to add the concentrate to Wax Liquidizer or EJMix.
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