Mulching Definitely Isn't A Bad Idea Brother! & Phenomenal Work w/ This Journal Also!
The Mulch you added(the stone) a week or two ago wasn't a bad idea at all brother!
I've started mulching maybe 3 harvests ago and I've notice that when you do so it keep the soil evenly moist and allow the roots to literally live on top of the soil!
Maybe get back to it for you next grow or something?! I'd give it another try for sure!
As soon as I get my babies out of these solo cups, I'll mulch them no doubt!
With mulch you can water less often and the roots will literally grow all the way to the top of the soil!
Since your following my journal, I'll be sure to document it well for you!
Great work tho for sure! On this journal and the other one!
Subscribed here too! Best wishes in the end game!
& Blessing brother!
Ps, there will never be a need to flush an organic soil.
Our soils are designed to lock nutrients up within the microorganisms rather than releasing them!
I've never flushed and always had cleaner smoke(white ashes, no harshness) than anything that I can buy!
A super slow dry and a nice cure it all you need!
A flush for use is simply watering until you get some runoff!
Don't use any teas or any of that for the last few weeks also!
I think you said you had some smoke that didn't burn super smooth after you last harvest? I think you said it burned hot?
Maybe it was because you didn't go water only in the final weeks?
The last 2-3wk your plants should be changing colors(red,purples,greens, blacks, yellows, etc.) and the older fans should be dying!