Tegridy Farms: Going Crazy On Indica & Hybrids 4th Grow

yes, the low temps can definitely slow down the growth. As far as the base goes... just let it work the way it is intended... the drainage holes at the bottom are for excess water to drain out so it doesn't stagnate in the bottom of the container. They are not for air. Air comes in from the top, as the top of the water table acts as a diaphragm to pull the air down deep into the soil. You are overthinking this. Just think of all the good nutritious soil you could have had in there at the bottom instead of the rocks.
I see, the smartpots/fabric dont have any drainage.. like GG mentioned it sits flat on the ground.. thanks made more sense now and will take this into my next grows.
So for now I will make sure for the wet to dry cyclus.
I would like you to read my biggest accomplishment yet, my watering thread. Read it to get down the concept of the wet/dry cycle and why it is important to saturate the soil and then wait for the plant to use all of that water, and then use what I say there to adapt your system for better root growth.
The Proper Way to Water a Potted Plant (in soil) - STICKY (100k+ views and Counting)
This thread is the key to soil Peter. I love Emilya's commitment to this method and with the addition of watering the outside edges of the pots to encourage root growth , it's a sure fire winner. This is what I meant by "wet feet" with the auto watering and also flat on the floor not letting pots dry out below enough to drop the table. I am still learning on this one myself with Emilyas thread being reread constantly. a winner when you get it right i think. good luck mate.
This thread is the key to soil Peter. I love Emilya's commitment to this method and with the addition of watering the outside edges of the pots to encourage root growth , it's a sure fire winner. This is what I meant by "wet feet" with the auto watering and also flat on the floor not letting pots dry out below enough to drop the table. I am still learning on this one myself with Emilyas thread being reread constantly. a winner when you get it right i think. good luck mate.
Thanks for calling the right person for help and will have a look in the thread for sure!
Thanks for calling the right person for help and will have a look in the thread for sure!
Pleasure Peter , emilya is a godess on soil and beneficial. She is also pushing envelopes with the Mc in normal soil too.
Thanks Emilya ( Still think member of the year title has your name on it for me. )
We live and learn Peter. This is why I am still running another medium alongside the LOS. Once I am confident of my knowledge and experience, I will upscale to a bigger plant bed. Hope you get is sorted now. keep up the good work mate.
Just did a defol for some lightpenetration and airflow, these fat indica leaves :green_heart:
Also some supercropping on the bigger ones to let the smaller ones to catch up.
O and yeah I raised the wattage to around 600W to get some more heat in this big tent.

Just lst'd them all and it's filling the room up quite nicelly now!
Added aome superthrive maybe it helps the plants to recover from previous problem.
Finally switched the clock to grow some nice cola's.. hope the stretch will fill up some spots.
looking brilliant mate. The stretch will more than fill it out !!!. lol you love a good garden wrestle mate.lol what happens if the plants win ????. heehee. Be ready for some bending stems.
looking brilliant mate. The stretch will more than fill it out !!!. lol you love a good garden wrestle mate.lol what happens if the plants win ????. heehee. Be ready for some bending stems.
Haha you have a good point on that lol
Could've switched earlier but I didn't as some of the plants were alot smaller so I did allot of supercropping on the bigger ones to let the others catch up.
Got some nice fat stems to hold up the fruits on most of them, especially the Northern Lights and Big Buds grow really thick stems on them :D
Hey Pete looking good buddy. That NL x BB is really good! I’ll definitely be growing it again. Gorgeous taste I can’t get enough of the rosin. You’re in for a treat.
Hey Pete looking good buddy. That NL x BB is really good! I’ll definitely be growing it again. Gorgeous taste I can’t get enough of the rosin. You’re in for a treat.
Nice! How long did they flower?
Hmm a little defol to get some light to lower budsites, all looking quite well..
Got some good light flower power in here with the extra QB :D
Using every last bit of the tent! Awesome and so efficient! I got so much equipment sitting on the floor of my tent I definitely need to rethink setup to maximize space. Im basically using only 1 corner of my tent for my plants....no good
Using every last bit of the tent! Awesome and so efficient! I got so much equipment sitting on the floor of my tent I definitely need to rethink setup to maximize space. Im basically using only 1 corner of my tent for my plants....no good
What kind of equipment do you have on the floor? I have my dehumidifier outside the tent and blowing inside when they are in flower to keep RH low. The rest is just every inch plants :D
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