Technician's Indoor


Here she is at Day 36. For example just turned off the lights for 15 minutes in dark room as well and misted her with water and turned the lights back one. Humidity has been low af outside lately. Best to always try to keep the RO at 53-55% which weed likes a little humidity but 60% is too much. Got a humidifier and a wet towel hanging in the tent

She liked the feeding. Highly recommend Roots Organics ;) . Organic is the way to go bro although this fox farm soil is fully organic but all I could get and still some great soil.

Love this great white you don’t need to add as much as the bottle says that’s just to get u to buy more lol. I use it like once a week when the roots are big enough to drink it up when their small it’s just a waste imho but when she’s this big they’ll use it all in the water


flipped her last night to 12/12 as im worried about space she will get huge in that 13 gallons. plus im sick of shitty dispensary weed.. legal but fucking dogshit of medicine here state ruined it. so at day 39 began flowering hehe nice sized for day 39 if i must say great genes.. all about the roots boys
gave her a feeding of plant success myco Chum (1-0-3) at 1 teaspoon per gallon plus few drops superthrive per gal. she drinks 2 gallons total every two days. pretty hot outside here still and in the tent ready for that 5 degree drop inside come fall lol
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