See? In my world that girl would have come down yesterday.
Those pictures are excellent. I believe I'll look at those macro lenses for the iPhone. It gets a little dicey sometimes with my little 10x loupe.
I've been meaning to ask, what chemovar do you reach for most frequently? Do you have morning vs evening preferences? In truth, I've only been smoking good cannabis for three years. I don't consider anything prior to my coming to 420 Magazine worth comparing. I'm just now beginning to distinguish the subtleties of the strains and now that I've grown a wider selection I'm beginning to notice distinct preferences. This is still all so new to me. I've spent the past three years just enjoying the ability to smoke at will, so getting high and staying there were the overriding concerns.
Now the daughter's meds are pretty much set, and my own preferences are as well. I have all these other bits and pieces of harvests that I'll incorporate into medicine, but I'm fascinated by what we reach for most of the time, when we have the freedom to do so. For me that's Carnival, the standard I judge all others against. I don't think it's possible for me to grow enough Carnival.
It makes it challenging to get variety into the grow when I already have 5 plants that stay in continual rotation with only 5 spaces to drop them into for flowering. Yes I know..... the solution is to increase yields. Working on that as we speak.
Those pictures are excellent. I believe I'll look at those macro lenses for the iPhone. It gets a little dicey sometimes with my little 10x loupe.
I've been meaning to ask, what chemovar do you reach for most frequently? Do you have morning vs evening preferences? In truth, I've only been smoking good cannabis for three years. I don't consider anything prior to my coming to 420 Magazine worth comparing. I'm just now beginning to distinguish the subtleties of the strains and now that I've grown a wider selection I'm beginning to notice distinct preferences. This is still all so new to me. I've spent the past three years just enjoying the ability to smoke at will, so getting high and staying there were the overriding concerns.
Now the daughter's meds are pretty much set, and my own preferences are as well. I have all these other bits and pieces of harvests that I'll incorporate into medicine, but I'm fascinated by what we reach for most of the time, when we have the freedom to do so. For me that's Carnival, the standard I judge all others against. I don't think it's possible for me to grow enough Carnival.
It makes it challenging to get variety into the grow when I already have 5 plants that stay in continual rotation with only 5 spaces to drop them into for flowering. Yes I know..... the solution is to increase yields. Working on that as we speak.