Something I didn't mention in my original post...
While I stated that I grow for personal use only, that wasn't entirely accurate. My Dad is 80 years old and has several ailments that make life extremely difficult for him including both Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) and Parkinson's Disease.
PHN is severe nerve pain that's brought on by Shingles. In most cases, it goes away after a few weeks or months, but in some cases can last years and/or never go away. Unfortunately, my Dad is in that latter category and has had this pain for a few years now and is literally unable to sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time. Traditional medications do nothing to help him.
The Parkinson's Disease is a whole other issue. He has tremors in his hands that make him unable to do some very simple things which, in turn, make him feel "helpless" and cause extreme frustration and depression. For example, he can't use his computer mouse because his hands tremble so severely, and he can't order soup at a restaurant, etc.
I had attempted to do research on MMJ and Parkinson's but, of course, the research is simply insufficient due to lack of funding for anything that might show MMJ is better than big pharma (remember, big pharma can't patent a plant!!!). There was some research on some similar disorders (MS & Epilepsy), but almost nothing on Parkinson's.
Now, you also have to understand my Dad. He was a lawyer for 45 years and about as straight as they come. Kind of a nerdy/geek type, but always been the best father I could ask for. When he & my Mom were first married (about 50 years ago!), they tried "pot" once with another married couple, and the other woman, according to the story, starting "freaking out & hallucinating".
While they were aware, especially as I became older, that I smoked, we rarely discuss it other than an occasional comment, and I would certainly never smoke in front of them or show up smelling like bong water!
I had told them many times over the years that, if she was freaking out & hallucinating she had to have some mental problems to begin with since MMJ just doesn't do that (or, they'd charge more money for it!
That being said, about a year or two ago, after a LOT of "encouragement" from me and a lot of failures from his doctors, he agreed to try smoking some MMJ I gave him.
I was really hoping that it would help with his hand tremors from the Parkinson's but figured, in an absolute worst case, it would help with his depression. In truth, at the time, I wasn't even thinking about the PHN.
Well, the first night he tried smoking, while it didn't really help with the tremors, he was able to sleep for SEVEN straight hours - the longest sleep he had in something like three years!
Since then, he has purchased a vape and vaping before bed has become a regular routine for him. He's finally able to regularly get a complete night's sleep!
He's now become a "true convert" and is constantly telling me and my Mom that I have done more to help him than all of his doctors combined.
Now here's something funny...No one in my family knows I grow, but my dad has become a big proponent for legalization and he does know I grow a lot of fruits and vegetables, so he told me that he wants to make me his Caretaker!
He keeps asking questions about how I would do it, etc. and I just keep telling him not to worry about it, I can get it done! The other night he was asking if I would grow using hydroponics!
Anyways, because I'm a late-harvesting, couchlock-loving, indicaholic, it only makes sense(amilla
) that my meds would work well for his pain and sleep.
A couple of weeks ago, I brought him his first edibles. I made him some cranberry raisin oatmeal cookies (I kept some for me, too!) from a mild batch of cannabutter made with the MagicalButter machine and he's now up to two cookies.
I'm guessing to help with his Parkinson's, I'm going to need some good high CBD strains. While I'm aware of a number of them out there, I'm wondering if anyone here has had any experience and or success using MMJ to treat Parkinson's? I'm interested in hearing your experience!