T Trichome Peyote Wifi Clone Run

We are back with our lady day 5 lights off. Shes sitting in 23 degrees Celsius, 52 % rh. We've steadily kept a nice 4 degree swing from "night and day" temps. With not much fluctuations to our rh. Environment is playing a crucial role in her steadily increasing vigor and her seamless transition. We gotta keep her dialed in.

Her medium is getting on the drier end of the spectrum. Which is right on par with our intended start of day 6 watering. With such a large starting container I want it to have as good a wet to dry cycle as possible.... allowing the medium to get a bit dry prevents over saturation issues. But also cant let it go to dry or we will get under watering issues. All about a good balance "wet to dry cycle" is key.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Was jamming with my purple berry kush clone today and I thought I'd let her strut her stuff on my peyote wifi journal for a bit of bud candy during veg. Happy growing and stay lit fam


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i wanted to try some cbd stuff but maybe this is a sign from heaven and anyway after reading your posts im more than happy with the regular strain
no cbd 4me thc ftw : D
happy growing and thanks for the welcome : )
This variety piles trichomes ontop of trichomes FAM! Full scale blanketing. U will not be disappointed, that is for sure.
So its day 6 and counting lol. Fucking absolutely cooking outside, but inside this beauties domain.... it's a cozy 24.5 degrees Celsius 48% rh. Shit I'm about to move in there myself.

We gave her 4 liters of ph balanced water to 6.4. Equipped with 1ml per liter of Armor si and had about 10% run off. Run off came out at 6.3.
Next watering shes due for a feed and we will give her a bit more than last time due to her strength and vigor.

Today we gave her a topping removing the uppermost node. This will cause her to switch focus to her side branching. Once the side branches have some length, we will get to our lst training and some tie downs.

We will be opening her right up, and spreading her branches out. Creating a wider more full plant. This will get colas into there own space in the canopy, and open to recieve the best light possible. Also allowing better airflow and circulation throughout our plant and our bud sites.

We will be striving to create a nice even, full canopy. That should always be the goal. Before the topping she was standing at 7 inches tall. After topping she is now 6.5 inches. Very happy with her progress thus far.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Its day 6 lights off and the beauty is plugging away and fattening up her foliage! Got some large lush leaves going on. Her growth seems completely unphased by the topping... no stunting, hell she didnt even slow down for a second.

Its currently 22 degrees Celsius with a rh of 55%. Shes loving it. The silica (Armor Si) has been putting in work. Her main stalk is getting nice and thick, nothing like a solid frame! It will help thicken all her branches, so they dont flop like limp noodles under the weight of the bud girth. Love silica agents.

We will let this baby do her thing and we will pick back up with her on day 7. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Start of day 7 and we had a ton of activity. Side branches really took off due to topping her. Already doubling in size since the SNIP. Our top set of fans really gained size and character. Her all around growth continues to flourish. This phenos vigor always amazes me.

Her domain is 25.5 degrees Celsius with a rh of 52%. Making it quite comfortable for her to take her topping in stride. We will let her relax for a couple more days before we break into some more structural work on her.

We've almost capped off her first week! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam!


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It lights off day 7 to wrap up week 1. Outside is much cooler temps than the previous days... but it doesn't feel that way with a rh of 85%. Plus no rainfall predicted until Tuesday. Not impressed. But on the bright side the ladies enjoying her stay in 23 degrees celcius 55% rh.

Her top growth has really reved up and is developing very quickly. Fan leaves continue to fatten up and are nice and vibrant. Growth improved 10 fold by the topping, as this strain loves it. Cant wait to start training her.

Had a wonderful start to this ladies life gotta keep it up and we will be richly rewarded.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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It's the start of week 2 and day 8 of veg. She is now 7 inches tall topped and booming with strength. Shes been fed nutes once and had 2 fresh water feeds with just armor si. Gauging by a weight and finger test shes on course for a day 9 feed.

Shes advanced alot and really showed vigor, so we lowered her light to 15 inches away. That will boost her lumen exposure and help support her rapid changes. Shes currently sitting in 24 degrees Celsius 54% rh. After a few more minutes I'll have her at 25 degrees celcius and around 50% rh.... let her marinate like that for the rest of lights on.

Being able to control ur environmental as best as possible is key..... I know I keep saying that... but I'll keep saying it too. Right now its 27 degrees celcius and 85% rh outdoors in my region. I got plants flowering. Point finished.
U never know what's coming ur way be prepared to fix any level from relative humidity and temperature to ph balance and tds values.
Monitor everything as close as u can.

Shes super perky and just loving the closer lamp! Top set of fans leaves are dropping and starting to reach out. Fattening themselves up in the process. Side branches are flourishing most starting on their second node now. Just a couple more days max and we will be getting hands on LST style.

That's that for the update and we will pick up at lights off. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Its Day 8 lights off and its 22 degrees Celsius and 48% rh in her environment currently. Got equipment geared to elevate the rh to 52% and we will stand there for the rest of lights off.

Her fan leaves are getting huge and side branching continues too boom. Training is near. Shes been light on the drinking the past day. So we will now actually be feeding day 10. It is so important to have a solid wet to dry cycle between every watering. Watering on a schedule does not account for fluctuations in drinking habits. Let ur girl and her medium tell u when its time to water.

We will let her do some marinating and pick back up with her day 9 lights on. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam!


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Day 9 is kicking off and this ladies praying to the led gods above. Great sign the day after u do lighting adjustments. I knew she was ready for a bit more... just by the way her leaves were talking to me. Ull grow to learn how much ur ladies can handle, and when they are ready for a bit more action!

Shes currently sitting in 25 degrees celcius 48%rh. We got the equipment dialed in to get the rh up a couple percent to 50. That is where we will keep her at for the day. Dialed in baby!!!

Side branching continues to stack it up and gain length. She has some wonderful natural branch structure.... that just makes LST life so much easier with her. Heavily trainable variety.

Her moisture levels are still adequate. More than enough in the pot to coast to day 10. She will be waiting for a good balanced feed than for sure.

Wonderful stable veg cycle so far.... let's keep it that way. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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We are here lights off day 9 with our peyote wifi clone. Its 21.5 degrees Celsius 49 % rh and shes nice and cozy. Vibrant, lush leaves mask this babies thickening main stalk as she takes a break from photosynthesis.

Her pot is very light and her medium is getting close to needing replenishing. After this full lights off she will get her fill. Side branching is hitting full throttle, and stacking nodes. Most are three nodes starting on their fourth. With the top couple nodes still remaining compact.

This is exactly what we wanted from topping. Now all our side branches tops will be even at the top of our canopy. Creating much better light coverage, and flower development to all parts of our plant. With a good lollipop before flower switch we will be optimizing our plant very well.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam!


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Its day 10 lights on and we started her day with a feeding. We elevated her nitrogen just a touch and everything else was stand pat. So her feed was looking like so :
1ml per liter Armor SI
.5ml per liter cali magic
.5ml per liter flora micro
1 ml per liter flora gro
.25 ml per liter flora bloom
Ph 6.3 (didnt want to fiddle for a point)
Tds 566

The elevated nitrogen was to support the boom in new growth she has been exploding with. Next feed our micro will come up a touch along with our cali magic. That wont be until week 3 so its fresh water ph balanced to 6.4, with our 1 ml per liter armor si for the next 2 feeds.

Shes currently in 24 degrees celcius 49% rh and loving life! Leaves are praying with leaf blades like daggers pointing toward our panel... BLESSED! Side branching continues with vigor and it just might be go time tomorrow to jump off with som LST.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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We are back with our peyote wifi lady day 10 lights off. Its currently 22 degrees celcius 48% rh nice and comfortable. She responded terrifically to our increased feed and is growing stronger and looking sexier than ever.

We are going to get to work on some LST once lights are back on, to kick off day 11. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Day 11 lights on, its 24.5 degrees Celsius 49% rh keeping it steadily cozy for this princess. Her side branching went off and got some more length going on. More than enough to work with training wise. So we will start our training tomorrow lights on. I know I had said today but got a huge purple berry kush lady coming down and that takes priority.

Progress is going perfect and the main part is my ladies happy and healthy. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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We are back day 11 lights off with our peyote wifi clone. Shes nice and cozy starting lights off in 24.5 degrees Celsius 49%rh. Within the hour we had her down to 22 degrees celcius 50% rh. Where we will hold it for the rest of lights off.

Side branches are getting large and thick. Starting lst tomorrow is essential because soon branches will be much stiffer and harder to manipulate. Nows the time to work alot more freely with them.

Gauging by a weight and finger check shes just under half her water volume. Atleast all lights off and another day before shell be getting dry and in need of replenishment. I'd say day 13.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Its day 12 and man she put in work during lights off hours. She seemed to fire at all cylinders improving every portion of her foliage and branching. I'm loving it!

Shes enjoying her stay in 24.5 degrees celcius 53% rh. Our environment is making it easy on her to do her thing. I'm playing "GOD" and shes praying to me every morning lol.

We got to work with our training. Manipulating colas into their own space around the plant. Tieing them down into position with garden tie, through holes I poked into her pot. Getting them out away from the main stalk into open area for them to dominate.

As our branch length continues to increase. We will continue to train them out and more horizontal. This will create a wider bushier plant, with a nice even canopy.

Alot of people defoliate at this point in the training. Removing larger shading leaves to get the trained limbs more light. In my experience these limbs will extend past these hindering leaves in a short day or two. Why remove your photosynthesis machines that are doing most the work. For 1 earlier day of optimal lighting to the branches.

Unless I am going to be manipulating the main stalk, i try to keep all the leaves intact. First real defoliating I'll do is lolipoping her. We will do that as training is more complete. We will go over that technique once we are there.

Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Day 12 lights off and its 22 degrees Celsius 56%rh. It was that time to do some pest prevention measures on this lady. I like to do a treatment once every 2 weeks of veg. Last being right before flower switch. To try and ensure a pest free flower cycle (as during flowering treatment options are very limited).

We started off with a full clean down of the tent and grow space. Plus a light treatment to the corners and edges. We used a light mainly canola based mix to spray on both sides of the leaves . Starting from the base of our plant upwards.

Spraying like this ensures if there is anything on my leaves, and they try to drop. They will be dropping into already treated areas. Thus improving the effectiveness of the spray.
I let the treatment sit for 15 minutes basically as it was starting to dry up. This treatment only remains effective wet. Than I used straight ph balanced water in a mister. To wash off the drying treatment from the leaves.

If u allow the treatment to dry and build up on the leaves It causes burning. Plus over treating your plant can cause toxicity. The build up also clogs the leaves pores and reduces their effectiveness. We wash away the excess after effectiveness has degraded to prevent the above from taking place.

She seemed to take it all great! We will pick back up with her day 13. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam.


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