Synthetic urine


420 Member
Hi all , so I’m in a situation where I may have to unexpectedly take a drug test at my job , I have always carried quick fix plus as it has been known for years to be reliable , but I am hearing now that labs can detect the synthetic urine and that I’m better off going with quick luck or sub solution. Any thoughts on this ?
I have used synthetic urine with no issues for many many years.

But depending on what your peeing In A cup for, they might go the extra mile like parole, government job, dot medical exam, etc

People get caught using synthetic urine. By pouring it in the cup and walking out with a cup at 70f.

Urine from your body will always be 90+f as it hits the cup depending on ambient room temp.
ive only used powdered urine (passitkit) as liquid can be detected depending on who is testing . had 2 pre and 5 randoms
I’ve been in a similar spot before, and I understand your concern. Quick Fix Plus has been reliable for a lot of people, but I’ve heard the same thing about labs possibly detecting it. A friend of mine switched to Sub Solution after hearing about these detection issues and felt it worked better for him.
I did 5 years supervised released with the Feds. They test for adulterants/synthetic urine ect. And, if you get caught? Its Fraud Charge.
As said depends on what test is for, as a job might run a different test than for a CDL or Justice System checking on you or anything where the stakes are higher. Only real 100% way is to quit, I did for a couple decades as had jobs that did randoms all the time. And if you got hurt and not pass blood test at hospital not only would you lose your job but workman's comp might screw with you too. Like everything else in life it changes, as both sides try and stay ahead of each other ;). Saw many of folks fail at the Lumber Mill I worked at, management couldn't say so they would say "they no longer working here" when we had our 25% monthly random drawing (we called it the lottery). And it was totally random might go 6 months and not get drawn or get pulled 3 times in a 4 month period, I was there for like10 yrs. So yeah can vary on ones consequences and how tough a test they running or if they only running certain ones, as cost goes up the more drugs you are looking for in the test along with amounts as small amount can be fine.

As more States go legal eventually the Feds have to pull their head out of their ass an de-schedule it (or I sure hope, but it's drug on for years like everything else), along with coming up with a test so they could tell if you were using it on the job or some other time, instead of failing when toking 20 days prior on your days off.
i have passed 5 test , 4 of them were "RANDOMS" ( someone talked ) and they knew i could cheat and they kept trying but i use powdered synthetic from passitkit . I worked in a medical lab and even had a quest tech let me know they were notified so i know they were watching me and looked at my sample with a microscope and never got me . only l;iquide urine uses biocides needed to keep it self stable .
I did 5 years supervised released with the Feds. They test for adulterants/synthetic urine ect. And, if you get caught? Its Fraud Charge.
ive tested my urine at quest 4 times as well as my own VALIDATION SVT specimen validity test ( i know quest ran a SVT as they knew i may be cheating ) as well as UA and all level are within normal human range , FAKE IT powdered urine from passitkit is undetectable
I’ve been in a similar spot before, and I understand your concern. Quick Fix Plus has been reliable for a lot of people, but I’ve heard the same thing about labs possibly detecting it. A friend of mine switched to Sub Solution after hearing about these detection issues and felt it worked better for him.
I also looked into detailed synthetic urine reviews to see what others were saying and found some good insights there. If you’re worried, checking out local shops that sell different options might give you a better sense of what’s available and what’s currently considered reliable.
what’s available and what’s currently considered reliable.: ALL pre filled liquid urine contains biocides and or peroxides and thus are flat odorless and detectable . powdered synthetic is superior if you can find it and its not over priced its the best choice
that's not right at all. Powdered is not the best by far. biocide is a very broad term. Anything that will kill or inhibit bacteria is a biocide. There are liquid synthetics that are in my opinion superior to powdered by a long shot.
ive been testing for over 25 years ive used powder at quest five times and i have tested this stuff myself with both validation ( Creatinine, Glutaraldehyde, Nitrites, Oxidants / Pyridinium Chlorochromate, PH, Specific Gravity
..) and UA sticks looking at Urobilinogen, Bilirubin,Ketone,Creatinine,Blood,Protein, Micro Albumin,Nitrite,Leukocytes,Glucose.Specific Gravity, pH,Ascorbate,Calcium.. NOTHING and i mean NOTHING but all normal human levels . yet i can find plenty of folks who have been detected using liquid products. BIOCIDE as in peroxides and other oxidizing agents (e.g. Glutaraldehyde , nitrites) , easy to look up patent info on liquid products and you can see what they put in it regarding these agents that are needed to keep it looking fake yellow color on the shelf .

the thing is not all places are LABS many are collection centers that use e cups and only send to lab if it says positive.
as well as it also matters WHO is collecting, whats the SOP? some karen may lok at it and see its flat and odorless as most liquides are and toss it and reequest another. you can pass with liquide IF they dont care how it looks or doesnt smell and the validation ( if one is ran ) doesnt detect soemthing that should not be thier . i know off top of my head i have seen upass and quick fix and few others users mention failing a number of times. but i have never heard of same issues regardign powdered .
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